I am Busy Farming In the Cold Palace
I am Busy Farming In the Cold Palace Chapter 161

Chapter 161: 舅舅回来了

[Uncle is back]

Eunuch Shi was hurried to listen attentively. 

“The temperature is going to cool down in a few days. There are still seven roosters and five hens in the courtyard of this palace, you must go back and instruct the subordinates of the Cold Palace to take good care of them, but don’t let them run around, it’s very easy to get sick.”

Eunuch Shi’s mouth twitched slightly.

Your Highness, are you seriously worrying about the chickens you raised?

“Alright, that’s all, Eunuch Shi, look, is there anything else?” Lu Yunluo asked.

Eunuch Shi sighed a long breath, ‘Your Majesty ah, this slave, really tried his best. Niang Niang, she is probably more concerned about her crops and her chickens …

Eunuch Shi shook his head and left.

After sending off Eunuch Shi, Lu Yunluo went out to get rid of the grain that was previously stored in a courtyard in the southern part of the city.

Since she was going out to talk about business and sell things, it was better to change into men’s clothes for convenience.

Of course, she didn’t bring Yin Shuang with her, otherwise, she would not have a way to explain those grains.

She went around in front of the major grain shops, inquired about the market price, and found that rice was indeed the most expensive of all grains.

A bucket of rice was about 200 wen, which worked out to be about 20 wen a catty (approximately around 500/600g).

Only some rich people and high ranking officials could afford to eat it.

For example, soybeans were much cheaper, only six wen a bucket.

Lu Yunluo casually found one and sold it according to the market price.

The boss who came over to inspect the goods saw Lu Yunluo’s eyes light up after seeing the rice provided, each grain was full and crystal, not even a trace of impurities.

This is the finest rice ah!

If you want to know, only in the palace, you can get this kind of fine quality rice. 

At that moment, he immediately became excited as he said, “This Gongzi, I wonder, in the future, can you still have this kind of fine rice?”

Just the moment Lu Yunluo wanted to nod her head, however, after she thought that she didn’t know when she would leave the palace next time, she could only helplessly say, “This is not certain, if next time, there are goods in hand, I’ll immediately or be the first to contact you.”

The boss was suddenly a little disappointed.

But think about it, to be able to get this kind of fine grain is occasionally considered good, how can it be possible to get it for the long-term?

In the end, this boss was honest and generous and gave Lu Yunluo a price higher than the market price.

This boss is quite good at dealing with people.

He probably wanted Lu Yunluo to be the first to provide him with this kind of grain next time.

After she was done dealing with the grain matter, Lu Yunluo didn’t stop and returned to the residence.

But when she came back today, there were two more people at the door.

A man wearing purple clothes was sitting in a wheelchair, looking at the gate of the Dingguo Gongfu in a daze.

Behind him stood a personal guard.

Only when Lu Yunluo approached, did the man in the wheelchair become aware of it. He turned around, and saw Lu Yunluo in men’s clothing.

The man seemed to recognise her at a glance and smiled as he said, “You’re still the same. You haven’t changed even a little bit.”

Lu Yunluo also smiled, “That’s for sure, I’m always eighteen. No, always fifteen. That’s also not right, uncle, I was only ten when you left home, and I’m ( a woman who) still dressed as a man, how did you recognise me?”

It can’t be, she still looks the same now just like when she was ten years old?

Su Mo Ran smiled and didn’t answer, “Push me in ba.”

“Good! Sit tight!” Lu Yunluo pushed Su Mo Ran’s wheelchair and rushed all the way to the gate. Her face couldn’t stop smiling.

That’s too great!

This cheap uncle of hers finally came back.

He had made her worried to death.

Isn’t it just that both of his legs can’t walk?

Just see! 

She doesn’t believe that her medical skills couldn’t cure him.

Lu Yunluo thought that when her grandfather saw her uncle, he would be so excited that he would faint, therefore she even had her protect the heart pills ready whenever necessary.


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