The Duke’s Daughter is Involved in Magical Technology
The Duke’s Daughter is Involved in Magical Technology Chapter 1

Chapter 1: Back to the Previous Life

Aresia von Rogest gazed into the mirror.

Reflected in the tall dressing mirror was a slender, youthful figure.

The girl in the mirror has thick long golden curly hair, delicate and fair skin, not even a single freckle, and her facial features are as delicate and beautiful as an angel’s, but her face is slightly pale and she doesn’t look very energetic.

And although she is still young, her body has developed very well. She is already 1.65 meters tall at the age of fourteen or fifteen, and a pure white nightgown cannot cover up her beautiful body curves.

In fact, if you look carefully at the girl in the mirror, she does not look like the sweet and elegant lady that is the most popular nowadays, but rather cold and charming with a bit of heroism, and because she is young and her facial features have not fully grown, she is quite androgynous.

Her somewhat spoiled demeanor marred the otherwise aloof charm, making her seem distant.

A cold, faintly seething anger was evident in the young girl’s face reflected in the mirror, giving off an unmistakably unfriendly air.

This face seemed both familiar and unfamiliar to her.

Raising her gaze from the mirror, Aresia scanned the room, which felt so oddly familiar.

The decor was entirely foreign, filled with delicate and luxurious furnishings that she had once possessed.

Though it had been ages, Aresia recalled that this was her childhood bedroom.

Aresia had been named Aresia in both lifetimes. In her first life, she was the pampered Duke’s Daughter, Aresia von Rogest, who, driven by jealousy, had made a grave mistake involving a commoner boy and met a tragic end.

In her second life, she was still called Aresia but grew up in an ordinary commoner’s household. Her magical talent was exceptional, providing her with an opportunity to change her fate. After two hundred years of relentless effort, she had eventually become a revered Grand Sorceress, known to some as the “Mage Goddess” Aresia.

Aresia recalled that she had been deeply engrossed in magical experiments at the magic tower when an explosion occurred – a fairly common occurrence during a magician’s research endeavors. Aresia was no stranger to the occasional experiment gone awry.

However, the magnitude of this explosion was unexpectedly powerful, likely due to the nature of her research. Even though she had taken every precaution and remained vigilant from start to finish, she couldn’t withstand the impact of the explosion.

Afterwards, Aresia found herself back in the body of her previous life.

At this point, Aresia was fifteen years old, on the brink of entering the comprehensive Royal Academy.

However, the frustrating part was that she had reverted to her former self.

It is good to be young again, but she was already a Grand Sorceress and a revered Mage Goddess. Living for another thousand or two years would have been a simple task at this level. Two hundred years is still young for her level. It’s like becoming a beggar after being a billionaire.

Furthermore, upon thinking that she will attend Royal Academy, Aresia couldn’t hide her frustration.

In her second life, Aresia accidentally regained the memories of her first life. Because she is busy advancing her magical abilities at that time, she doesn’t have extra time to think about her previous life. She couldn’t believe that the Aresia in her previous life were truly as foolish as she remembered or if it had all been a misconception.

The fact that she is in this situation means that she is the foolish girl from her previous life. Aresia was now destined to relive the difficulties of her previous life all over again.

But she is not the Aresia from her memories, and she will not do anything stupid.

Compared to the impending challenges, the explosion and soul-jumping left Aresia’s spirit significantly damaged. This was the aspect that truly warranted her concern.

Her powers had suffered severe damage, and she could barely summon about half the strength she once had. She could just about hold her own against a half-decent mage, even though magic in this world was notably weaker compared to her previous one.

Here, even the most powerful mages barely reached the level of a decent mage. To break through to the rank of a Grand Sorceress was a significant accomplishment. Despite her weakened abilities, Aresia could still hold her ground. However, fully recovering her previous strength would require extensive recuperation and the use of soul-healing magical potions.

“Knock, knock, knock.”

A sudden knocking at the door disrupted Aresia’s thoughts.

“Who is it?”

Her thoughts disrupted and her irritation growing, combined with her adjustment to her altered status, Aresia’s tone involuntarily carried an imposing air befitting a person of high standing.

Taken aback by her tone, the person outside the door hesitated before cautiously replying, “It’s Luna, Miss Aresia.”

The name Luna circled through Aresia’s mind before she recognized it as her personal maid in this current life.

Aresia’s tone softened as she said, “Come in.”

Luna had come to wake Aresia, as she usually needed someone to wake her. However, it seemed that Arecia was unusually awake, which surprised Luna and the other servants.

Last night, Aresia had gone to sleep with a happy expression.

Luna came in with other maids to help Aresia with her morning routine. Aresia appeared uncharacteristically uneasy, not showing any sign of discomport. When the servants tried to put her in a pink fluffy dress adorned with bows and lace and studded with gems, Aresia promptly refused.

She didn’t want to look like a cake, so she walked in the dressing room to looked for a dress she prefers.

“This one.” she said.

The servants were even more surprised as they had rarely seen their young miss favor such a plain gown, not to mention that Aresia didn’t let them decorate her hair today, just a simply braided nun.

Aresia came out of the room and walked downstairs to the dining room along the route in her memory. There was only one meal placed on the long table more than ten meters long. The other owners of this mansion were not at home.

Aresia has three blood relatives in this life, the Duke and Duchess and her brother who is seven years older than her. However, these three are usually very busy people. It is a rare gathering to meet and talk every day at dinner. At other times, as the youngest member of the family, she basically ate alone during this period.

This also made Aresia secretly relieved. She had not yet decided how to face her family in her previous life.

After breakfast, a maid came over and told her that the tailor had arrived.

In less than a month, Aresia, who has been tested to have magical talent since she was a child, will go to the magic department of the Royal Academy. This has been decided for a long time, and the Tailor is here to measure her Tailor-made school uniforms.

Of course, the Royal Academy will distribute school uniforms to students, but aristocratic families prefer to find tailors they are familiar with to tailor them, and then choose more comfortable and expensive fabrics. Anyway, as long as the style and color comply with the school’s regulations, the school does not care what the students wear. What material are school uniforms made of?

The person in charge of the measurement was a middle-aged woman who smiled brightly and spoke nicely. She kept complimenting Aresia throughout the whole process without making anyone feel impatient.

As she measured, she casually mentioned, “Miss Aresia, you’ve grown quite a bit.”

Aresia responded, “Is that so? No wonder I’ve been feeling a bit restricted in my clothes lately. Do they have any styles for comfortable everyday wear? I’d like to have a few outfits tailored for wearing outside of school.”

The Royal Academy was a five-day boarding school, allowing students to leave only on the last two days of the week. While they weren’t required to wear their school uniforms all the time, students like Aresia, who had social status, needed a variety of casual attire in addition to their uniforms.

The woman’s smile grew even warmer when she heard about making clothes, and she hurriedly said, “Of course, we have some options.”

Her husband was a renowned tailor in the empire, and it was common for people to come to them for tailored school uniforms. While taking measurements for the girls, the woman took the opportunity to promote their shop’s other clothing styles. Every time she visited a customer’s home, she would carry a few fashion catalogs with her. Hearing Aresia’s request, she immediately had her assistant fetch two catalogs.

“This one here is the latest skirt styles, and the other one showcases classic designs that are quite popular at the Royal Academy.”

Aresia skipped to the catalog that featured the recent trends, then flipped through the other one.

The catalog she chose indeed contained simple and convenient styles, while the so-called classic designs were known for their versatility and were not too flashy. Tailors often made modifications to these classic styles based on customer preferences, ensuring that each wearer didn’t feel awkward when encountering someone in the same outfit.

Some even considered picking and modifying these “classic styles” a sign of refined taste.

What Aresia valued most was their simplicity and convenience. She selected a few sets of everyday wear from the catalogs and had no intention of making any modifications.

After selecting the clothing styles and the materials for buttons and other accessories, the woman provided a list of fabrics and materials available in their shop for Aresia to choose from. Most of them were standard fabrics and gold or silver accessories, which didn’t quite satisfy Aresia.

She hesitated for a moment and then asked, “Do you have any fabric made from magical spider silk?”

Magical spider silk referred to the silk produced by a type of spider monster that could produce magical threads. It was a versatile material used for a wide range of magical fabrics, crossing different levels and price ranges. It was often favored by individuals.

The woman was taken aback and forced a smile, saying, “You’re joking, right? I think only alchemists can get their hands on something like that.”

The woman had little knowledge of tailoring, but this is her first time hearing about using magical spider silk, it was highly toxic to the touch, and she wondered who would dare to wear such a material.

The woman wasn’t sure if it was a joke from the Duke’s daughter, or if she had genuinely come across some magical spider silk. What if she really went to get some magic spider silk and got poisoned.

The concerned woman couldn’t help but advise, “Magical spider silk is poisonous. Even a slight touch can corrode your skin, so be extremely cautious, Miss Aresia.”

Aresia, who had been lost in thought about fabric choices, finally came to her senses. She wasn’t the Mage Goddess Aresia anymore; she was in a world where things were different.

Even though she couldn’t find magical spider silk, there were still other valuable magical fabrics that she could obtain from a tailor shop.

Understanding this, Aresia quickly chose several fabrics recommended by the woman, suitable for her everyday wear, and hastily wrapped up this tailoring session.

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