Start by Spending One Billion [Entertainment Industry]
Start by Spending One Billion [Entertainment Industry] Chapter 10

Chapter 10

Sheng Quan owns a building now.

In fact, when the building, labeled “[ssr]” by 006, was drawn out by her, her first reaction was: Did 006 secretly open a back door for me?

006 was greatly shocked and loudly expressed his grievances: “How could that be! I’ve tried it! There’s absolutely no way to open a back door! This is something the host drew out herself!”

Sheng Quan: …So you did actually try to open a back door for me.

She actually drew out a building without the system opening a back door.

And it’s not just any building, it’s a 33-story commercial building in Shanghai, with its total area measured in hundreds of thousands of units.

What does it mean to own such a building?

Just ask any passerby, and they can tell you the value it represents – land is precious.

Sheng Quan herself was surprised because she had always had average luck. She didn’t have much hope for the lottery results at all. Even the lowest option was “Half-year rental of a commercial building, ground floor,” so she remained pretty calm.

After all, it was all for free, and even if she got the lowest option, it would still save her a lot of money.

Before the draw, she was even eating jianbing guozi that Yu Xiangwan brought back for her from the mountain.

And it wasn’t even the deluxe version, just a very ordinary one with an added egg.

As a result, just as she took a bite, she drew the highest-level commercial building.

【I declare that from now on, pancakes and fruit is my favorite food!】

Sheng Quan was very happy. Although she couldn’t use the rent of this building now, at most she could use each floor at any time, knowing that they were making money (diligent 006 used it as principal), she was super happy.

Most importantly, with this building, she could use it as a banner, and many things instantly became easier. Sheng Quan seemed to see a pile of money with wings flying towards her.

Just like this Mr. Wang, who suddenly appeared to apologize to her. Yesterday, this building was just transferred to her name, and this person flew over directly this afternoon.

Sheng Quan bet that if it weren’t for this building, he might still treat her as a suddenly emerged second-generation rich, or as a young person who didn’t need to be taken seriously. Anyway, he definitely wouldn’t be so courteous to her.

Of course, Mr. Wang would never admit it. He was in a warm and gentle attitude: “I only knew because someone mentioned it online. It turns out that Yan Hui used to be with Hua Fan and had some unpleasantness with Hua Fan at that time.”

“Although I wasn’t at Hua Fan at that time, it was ultimately Hua Fan’s fault. After knowing the whole story, my first reaction as the new owner of Hua Fan was to apologize to Teacher Yan Hui. I don’t know what Mr. Fang was thinking. Such an outstanding talent was suppressed for ten years just because of some personal grudges.”

At the dinner table, he stood up as he spoke: “I have to toast Teacher Yan as an apology for Hua Fan’s mistake.”

In the end, he was expressing one central idea: It wasn’t me who did this, if you want to hold a grudge, look for that guy surnamed Fang.

Sheng Quan knew it well, and gestured for Yan Hui, who had stood up quickly, to step aside. She also stood up with a glass of wine, smiling skillfully:

“This matter shouldn’t be blamed on Mr. Wang at all. Why should you apologize? It’s just my good luck. If he were still with Hua Fan, he would definitely have been discovered by you. Taking away such a good talent from you, I should be the one to toast you.”

Mr. Wang was startled, and at this moment, he really admired Miss Sheng.

What he was most worried about before coming was that young people were hot-tempered and wouldn’t know when to back down, but Sheng Quan not only followed the lead he gave, but also handed it back to him.

So young and yet so savvy in speech and action, if he didn’t know Sheng Quan’s age, he would have thought he was dealing with some old hands in the industry.

Mr. Wang’s smile on his face became more sincere.

After all, it’s just like that, we’re all in the same circle. It’s great to be friendly when there’s no conflict of interest.

Originally, he just wanted to suppress the possibility of “who knows if this young person will come to trouble Hua Fan when he’s all heated up,” but his thoughts changed, and he really had the idea of establishing a friendly relationship with Sheng Quan now.

Such a wealthy and clear-minded second generation, who also clearly intended to develop well in the entertainment industry, wouldn’t it be nice to make more friends?

He and Sheng Quan had a drink, and his gaze fell on Yan Hui beside him: “I regret not meeting Teacher Yan too, but it doesn’t affect our cooperation. Our company happens to have a project in progress. I wonder if Teacher Yan would like to make a guest appearance.”

Sheng Quan showed interest: “Mr. Wang is talking about ‘He Hua Nian,’ right?”

Mr. Wang’s heart jumped. Although their company’s filming of “He Hua Nian” hadn’t been deliberately kept secret, there weren’t many news reports about it either. Sheng Quan knowing about it meant that she must have investigated Hua Fan before.

Why did she investigate Hua Fan? The reasons behind this were intriguing.

Mr. Wang couldn’t help but curse inwardly. Indeed, those who come from wealthy families like this are not easy to deal with. His own misdeeds almost made him pay the bill. If he hadn’t been clever and quick-witted, wouldn’t he have had an unexpectedly rich and troublesome opponent?

As for whether Sheng Quan harbored any resentment towards Hua Fan, who could say for sure? It’s unlikely for ordinary people, but for a wealthy and young second-generation who could spend a million just for a favorite novel character, who knows what she’s thinking.

It’s like that classic question: Who’s more dangerous, a big bully in their thirties or forties, or a young punk in their teens?

The answer must be the young punk. Young people are reckless, impulsive, and capable of doing anything. Moreover, Sheng Quan might still have that thing called Qin Heng filter, anyway, Mr. Wang was glad he came in time.

Seeing Mr. Wang’s subtle expression, Sheng Quan knew what he was thinking and clarified: “Please don’t misunderstand, Mr. Wang. It’s just that our drama crew’s producer is quite well-informed. I just heard it in passing.”

Yu Xiangwan, who was sitting silently next to Sheng Quan, politely smiled at Mr. Wang.

Indeed, he was the one who told Sheng Quan about this.

In fact, not only Hua Fan, but all the people around Sheng Quan, including Yan Hui, were investigated thoroughly with the connections she had accumulated over the years. Otherwise, how could she have traced it back to Hua Fan?

Yu Xiangwan didn’t think much about it. It’s just that in his eyes, Sheng Quan was the best person in the world, but often good people are coveted and calculated by more people. Seeing the dirty tricks in this circle, he couldn’t help but guard against Sheng Quan.

And Hua Fan, a company that had once had a conflict with Yan Hui, naturally automatically made it onto Yu Xiangwan’s list of defenses. Even if they didn’t cause any trouble, who knew if they would come out to ride the heat?

Mr. Wang, who indeed thought about riding the heat, glanced at Yu Xiangwan, who looked refined and handsome, peeling shrimp for Sheng Quan throughout:

“Haha, I see. Miss Sheng has so many talented people under her. I’m truly envious. Yes, it’s ‘He Hua Nian.'”

—Forget it, how well-informed can a producer’s information be? Anyway, he didn’t believe it. Sheng Quan, this little fox, must have investigated Hua Fan.

Mr. Wang secretly admired his own wisdom, but on the surface, he still had a face full of kind smiles: “Since Miss Sheng knows about it, I wonder if she would like to let Teacher Yan make a guest appearance?”

Of course, Sheng Quan was willing. Yan Hui, who brought back a building when his career degree had just exceeded ten, if she didn’t know haste

makes waste and that the best choice is sustainable development, she almost wanted to push Yan Hui to a career degree of eighty right on the spot.

Joyfully toasting and chatting, Yan Hui obtained a nice guest appearance opportunity in a good drama crew. Moreover, because “He Hua Nian” is expected to wrap up this month, he will finish filming this month, and he can appear in front of the public as soon as two more months.

Sheng Quan was quite happy, as if she saw the bright future of Yan Hui’s career soaring.

And she also gained her first connection within the industry, Mr. Wang.

Although Mr. Wang’s attitude towards her was friendly, he had been in the industry for decades, and his network of contacts was much broader than what he showed, at least more extensive than that of LaCrosse Hotel.

If they became good friends, Sheng Quan could completely share various resources and connections in his hands.

Extending a friendly olive branch, Mr. Wang naturally wouldn’t ignore it. After asking 006 about his control over Huaxing Building, she expressed that she could rent a whole floor to Mr. Wang at a relatively favorable price in the next quarter.

Mr. Wang’s pupils shrank in surprise for a moment.

“A whole floor?! Miss Sheng, this, this is really too kind of you.”

Here it needs to be explained what it means to be able to rent a whole floor of Huaxing Building at a relatively low price.

First of all, this commercial-looking building is located in the heart of the city, where the land price is extremely valuable. Secondly, its location is in the commercial center district, where everything from food, clothing, housing, and transportation is available. It has high-standard property services and strict management. Any company that wants to develop well is willing to come here.

As more and more companies with promising prospects and ample funds settle in, Huaxing Building gradually becomes the kind of building that graduates would envy if they could enter it right after graduation.

Just think about it, when employees are looking for jobs, which workplace would they prefer? One located in a remote, unknown building, maybe next door to a nail salon, or one that looks very high-end from the outside, but inside, all the people coming and going exude a strong corporate atmosphere?

And when it comes to cooperation negotiations, one company’s office location is in an unnamed building, while another is in Huaxing Building, if it were you, which company’s future would you think is more promising? Which company would make you feel more at ease?

So, in the end, bosses who want to make their company famous, as long as they have enough funds, will try their best to rent Huaxing Building, which is a relatively famous commercial building.

In a city where new companies rise and fall every day, Huaxing Building is never short of tenants. It’s like the property prices in the city are always high, but the landlords will never worry about not finding tenants.

Mr. Wang is wealthy, and he has more than one small Hua Fan under his command. If he wanted to, he could stay in the top-floor suite of LaCrosse Hotel for half a year, but he still couldn’t rent a whole floor of Huaxing Building. He would still have to share it with other companies.

Because Huaxing Building is really in high demand. This is not a question of whether you have money or not; it’s a question of simply not being able to rent it.

So when he heard that Huaxing Building had been transferred to Sheng Quan and rushed over anxiously, it was one thing to have the money to buy this building, but it was another thing to actually buy it.

Huaxing Building is like a golden dragon that never stops laying eggs. Sheng Quan being able to get this fully grown golden dragon can only mean that the power behind her exceeds Mr. Wang’s imagination.

006: I’m just good at making money~

Anyway, Mr. Wang speculated a lot, but he didn’t ask Sheng Quan a single word. He wouldn’t foolishly inquire like an idiot “who are you and where are you from.” As long as he knew that the person in front of him was Little Miss Sheng, his most friendly new friend would suffice.

Yes, when Sheng Quan was willing to operate to let him rent a whole floor, this young and beautiful Miss Sheng had already become his best friend in Mr. Wang’s heart, his bosom friend, his own sister from another mother.

Mr. Wang, who was over fifty years old, happily kept pouring himself wine, drinking until he was drunk, his face flushed red. Before the dinner party dispersed, he didn’t forget to shake hands with Director Wan Bao, calling Sheng Quan:

“Miss Sheng, this is the first time I’ve clicked with someone so well in my life. Why didn’t we meet decades ago? I’m so happy. In the future, if you have anything to say, I, Old Wang, won’t say much else, just three words: loyalty!”

Director Wan Bao, whose hand was being shaken: “…Mr. Wang, you’ve got the wrong person. Miss Sheng is over there.”

Yu Xiangwan draped Sheng Quan’s coat over her, saying to the assistant who was busy helping Mr. Wang beside him: “Mr. Wang has had too much

to drink. He’ll stay at the hotel arranged by Miss Sheng.”

Sheng Quan, who hadn’t arranged a hotel at all, also nodded with a slightly flushed face: “Yes, it’s too late for him to go back now. Let him stay until tomorrow morning.”

“I’m not leaving, I’m happy.” Mr. Wang still held Director Wan’s hand, but this time he didn’t call the wrong person: “Director Wan, if Miss Sheng is interested in investing in you, your drama will definitely be a hit. I don’t know if I can get a little breeze as well. I’ll just invest a little, two million. What do you think, can I have the honor to work on the same project as Miss Sheng?”

Just coming to join in the fun, he didn’t know why he was called to the dinner party of two big bosses. Wan Bao was excited: !!!

There’s such a good thing?!!

He was extremely surprised, but he didn’t forget that Sheng Quan was the major sponsor of the drama. He immediately looked at Sheng Quan with eyes full of anticipation.

Sheng Quan, who was also slightly tipsy, saw this and joined in the excitement. She smiled and nodded: “Mr. Wang’s willingness to invest is certainly a good thing. Director Wan, why don’t you agree?”

“Hey!!” This ‘hey’ from Wan Bao was spoken very clearly, and even the little mustache at the corner of his mouth was excitedly quivering.

He would discuss it tomorrow. Although Mr. Wang, who was drunk, insisted on signing the contract now, he immediately instructed his assistant to print it outside and bought paper and pens. He signed the investment agreement on the spot in front of Wan Bao’s excited eyes.

Not only that, he also signed the agreement for Yan Hui to join the crew.

Seeing this, Sheng Quan, who was also slightly drunk, joined in the fun. She also signed the contract to rent a whole floor to Mr. Wang next quarter on the spot. Such contracts have templates. Apart from the assistant running around, everything else went smoothly.

When the two contracts were settled, everyone who was drunk just smiled and waved goodbye.

Mr. Wang could hardly walk steadily. With the assistance of his assistant, he stumbled forward, constantly looking back and waving to Sheng Quan, saying, “No need to see me off, no need to worry about me. You all go to bed early. Haha, today is just a happy day. Don’t see me off, just go back~”

He was quite fat and could be quite troublesome. His assistant was busy supporting him, but fortunately, he was strong enough. With some difficulty, they managed to lead Mr. Wang, who kept turning back to wave to Sheng Quan and the others, into the car arranged by Yu Xiangwan.

The assistant deliberately didn’t drink alcohol so he could drive. He arranged Mr. Wang in the back seat and sat in the driver’s seat himself. As soon as the car left the hotel entrance, Mr. Wang, who had been making a ruckus just now, immediately sat up straight, touched his face, and carefully examined the contract he had been holding tightly.

The assistant, who was driving, said, “…You’re not drunk.”

“For such a big deal, how could I dare to get drunk? If I say something wrong when I’m drunk, wouldn’t that offend people?”

The assistant admired him, “You’re really something. You act like you’re not drunk at all. If I hadn’t supported you, you would’ve fallen.”

“If I fell, I fell.” Mr. Wang looked at the contract in his hand, almost smiling on his chubby face, “With this, even if I fell, I’d be willing.”

The assistant didn’t understand, “Didn’t Miss Sheng already agree to you? Why do you still need to do this?”

“You kid, I’m your uncle. If it were someone else, you’d just be an assistant, just listen to orders. Don’t poke your nose into everything, or I’ll fire you.”

The assistant chuckled as he drove, “It’s because you’re my uncle that I dare to ask. My mom sent me here to learn from you, right? I wouldn’t ask anyone else. So why did you do this? Did Miss Sheng just casually say it, and you noticed?”

Mr. Wang still maintained his smiley face and was in a good mood. He didn’t mind teaching his nephew a lesson, “Let me teach you something. In business, if a contract isn’t signed on the spot, no matter how good it sounds, it’s just hot air. Just like when I said I would get Yan Hui into our crew. If the agreement isn’t signed, tomorrow I could change my mind, say I was drunk last night and said nonsense. What can they do to me?”

The assistant muttered, “You talk like you dare to go against Miss Sheng.”

“It’s because I don’t dare to go against her that we need to make this matter concrete.”

“Miss Sheng may not be painting a big picture, but this matter is a real big pie for us. Renting a whole floor of Huaxing Building, if we don’t put it in our mouths and into our stomachs, I won’t be able to sleep well tonight.”

He was so excited that his heartbeat was a bit fast now, “Once these three contracts are signed, we and Xing Mang will be temporarily tied together. She helps me, I help her. With long-term cooperation, we’ll naturally become people on the same boat. Ah, I really didn’t expect it, I’m getting old, but I can still get on such a big ship.”

Mr. Wang was very pleased. After all, it was his quick thinking that turned danger into opportunity. If he hadn’t acted swiftly and come in person, this rich little Miss Sheng behind wouldn’t even know if she would have any opinions on Huafan or even him.

If it weren’t for his decisive action and goodwill, which earned the favor of Little Miss Sheng, how could such a good thing as being able to rent a whole floor of Huaxing Building happen?

“Although Miss Sheng seems to be a little fox, after all, she’s young and doesn’t know all these tricks. She really got drunk and signed this contract with a little coaxing from me. We’re really lucky. If she gains more experience in the future, it might not be so smooth.”

The assistant suddenly realized, full of admiration for his dear uncle, “Uncle, you’re amazing! I can see that Miss Sheng was completely fooled by you just now, and I was worried you might fall!”

Mr. Wang became even more proud. Although his mouth was smiling modestly, he still humbled himself a few more words, “It’s just normal business practice.”


At the hotel entrance.

Watching the car drive away, Sheng Quan, who had just been leaning on Yu Xiangwan and pretending to be drunk, immediately straightened up, her eyes clear.

She took the water handed to her by Yu Xiangwan and took a few sips. “Alright, everything’s settled. Let’s go back.”

Wan Bao, who had been happily laughing stupidly, was stunned for a moment, unable to react for a long time. “Sheng… Sheng Quan, you just… hiccup! Weren’t you, drunk, drunk?”

“No, I was just cooperating with Mr. Wang.” Sheng Quan straightened her hair. “He wanted to finalize the contract with the help of alcohol. It’s just a normal business routine. It’s a win-win situation, so I don’t lose anything. Just going along with it.”

Sheng Quan was in a very good mood. Not only was her career about to take off again, but she also gained the shared network resources of Mr. Wang, this ‘elder’. Plus, the food at this hotel was delicious, and it was so enjoyable to eat shrimp without having to peel the shells throughout the meal.

Wan Bao was stunned, feeling even more dizzy than before. “Mr. Wang, hiccup! He wasn’t drunk? He even invested with me, two million!”

Yu Xiangwan explained for Sheng Quan, “Mr. Wang wants to have business dealings with Miss Sheng to facilitate future development. Even if he didn’t pretend to be drunk just now, he would still invest the two million.”

He said, “I thought you could see it. Just now, although Mr. Wang appeared drunk, he didn’t touch Miss Sheng at all. He even shook hands with you, not Miss Sheng.”

Wan Bao’s gaze was blank. “…He wasn’t drunk and still shook the wrong hand???”
Yan Hui whispered, “Mr. Wang was probably afraid of offending Miss Sheng. He wasn’t really drunk. I saw him covering his mouth when he talked to Miss Sheng, afraid of the alcohol smell bothering her, but he didn’t do that when talking to us.”

Wan Bao was even more surprised, his eyes widened in disbelief, “You weren’t drunk either?!! Weren’t you just lying there drunk a moment ago?!!”

Blushing, Yan Hui said embarrassedly, “Miss Sheng said I wouldn’t know how to handle such a drinking session, so she asked me to pretend to be asleep.”

Wan Bao: “…”

So, just now, everyone was drunk together, and the atmosphere was lively, but in

the end, he was the only one who was really drunk??

He was utterly bewildered.

Do you rich people have so many tricks up your sleeves in addition to having a lot of money??

1 comment
  1. daereecfem has spoken 8 months ago

    the mistress and her dog


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