My Silly Boyfriend
My Silly Boyfriend chapter 27 : Making Decisions

The tsundere little princess left without even looking back.

Jing Li couldn’t help but fall into contemplation. Was she being too much of a scumbag? She initiated the breakup, and now she shamelessly begs for a relationship.

So? Is the little princess angry?

There were no classes on Friday afternoon, so Jing Ran went to the cafeteria for lunch and then went back to his grandma’s house. Since he had to wake up early for his job at the bakery in his grandma’s house, he would always spend the night there and not go back to his own home, since there was no one there anyway.

After finishing his meal, Jing Ran walked out of the school gate and hailed a taxi. As he opened the back door and got in, he closed the door. The other side of the back door opened, and a small figure slipped in and closed the door.

Jing Ran asked, “Why did you get in?”
With a familiar tone, Jing Li replied without any awkwardness, “I want to go to the city center. It’s hard to catch a taxi at this time, so let’s share a ride.”

“Oh!” Jing Ran responded lightly. He wasn’t a stingy person either.

The driver asked, “Where are you going?”

Jing Ran gave the address, “Enning Road.”
The driver started the car, and Jing Ran asked the little girl beside him, “Where are you going?”

Jing Li impatiently replied, “Don’t worry about it. It’s on the way anyway.”

Jing Ran saw her in silence and stopped asking further questions. The road to Grandma’s house was somewhat far, and it was time for afternoon nap after lunch. Jing Ran fell into a drowsy sleep, and his head fell onto Jing Li’s shoulder. Jing Li extended her hand to support Jing Ran’s shoulder, preventing him from sleeping too deeply, and sank down.

Although Jing Ran’s mushroom-like head was unattractive, his hair was dry and clean, with a lingering scent of shampoo. Jing Li sometimes had to wonder if Jing Ran was actually a bit of a hidden romantic, with the fragrant shampoo, laundry detergent, and body wash.

Isn’t there often a commercial for a certain body wash on TV? The slogan is: “No need for perfume when going out, just use this body wash.”

Recently, someone in the dormitory switched to that brand of body wash, and Jing Li only then realized that the fragrance on Jing Ran was the scent of body wash, and it was even a body wash for women.

Later on, Jing Li did something that she herself felt very embarrassed about. She went and bought a bottle of the same scented body wash as Jing Ran. After taking a shower, the faint fragrance on her body seemed to have been dyed by Jing Ran.

Boredly, Jing Li raised her hand and touched Jing Ran’s hair. Her fair and slender fingers passed through his hair, touching his warm scalp. Then they slid down to his ears, feeling a bit cool…

Jing Li casually glanced ahead and saw that the driver was looking at the rearview mirror, watching Jing Li touching Jing Ran. Although it wasn’t anything outrageous, she still felt embarrassed about being caught in the act. She stopped her actions and pretended to look at the scenery outside, as if nothing had happened just now.

Facing this kind of infatuated behavior, she felt that she was not normal.

After the taxi arrived at Enning Road, Jing Li woke up Jing Ran. Jing Ran woke up, rubbed his sleepy eyes, and gave the driver money for change.

After Jing Ran and Jing Li got off the car, he asked, “What are you doing here?”

“Why do you care?” Jing Li pretended to be coy and pointed in the opposite direction of the bakery, saying, “I’m going this way.”


“By the way, I’ll give you back the money for the taxi just now.” Jing Li opened her leather handbag, took out a candy-colored leather wallet, and opened it, but there was no money inside. “My wallet is empty, so I’ll transfer the money to you via WeChat.”

After speaking, she took out her phone and opened WeChat.

“No need, I was actually planning to come back here anyway,” Jing Ran said, turning around to go back to the bakery.

Why is it so difficult to trick a little princess into returning money via WeChat!

Jing Li didn’t know anyone in City G at all. If it weren’t for Jing Ran bringing her here, she probably wouldn’t have come to this quaint and picturesque neighborhood in City G even after finishing four years of university. She blindly followed Jing Ran to this place, not knowing what she was actually doing.

She felt a bit foolish.

Yes, her brain just doesn’t work properly. She realized that she liked Jing Ran only after they broke up.

She arrived at Enning Road without knowing what she was preparing to do.

She remembered that there seemed to be a subway station nearby, which would take her to the university. She looked at the road conditions here and tried to recall which intersection she had exited from last time. Why do all the intersections look so similar?

Luckily, she had her trusty phone. She took it out, opened the map app, and searched for the subway station. The subway station she passed by last time seemed to be called Huangsha Station?


An old lady’s voice rang out.

Jing Li raised her gaze and saw Jing Ran’s grandma standing in front of her, carrying a bag of fruits.

“Grandma,” Jing Li sweetly called out.

“Lili, what are you doing here?” It had been two weeks since Jing Li and Jing Ran broke up, so Grandma was surprised to see her here.

“I… I have a weekend break, so I came over to hang out.”

“Lili, you seem to have lost a lot of weight. Are you on a diet recently?” Grandma raised her hand and touched Jing Li’s face. Although this girl had no connection to her grandson, Grandma quite liked her. This girl had been very kind to her silly grandson.

“Lili, you are already quite thin, please don’t go on a diet. Come to Grandma’s house tonight, Grandma will cook delicious food for you, okay?”

Jing Li looked at Grandma, and her thoughts inadvertently drifted back to over a decade ago when she was still in the United States. Her parents were often busy with work, and she was taken care of by the elderly at home. She remembered her grandmother touching her face and saying gently, “Ali, don’t be picky with food, otherwise you won’t grow taller.”

And then, she really didn’t grow taller.

Suddenly, she missed the elderly in the United States. Her parents brought her back to the country, but they were too busy with work and sent her to a boarding school. She spent her vacations alone at home. It had always been like this. She thought she could endure the lonely times by herself until she met Jing Ran. Suddenly, she had someone beside her, someone who accompanied her to school, picked her up, and had meals together. Although this person wasn’t good at conversation, and she felt like slapping him 60 times every time they talked, he was the one who kept her company during those lonely times.

They had been dating for three weeks, which could be considered long or short, but that person’s presence had become a part of her life.

It was like there was a rule called the “21-day rule,” where if you repeat something every day for 21 days, it becomes a habit.

Three, seven, twenty-one.

Jing Ran had become her habit.

But she realized it too late.

Jing Li asked, “Can I still go to Grandma’s house?”

“Of course, Lili. Grandma welcomes you anytime.” After saying that, Grandma took Jing Li’s hand and walked towards the bakery direction.


Jing Ran took a bottle of cold water from the refrigerator and walked to the living room to drink it. He heard the sound of the anti-theft door unlocking, followed by the wooden door opening.

It was Grandma, holding Jing Li’s hand, entering the house and saying, “Oh, you haven’t had lunch yet. Grandma still has some leftovers. Let me heat it up for you to fill your stomach first.”

Grandma saw Jing Ran drinking cold water again and said, “Ranran, how many times have I told you not to drink cold water? It will give you diarrhea.”

Jing Ran: “…”

Grandma, can you please not say such embarrassing things in front of other people.

Sometimes Grandma used cold water to adjust the temperature when she was thirsty and didn’t want to wait for boiled water to cool down. Jing Ran had the expression of a child who had done something wrong, so he put down the water bottle and twisted the cap back on.

Jing Li pursed her lips, trying not to laugh.

“Lili, you sit down first, and Grandma will heat up your meal.” After saying that, Grandma went to the kitchen to heat up the food.

Jing Li walked over and sat on the sofa in the living room. Jing Ran also walked over and sat down. He glanced at the clock and saw that it was already three o’clock in the afternoon. He didn’t expect Jing Li hadn’t eaten lunch yet, so he asked, “Why haven’t you eaten yet?”

Jing Li seemed to see a glimmer of hope and asked, “Ranran, are you concerned about me?”

“I was just casually asking,” he replied.

“Oh.” Jing Li lowered her head. Today she was wearing a long-sleeved dress. She pulled up her sleeves, revealing her thin wrists, and said, “Ranran, I’ve lost weight, six kilograms to be exact.”

Jing Li was already thin, and now she had lost even more weight, with a pale complexion. The weariness on her face could be concealed with cosmetics, but her rapid weight loss had already taken a toll on her hands, which had lost their youthful glow.

It was heartbreaking to see her like this.

“What happened to you?” Jing Ran finally noticed how much weight Jing Li had lost in recent days and took a closer look. Jing Li’s makeup was delicate, but her eyelids were sunken, and she had become too thin. He reached out and gently touched her bony face. His heart tightened, feeling the pain.

“I miss you, so I can’t eat,” Jing Li said, tears welling up in her eyes.

After about ten minutes, Grandma finished heating up the leftover rice and dishes and brought them out. Seeing Jing Li crying, without saying a word, she walked over and lightly tapped Jing Ran’s head with her hand, saying, “You little rascal, did you bully Lili again?”

Jing Li quickly explained, saying, “Grandma, Ranran didn’t bully me. I made a mistake, and he hasn’t forgiven me yet.”

Grandma, upon hearing Jing Li’s words, initially thought that it was Lili who wanted to break up. She never expected that it was her foolish grandson who wanted to break up!

She became even angrier and mercilessly knocked on Jing Ran’s mushroom head again, saying, “Now that there is a gender imbalance, it will be increasingly difficult for you men to find wives in the future. You foolish boy, how dare you suggest breaking up with your girlfriend?”

Jing Ran: “……”

Wait, hold on, it wasn’t me who suggested breaking up!

Grandma comforted Jing Li and said, “Lili, don’t cry. Grandma will take care of this. I’ll talk to Ranran later, and he won’t dare to mention breaking up again.”

With Grandma’s help, Jing Li quickly nodded.

Jing Ran looked at Grandma and Jing Li—

Women, how terrifying…

“Come, let’s eat.” Grandma pulled Jing Li towards the dining table.

Jing Li sat down and started eating. Although it was leftovers, it was the most appetizing meal she had in the past ten days.

Jing Ran got up from the chair and walked to the kitchen. Jing Li heard him cooking on the gas stove. In just a few minutes, a plate of fried eggs was placed in front of Jing Li.

Jing Ran, as usual, not showing much emotion, said, “To supplement protein.”

“Thank you.” Jing Li thanked him and happily picked up the egg, bringing it to her mouth.

Jing Ran was moved by her smile. He cleared his throat and said, “I’ll make chicken soup for you later.”



Hello, I'm Avrora (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) I like reading novels, especially romance and action. So I want to share with you some novels that I think are good to read through my translation. My lovely readers, I hope you enjoy the story as much as I do.(⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) See my other projects on my Ko-fi page (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) I hope you enjoy my translation (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) Thank you 😘

  1. laochen0419 has spoken 10 months ago

    Thanks for the upload! I really like their story. So cute. Just like Hi My Sweetheart.


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