Who Says Old Two-Dimensional People Can’t get Married!
Who Says Old Two-Dimensional People Can’t get Married! Chapter 10.2

Chapter 10: The Tenth Dimension 2/2

So when Shi Zhang mentioned his family, Song Fuzhi felt a sense of resonance.

“Uncle Song is such an excellent doctor; having him at home should be reassuring,” Shi Zhang said.

“Yes, for minor illnesses, we basically don’t need to go to the hospital.” Song Fuzhi smiled and answered decisively, “A doctor is an essential item for home and travel, and having one at home is especially reassuring.”

This statement was a bit playful, and both of them laughed.

Shi Zhang’s smile hadn’t faded, and he naturally said, “But both of us are teachers; I might have to give up teaching for medicine now.”

Song Fuzhi was in the middle of poking a shrimp with a fork, and this time, he didn’t poke it steadily, hitting the onion next to it.

The way he said that, it sounded like they were about to start a family.

Song Fuzhi steadied himself and continued, “At least I have some family blood, so it might be more convenient for me to go into medicine.”

After hearing these words, Song Fuzhi clearly felt that the distance between the two had decreased a bit. It wasn’t as restrained as before, and the atmosphere became much more natural.

During this meal, they talked about more daily things and reminisced about their high school days.

“I went to the high school where my mom teaches, but she didn’t teach me. So we can still be considered schoolmates, Professor Shi.”

Shi Zhang involuntarily tensed his back muscles and, without changing his expression, responded with a simple “Hmm” and said, “Quite a coincidence.”

“You’re two years older than me, so when I was in the first year, you should have been in the third year,” Song Fuzhi calculated briefly. “Maybe we even met in school.”

 “Definitely met,” Shi Zhang said slowly. “The school is so small.”

Song Fuzhi was reminded of the past and nodded. “Yes, it was quite small and run-down. I remember on the side of the old teaching building, there was a small hill that looked like ruins, and nobody went there.”

Shi Zhang curled his index finger, and his lowered eyelashes concealed his gaze.

He remembered everything that happened on that small hill, where he used to smoke and encountered the young Song Fuzhi.

But in the blink of an eye, many years had passed, and the desolate ruins had faded in his memory.

Back then, he restrained himself from getting close to people, and now, here they were sitting across from each other, sharing a bottle of fine red wine.

Suddenly, Shi Zhang thought of Qiao Xuyang, of the young man’s carefree brows and eyes, and of his determined smile.

He was so passionate and direct, regardless of his actions. At least he dared to express himself and dared to pursue

Now, even rivals were targeting him. Shi Zhang was finding it hard to endure.

Shi Zhang took a sip of wine, and his Adam’s apple moved up and down, feeling a slight warmth in his fingertips.

Maybe today is the day, he thought.

Fine wine, delicious food—the most cliché scene, but with an eternally classic atmosphere. He wanted to invite Song Fuzhi to try it with him.

starting with dating, slowly experimenting, and adjusting to each other step by step.

Midway through the main course, Shi Zhang urgently drafted in his mind, contemplating the right timing and how to start.

Song Fuzhi was also thinking about things.

They had met three times, had two meals together, and each time, Shi Zhang was very courteous. In between, he fell ill, and Shi Zhang’s concern was considerate. Especially when compared to Qiao Xuyang, Song Fuzhi understood what kind of person was more suitable for him.

Shi Zhang was mature enough, independent enough, knew how to give each other personal space, and had no visible flaws in appearance.

Moreover, he seemed satisfied with Song Fuzhi.

Life in the thirties was different from the twenties. He gradually accepted what he couldn’t accept before and began to understand what he didn’t understand before.

Song Fuzhi was a very rational person. He thought that if he had to step into the grave of marriage, he should die with the most suitable person.

“Professor Shi, may I ask, why did you agree to the blind date?” Song Fuzhi asked.

Shi Zhang wiped his lips with a napkin and said, “Reached the age, wanted to settle down with someone.”

He then asked, “And you, Professor Song?”

Song Fuzhi replied candidly, “Same as you.”

In this regard, their goals were the same.

Rationality over emotion, planning over feelings

“My parents have always wanted me to find someone to accompany me, as you know, or my mom wouldn’t have mentioned it at the dinner party,” Song Fuzhi said. “Are your family urging you to find someone?”

Shi Zhang smiled and said, “My old man has been nagging.”

The waiter came and removed their main course utensils, replacing them with a dessert plate, interrupting the conversation for a while.

The dessert was a Spanish specialty: caramel custard with a crispy crust on the surface. It was very sweet and fragrant.

This was the last course for today, and Shi Zhang silently set a time limit for himself.

Do you want to try dating me?

Such a simple sentence can be said in a second; even if rejected, there must be other ways. But Shi Zhang hesitated, finding it difficult to speak.

Many years had passed, and he hadn’t felt this kind of anxious hesitation for a very long time.

Shi Zhang’s Adam’s apple trembled, and he looked at Song Fuzhi, saying, “Professor Song…”

Almost simultaneously, Song Fuzhi also called him “Professor Shi.”

They laughed together.

Shi Zhang made a gentlemanly gesture: “You go first.”

“It’s nothing special,” Song Fuzhi smiled. “I just want to understand your thoughts.”

He couldn’t say why, but Shi Zhang’s heart suddenly started beating rapidly.

Does Song Fuzhi also want to try dating me?

Shi Zhang was shocked by his own bold thoughts.

Song Fuzhi remained calm, not at all embarrassed, speaking calmly as if discussing the weather.

“Professor Shi, would you consider marrying me?”

For a moment, Shi Zhang couldn’t react at all. It was as if his heartbeat had suddenly stopped, and a violent tingling sensation surged from the soles of his feet. There was a moment of ringing silence in his ears.

After a long time, the sound gradually returned to his ears.

He saw a hint of hesitation on Song Fuzhi’s face and heard him say, “Sorry, I brought it up too suddenly.”

Shi Zhang struggled to roll his Adam’s apple, cleared his throat, and said gently, “Not sudden.”

Song Fuzhi looked somewhat regretful. He felt that he had gone too far, too direct. Nobody talks about marriage at the second meeting after a blind date.

“How about we talk about it later?” Song Fuzhi suggested, giving both sides some buffering and thinking time.

“No need,” Shi Zhang said. “No need for later.”

Song Fuzhi looked at him but didn’t say anything.

He felt a bit uneasy, not immediately understanding Shi Zhang’s intentions.

“No need for later” meant they didn’t need to meet again. They didn’t need to continue?

“I’ve made up my mind. I want to marry you.” Shi Zhang’s voice was steady, but his throat was trembling slightly.

After thinking for a moment, Shi Zhang added calmly, “I’ll go make an appointment with a designer for a custom wedding ring later.”

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