The Duke’s Daughter is Involved in Magical Technology
The Duke’s Daughter is Involved in Magical Technology Chapter 43.1

Chapter 43: Wilderness Adventure

“Are you feeling better?

Aresia handed a wet cloth to Karina, soaked in the stream.

In early July, Holy Lotean was about to enter a scorching period. Despite wearing spider silk clothing with temperature-regulating properties, exposed skin was still susceptible to the humid heat of the forest, causing fatigue to be compounded by external factors, resulting in severe energy loss.

“It’s refreshing.”

Karina pressed the wet cloth to her face, feeling as if she had shed a layer of skin.

Aresia understood the sensation well, having experienced it herself countless times.

“We’re really exhausted. How about we switch to magic hoverboards?”

Their magic hoverboards were stored in Aresia’s spatial tool. While magic hoverboards weren’t practical in the forest, Aresia had brought them along just in case. As they were currently by the stream, traversing along it with the hoverboards was feasible.

Karina hesitated, “Is that… okay? It might slow us down.”

Aresia reassured, “Not at all. Our walking speed might be a hindrance to them. Switching to hoverboards will be much faster.”

Aresia was well aware of the situation they were facing in these woods. Due to the increasing number of adventurers and the migration of magical beasts to more remote areas, finding suitable targets for training had become challenging. Even low-level magical beasts were hard to come by, and if they continued at their morning pace, they might not harvest much by the end of the day.

“Let’s take a break first. I’ll check on them.”

Standing up, Aresia approached Jorgus, who had already piled up firewood. Indicating for him to take a break, she reached for a slender leather sheath at her waist, pulling out a magic wand. A gentle wave, and the flames danced to life on the woodpile.

“Rest for lunch, and then Karina and I will switch to magic hoverboards. Is that okay?”

The others, who were busy tending to the fire, were not accustomed to witnessing magic being cast without an incantation. Despite Aresia’s request, there was no objection. After all, the mages in the group were traditionally given special consideration.

“Alright, we’ll follow the stream in the afternoon. Water’s edge is swarming with magical beasts.”

Amos asked, “Aresia, can you cast magic without chanting?”

Aresia, with a smile, nodded.

“None required,” she said, though deep down, she acknowledged the truth: she didn’t need to.

Amos gestured towards the fire pit. “How did this happen?”

He started to suspect if his sister had manipulated something unusual.

“It’s a preset ignition spell.”

Aresia lifted her wand slightly, explaining, “This is a magic wand. You can store some useful little magic spells in it. You can activate the magic when you want to use it. Of course, it can also be changed to a version activated by magic crystals. When activated, it channels magic without expending much energy, unlike the traditional spell versions.”

Aresia’s wand wasn’t an ordinary one. It was designed not for direct spellcasting but to increase control and reduce the magical power’s impact, contrary to regular wands that amplify it.

“Can ordinary people use it? Is there a limit to magical reserves?”

“Yes, ordinary people can. It stores common spells, such as ignition, watering, cleaning, and so on, but only up to five.”

Seeing Amos interested expression, she chimed in, “If you want, I can make one for you. I’ll list the effects and materials needed, and you can compensate me later.”

Crafting such a wand was expensive.

“Sure, let’s discuss it later.”

Amos nodded eagerly. He knew Aresia had been engrossed in creating wands for common magical actions lately, even incorporating compound magical arrays on his clothes, which proved very effective. With such a wand, wouldn’t it be easier to start fires or locate water sources outdoors?

The water from the magical water spheres was drinkable.

Others in the trial team, overhearing this conversation, seemed a bit restless. It seemed wise not to miss out on acquiring such a tool but their relationship with Aresia wasn’t quite comfortable enough to ask her for help in making magical tools.

As the fire crackled, they began to prepare a pot of meat soup with the dried meat they brought along. Aresia sat beside Amos, amusing the gryphon cub while discussing the afternoon’s journey with Jorgus.

Though Amos was the guide, the search for magical beasts was primarily handled by the four others, as it was their adventure. Amos merely served as a guide.

They decided to travel a bit further along the stream in hopes of finding better results before heading back. Originally, they had planned to venture deeper into the wilderness and camp out.

The meat soup was quickly prepared, and after finishing their meal, Aresia handed a hoverboard to Karina, stepping onto one herself.

As they lifted off, Karina inquired, “Does this work over water?”

“Aresia shook her head. “Our preset altitude isn’t high enough, but Amos hoverboard can be used.”

Amos, who heard it, tried using looking for his hoverboard, but he remembered that it was swiftly borrowed by the herd of beasts (his co-warrior from the legion) and it has not been returned to him yet. He can only regret.

With the convenience of the hoverboards, Aresia and Karina found relief. Even the others, free from their drag, noticeably quickened their pace, covering a good distance.

Perhaps they had traveled far enough or the morning’s ill luck had dissipated, as within less than an hour, they finally spotted the creatures they sought.

Vic, in charge of scouting, located a group of beasts—an group of Windhorn Gazelles (resembles deer), five in total, larger than the ordinary ones, with impressive horn formations on their heads and capable of unleashing wind blades. They were Level 2 herbivorous creatures quite commonly found.

Except for Karina, who doesn’t possess combat capabilities, and Aresia, who concealed her strength, the remaining four warrior students coordinated with each other. They could easily take down one Windhorn Gazelle.

Though there were five, even taking down three Gazelles who’s not even 10 yrs old would considerably be a challenge, because even though they are not still half the size of their parents, they are a fast creature and they are with their parents.

“Lets find a way to split them up.”

Amos didn’t interject, he only listens to their discussion and plan. It wasn’t too complicated.

Windhorn Gazelles, akin to their ordinary relatives, were timid creatures that bolted at the slightest sign of danger, especially given their incredible speed. Once they fled, they were impossible to catch. Their plan was to focus on one target, directly attacking it, and watch as the other gazelles fled if they sensed danger.

There was a chance that due to their animal instincts as a group of family, some might stay to help, but the probability was relatively low.

Jorgus directed his teammates to hide in specific positions, gripping his sword tightly. Though his mount restricted his knightly combat abilities, his sword skills remained top-notch, making him the strongest combatant in the group. He had the two, Aresia and Karina on his back, each holding a magic wand, ready to assist.

Sade, following Jorgus’ lead, climbed a nearby tree to conceal himself, preparing to aid his teammates with his bow and arrows.

On the other side, far away, Rony and Vic, in a surrounding position, remained hidden, ready to assist the team as well.

Jorgus blew a whistle, and upon hearing the signal, Sade promptly released the taut string of his bow.

The arrow flew like lightning, directly aiming at the group of five Windhorn Gazelles.

Sade had aimed for the gazelle’s eye, but the creature, quick to sense danger, evaded the attack as soon as the arrow flew, without significant damage. It had underestimated the creature’s alertness. In the blink of an eye, the gazelle had already avoided the impending strike.

The arrow ended up embedded in a nearby tree.

Not every arrow hit its mark, but the sudden attack startled the Windhorn Gazelles, causing some to flee in an instant.

This was their survival strategy, Windhorn Gazelles with no significant attack power found it challenging to survive in the wild.

As they scattered, Jorgus cursed. Among their group, besides Vic, no one could keep up with the Gazelles’ speed. Letting them escape would make it difficult to encounter them again.

At this moment, two fireballs smashed into the leading male Windhorn Gazelle’s antlers. The explosion further startled it; the fleeing group was thrown into disarray. After a momentary pause, the Gazelle changed direction, preparing to run elsewhere.


Seizing this gap, Vic rushed forward, blocking the Gazelle’s path. Jorgus followed suit, and together they managed to keep the male Windhorn Gazelle in place.

With its escape route blocked, the Gazelle didn’t hesitate to release a wind blade aimed directly at Vic.

Without hesitation, Rony, prepared in advance, rushed in from his hiding spot, using his shield to deflect the attack.

Sade fired another arrow, this time targeting the Gazelle’s hind leg. The creature, now injured, began attacking those around it.

Jorgus calmly directed the team to surround and attack the Gazelle. The main force confronted it, and in a coordinated effort, the Gazelle wailed and fell.

Once the dust settled, Aresia motioned for Karina to join her behind cover and walk over.

At this point, Karina was excited and full of energy, as it was her first time participating in a hunt.

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