The Duke’s Daughter is Involved in Magical Technology
The Duke’s Daughter is Involved in Magical Technology Chapter 43.2

The magical flames earlier were both their doing.

Aresia gave a thumbs-up. “Great job!”

Karina couldn’t help but reveal a gleeful smile. “You taught me well.”

The Windhorn Gazelles were timid creatures, even though magical flames weren’t very lethal, they were still effective in intimidating them.

As a Level 2 magical creature, their current target was successfully dealt with. Seizing the moment, they quickly needed to dismember the Gazelle, discard what they didn’t need, and take the rest away, as the smell of blood could attract other creatures.

Vic, the assassin, took on the task of handling the prey. The others assisted while analyzing the recent battle. The two noble girls weren’t equipped for this and were asked to rest on the side, also keeping an eye on their surroundings.

Sade regretted his arrow’s miss, feeling that if he had acted slightly quicker, the other Gazelle might not have escaped.

The others’ expressions were mixed; it was their first encounter with a Level 2 magical creature in the wild, and there were several mistakes. Without Jorgus’ assistance, the three would have been injured more severely.

But in Amos opinion, their performance this time was already commendable.

“It’s rare to have your level of expertise among new students. My first beast hunting was not as good as yours.” Amos complimented.

His words comforted them despite his being only a few years older. The atmosphere quickly recovered.

The warriors among the four took charge of dividing and carrying away the prey. Although Aresia and Amos had space equipment, they felt carrying it on their backs was more appropriate for this adventure.”


“It will attract another magical beast, and we might hunt one more.”

This possibility is not high since they were about to head back, or else the dark would make it hard to return to the city.

In this weather, fresh meat couldn’t be preserved. Aresia used her magic wand to cast a preservation spell on the meat pile, ensuring it wouldn’t spoil for at least two days. The others admired it, and Amos joked about his wand must also have a fixed preservation spell.

Karina even wondered if she should explore alchemy; Aresia’s magical tools were exceptional.

Although she felt she couldn’t match Aresia’s proficiency, she pondered that with effort, even half the proficiency would be good. After all, it wasn’t illegal.

Deciding after they return, she will continue learning from Aresia, even though she had already learned spatial magic and various enchantments.

The return route differed from their arrival; they were cautious about magical creatures earlier, but now, they hurried, as the adventurers had almost flattened this forest. The lack of prey was unsuitable for practice.

It was a tiring walk without the magical flying board. The two ladies were fatigued by the time they emerged from the forest.

Karina almost wished she could lie down and sleep right there, but considering her appearance in front of the other members, she resisted the urge.

The carriage driver, on seeing them, hastily drove the carriage over.

Once they were aboard, the driver urged the horses onward, taking them towards the city gates.

They rested on the carriage for a while; they’d divided the Windhorn Gazelle’s meat. Despite being a Level 2 magical creature, its meat was good, and it being their first successful hunt made it special; they wanted to savor it.

As they divide the meat, arrangements were discussed. Jorgus and the others would return to school, Karina would also return, since she is in bad shape, she will surely be scolded by the way she looks. The adventure was over. Amos was granted a real break, so he will go back to the Duke’s Mansion along with Aresia.

Aresia and Amos first dropped everyone off at the Royal Academy before returning to the mansion.

When they arrived, it was almost dusk, and they discovered the Duchess had prior arrangements and had gone out.

The siblings breathed a sigh of relief, at least they wouldn’t be lectured by their mother.

Amos had the kitchen prepare the day’s catch; it was Aresia’s prey, a special event. “Leave some as jerky. I’ll take some to the military camp for Father to taste. Oh, and keep a bit for Mother, otherwise she will be upset.”

“Yes, young master.”

Servants carried around ten pounds of meat to the kitchen. Given the absence of the Duchess, it was Mrs. Megan (the Overseer in the previous chapter who reported to the Duke and Duchess the sudden changes of Aresia) overseeing things now. Despite the serious demeanor, she was approachable and amiable when not stern.

At that moment, the usually serious Mrs. Megan appeared a bit intimidating, addressing the siblings as if they were mischievous kids returning from playing around. “Young Master Amos, Miss Aresia, what happened? Why are you so dirty?”

Amos, being under Mrs. Megan’s care, was more respectful than towards the Duchess, pretending to be an obedient child. “I accompanied Aresia for an extracurricular activity. A bit risky!”

Aresia gave a shy and obedient look.

In the Duke’s mansion, aside from the Duke and Duchess, the most formidable figure was perhaps Mrs. Megan. Not only was she the Duchess’s personal steward, but she was also the Duke Rogest’s wet nurse. Moreover, she belonged to a distant branch of the Rogest family. Despite being of the fifth rank, she still had a certain level of authority and was Aresia’s great aunt by lineage. She also takes care of the siblings when they were kids specially when the Masters of the house is not around.

Although she was a steward, at times Duke Rogest seems to be afraid of her, a fact that could be intimidating.

Despite her stern appearance, Mrs. Megan was fair and easy to get along with.”

They discussed among themselves, and Mrs. Megan no longer questioned them. She urged them to quickly bathe and change clothes. “Change quickly I can’t let the Duchess see this mess, she can’t stand it.”

The siblings were sent back to bathe and change. Aresia was almost tempted to fall asleep while soaking in the water, but Luna interrupted.

“Mrs. Megan said that you look too tired to come down to eat, she said that you need to rest. Dinner will be served directly in your rooms.”

Luna helped set up the table. There were already dishes prepared—meat cutlets and stew made from the Windhorn Gazelle’s meat they brought back, accompanied by vegetables, fruits, and a cup of warm beast milk.

Luna assisted Aresia in arranging the meal and then helped dry the water off her hair: “After eating, you should rest quickly. The Duchess seems a bit upset tonight.”

Luna was Aresia’s personal attendant. She was usually the one to talk to Grysenna. She avoided revealing any information.

Rarely did Luna act like this. Aresia knew that the Duchess’s mood was related to something about her.

“What happened to Mother?”

Luna glanced at Aresia, hesitant to reveal much: “Rumors from the academy have reached the Duchess, and it seems to have made her unhappy.”

Rumors from the academy?

Was there any rumor causing Mother’s displeasure?

Aresia frowned, cutting to the chase: “What rumor?”

Luna hesitated before cautiously responding: “It’s about you having an affection for a commoner from the Warrior Department.”

Actually, this was something that she does not believed. Luna knew well that her Miss favored someone from the imperial family which is Prince Osweid.

So when Luna said this, she is a bit worried that Aresia would be angry. Because if these rumors spread, it could impact the Prince’s perception about Aresia.

It appeared that the Duchess knew about who her daughter liked, but these rumors continued, and it made her angry.

This involved the honor of her daughter, so she couldn’t let others gossip outside like this.

Listening to this, the Duchess seemed on the brink of exploding. Her mood tonight resembled that of a victorious battlefield goddess!

Aresia, upon hearing this, silently shrunk, feeling somewhat guilty.

Initially, Aresia genuinely didn’t know about this rumor. She was even slow to realize when others inquired for information. But now, it was almost impossible to deny.

She deliberately not clarified it, the main objective was to make others forget about her previous affection for Prince Osweid.

The imperial family’s matters were too complicated; she didn’t want to get involved. Yet with this rumor, someone seemed to have not forgotten about her liking the sixth Prince. She decided to deny it firmly.

Moreover, with this rumor circulating, it was much quieter without those students who had different intentions about her. Ever since Jorgus— the guy who was the main character of the rumors hovering around her, made it more peaceful for her.

Also, because Jorgus is the most skilled and talented among the new warrior students and became the grade chief leader, everyone who have intentions in Aresia must consider whether they can compete with Jorgus.

Things were a bit awkward with Jorgus.

Regardless, Aresia was certain that the Duchess was extremely displeased, prompting her to decide to finish the meal and rest immediately, planning to sleep until late morning.

She didn’t want to be caught and lectured by her mother early in the morning, she had enough with troubles for the day.

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