The Duke’s Daughter is Involved in Magical Technology
The Duke’s Daughter is Involved in Magical Technology Chapter 54.2

The aerial scenery was quite beautiful, and they had plenty of time to chat. The air was originally windy, and the speed at which the magical beasts flew made the wind even stronger. However, since they were sitting close together, they could communicate without any problems.

Aresia admired the scenery for a while and then closed her eyes, allowing her mind to wander. It seemed like she was asleep.

Amos leaned over when they were about to land, and seeing his sister dozing off, he was amazed. She sat up straight and seemed very focused. He wondered if she had rested the previous night.

This was something only Aresia understood. Ever since the advent of the beast companion contracts, except for the areas around Holy Lotean City, people in other regions were wary of magical beasts. They avoided disturbing others, and their route deliberately avoided towns. They had prepared for camping along the way.

Duru had already made the arrangements. If Aresia refused to stay in the wilderness, he would personally bring a group of people to escort her into the city, while the others would remain prepared in the wild. Since Aresia didn’t voice any objections, he didn’t mention it.

They chose a relatively secluded mountain as their meeting point, surrounded by dense forests. Although the team of three hundred people brought provisions, their contracted flying mounts were large enough to accommodate riders. They had substantial appetites and needed to devour a portion of meat weighing almost five percent of their body weight to feel full. However, carrying such a quantity of meat was impractical. As a result, the knights of the escort team set aside some supplies to cook meals, while others ventured into the woods with their beast companions to hunt.

Amos was a member of the escort team, and his beast companion was a young cub. Instead of joining the hunting party with the others, he stayed by Aresia’s side to protect her.

“Did Father say anything about the mage tower in the duke’s territory?”


Aresia lowered her head and stroked her spatial ring while rummaging through its contents. She casually joked, “Why, is brother jealous that the mage tower was given to me? Shouldn’t he gift you something as well?”

“What nonsense! I’m not jealous,” Amos replied awkwardly, unable to hide his frustration. “The mage tower is in ruins and on the verge of collapsing. Its contents were probably moved long ago. Why not ask Father to build a new one?”

Aresia had little interest in anything related to the duke’s territory, and she is only interested in the abandoned mage tower. She had only visited a few times in the past and was not familiar with its current state. But now, hearing Amos speak, it seemed like he knew something about it.

“Collapsed?” she asked.

“Yes, I occasionally explore the area.”

Amos’s personality was mischievous, and he enjoyed the activities in the duke’s territory that his sister liked. Legendary structures like the mage tower fascinated him, and when he was younger, he used to live with their mother in the duke’s territory, rarely venturing elsewhere.

As a result, he became quite familiar with the entire duke’s territory, including the mage tower.

“Tell me about its condition.”

“What’s there to say? The mage tower has been abandoned for too long. Its contents were likely emptied long ago. It’s just an empty shell now, damp and dark. Snakes, insects, and rodents love to nest there. It’s definitely unbearable.”

Aresia felt a bit disappointed. Originally, the main attraction was the mage tower itself. Although it had fallen into disrepair and seemed to have collapsed, according to the records she found in the hidden library, the tower was constructed using top-quality materials. It shouldn’t be completely destroyed even after hundreds of years.

Moreover, the mage tower had various magical arrays and defensive systems, but they were deactivated due to the depletion of the embedded magic crystals. This led to the tower’s gradual abandonment, making it unsuitable for even a child to enter.

Aresia didn’t have a plan to directly renovate the mage tower. Instead, she began questioning Amos about the tower’s interior details, drawing its structure on a notebook and asking him to correct any mistakes.

Amos used to visit the mage tower frequently when he was younger, but since he started attending the Royal Academy at the age of fifteen, he rarely returned to the duke’s territory. Perhaps he forgot the details of the tower’s interior.

Seeing the drawing Aresia made, Amos remarked, “Your drawing skills have improved. This looks very accurate.”

“Practice makes perfect.”

Amos couldn’t understand why his sister, who wore a seemingly ordinary ring, suddenly started searching for something in her spatial ring. He wasn’t aware that she possessed a massive spatial ring, unlike the small one he wore. The space inside her ring was vast, but he never realized it until now.

“What are you looking for?”

“Materials for crafting,” Aresia replied. After flipping through the contents for a while, she finally found what she needed. She took everything out and placed them on an alchemy table. The table was quite large, around five square meters by three square meters, and with the additional items, it left Amos dumbfounded.

Not just him, everyone around was surprised as well. They didn’t know that these items were stored in a single spatial ring, let alone that Aresia had several spatial rings. They marveled at how indulgent the duke was to give her such treasures and wondered what she planned to do with them.

Meanwhile, Amos held the young gryphon cub in his arms and asked softly while Aresia organized the materials, “Aresia, where did you get this spatial ring? Its space must be vast.”

Aresia glanced at Amos and continued organizing the materials, saying, “If you want to know where it came from, ask Father.”

“Father gave it to you?”

Amos was genuinely a bit jealous now. “Father is biased!”

“He didn’t give it to me. Just ask him yourself.”

Although Aresia wanted to reveal the specifics of the spatial ring to Amos, she refrained from doing so. This time, due to concerns expressed by Antonio, who inspected her inherited memories, the Duke made Aresia sign a magical contract. Unless he allowed it, she was prohibited from disclosing any information regarding her inherited memories, even to her mother or older brother. She didn’t want to risk exposing everything and causing the Duke to suspect a lie.

Regardless of how much Amos asked, getting annoyed, Aresia handed him something and said, “Take this and play with it. I’m busy.”

Amos focused on the object she handed him, a magic wand in a leather sheath, immediately forgetting about the details of the spatial ring. “Did you make this for me?”

“Yes, as you requested. It has fireball, waterball, ice seal, and shrink spell solidified.”

These were the magic spells Amos had chosen. Fireball and waterball were practical for lighting fires and providing water in the wilderness. The shrink spell, while unable to change the weight of an object, was useful for reducing its volume, making it easier to store. As for the ice seal, Aresia suspected he wanted to chill a drink when he was thirsty.

And lastly, the activation spell was a utility magic that brought tools to life. Whether it was a broom, mop, or pots and pans, within a certain period, these tools would perform their functions according to their original purposes. With this, one could avoid the tedious chores.

However, there were drawbacks. If the activated pots and pans were used to cook something with a strong flavor, they would retain the taste of the previously cooked food. So if they encountered something being cooked in the pots, they wouldn’t function properly. This ability brought about a whole new profession for those skilled in cooking and cleaning, while those who were not skilled would hire people to cook and clean, letting the tools remember their steps.

Amos had made a deliberate choice in solidifying the activation spells. He had prepared beforehand: he took a set of pots, pans, and knives from the Duke’s mansion kitchen, storing them in his spatial ring.

This spatial ring was different from the three he originally wore. That’s right, the Duke and Duchess have always been partial and gave each of their children an equal number of spatial rings. But it took Amos a long time to convince his father to give him a spatial ring. Although it was only a one-cubic ring, Amos was determined to test its capacity, making sure it could fit all his cooking utensils!

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