The Duke’s Daughter is Involved in Magical Technology
The Duke’s Daughter is Involved in Magical Technology Chapter 55.2

Warriors had their own energy systems, even though their source of power was essentially the same. They strengthened their bodies and released their power through weapons and combat techniques, rather than casting spells.

Their power source came from the magic elements in the air, but they couldn’t activate alchemy tools like mages could. Could it be that the source of their power was different, making it difficult for them to activate alchemy tools?

Aresia shook her head. “These are meant to be attached to the beasts. They are fixed and will activate when they encounter a certain intensity of wind.”

Duru understood the principle. When the owner encountered an attack, the defensive tool would activate. He divided the shield badges among them. In fact, some of the flying magic beasts had their own wind shield effect, which helped them avoid the disturbance caused by the wind. Although Aresia had prepared the shield badges specifically for their use, she also provided them to the humans.

Due to Aresia’s creation, the originally scheduled lunch break was delayed by nearly an hour. However, there were no complaints. In fact, they were genuinely delighted to feel the effect of the shield badges, as they didn’t enjoy the feeling of strong winds at high altitudes.

Now, the wind shield badges were attached to the magic beasts. When the magical ascent created wind, the badges automatically activated. They formed a square or rectangular wind shield around the magic beasts, adjusting according to the wind intensity. People sitting on the back of the magic beasts no longer felt the strong wind brushing against their faces or the uncomfortable sensation of wind blowing through their skin.

Additionally, the wind was blocked, allowing for easier communication between them and the people on the magic beasts’ backs. Although they had to rely on shouting, it was still better than not being able to communicate at all.

In fact, they could buy alchemy tools with wind shield effects. However, those tools were not reusable. Once they encountered an attack and activated, the tools would be destroyed. Once they were used up, they would have to buy new ones, which were not only expensive but also didn’t provide wind protection.

Aresia’s shield badges, on the other hand, were different. Although they lacked defensive abilities, they were extremely practical for flying magic beasts that frequently encountered wind. Moreover, they could be used repeatedly!

While others were still discussing the matter, Kelly had already approached Aresia herself. Wanting to buy the shield badges, her request was met with a shake of the head. Aresia simply replied, “I don’t sell them. These were originally made for all of you.”

Kelly, though skeptical, insisted, “But it’s precious. One silver coin is not enough. Let’s say a hundred gold coins!”

Aresia explained, “It’s really just an ordinary recipe, and the ink is not meant for you to buy. I was in a hurry and used up the ink I had. I’ll write down the recipe for you tonight. You can go to a store that sells magic materials and ask them to handle the materials according to the recipe. It’s more cost-effective than buying the ink separately.”

Indeed, it was true. Using the ink to fill the wind shields could be a bit wasteful, and the price of the ink was not cheap. By preparing the ink themselves, they could save a significant amount of money. The method was simple. They could find any store that sold magic materials, have the staff process the materials according to the recipe, mix and bottle them in the appropriate proportions.

Kelly hesitated, not fully convinced. She thought it would be better to discuss with the others to find a more suitable price.

Aresia decided not to insist and accepted a material fee instead. She said, “You don’t have to pay. I don’t need it. It was originally made for all of you.”

Kelly, still not satisfied, argued, “But this precious recipe shouldn’t be sold for just one silver coin. Let me pay a hundred gold coins!”

Aresia shook her head, not wanting to continue the conversation. She had already provided the shields, and she wasn’t going to charge them for it.

Seeing that Aresia had stopped talking, Kelly decided to ask Amos for help later in the evening when they set up camp. She wanted to know if Aresia was willing to sell the shield badges. But before anyone could put their plans into action, Kelly’s bird, controlled by her, flew to Duru and gestured as if it wanted to land in the next city. It pointed towards Aresia, indicating that it was the Duke’s daughter’s idea.

Duru nodded, indicating that he understood.

They stopped in a secluded forest not far from the city. Amos and a few other knights who rode horse-like magic beasts escorted Aresia into the city to buy materials.

The other magic beasts caused panic among the people at the city gate, but the horse-like magic beasts were more accepted since they resembled regular horses. They were even used by many professionals and nobles as their mounts. Although they attracted some attention, it was much less than the other magic beasts.

When they arrived at their destination, the soldiers at the city gate were in a state of panic, especially when they saw people sitting on the backs of magic beasts, except for one child who was a noble’s daughter. However, once Amos revealed the identity of the Gryphon Legion Corps, the soldiers respectfully allowed them to enter the city.

The city was not very large, and it was not as grand as the city of Holy Lotean. The materials Aresia needed were not particularly rare and could be purchased at the local magic material store. However, the quantity was a bit limited, so they had to visit several stores to get everything they needed.

After successfully purchasing the materials, they left the city. Before leaving, the commander of the city defense force, who had heard the news, invited them to the lord’s mansion as guests. However, since they had official business to attend to, they politely declined.

Once they were sure that no one was following them, they mounted the magic beasts and flew back to their camp.

Although they had lost some time on the way, the presence of the wind shield badges protected them from the wind’s hindrance, allowing them to accelerate their journey. By the time it was nighttime, they had reached their planned camping spot.

Once they landed, everyone got busy with their tasks. Aresia started preparing the magic ink on the alchemy table, while the others waited for them to return from their city trip. Hearing that Aresia was willing to sell the wind shield badges, they were pleasantly surprised when she also provided them with the recipe for the magic ink as a bonus. They were curious about what she was up to, but they didn’t want to disturb her or the people nearby. They walked more quietly and restrained the movements of their contracted beasts to avoid causing too much noise.

With the attention of the others, Aresia quickly prepared a jar of magic ink, while Luna helped by pouring the purchased bottles into smaller containers. There were many droppers nearby to be used when adding ink to the badges.

After finishing the task, Aresia copied the recipe for the magic ink and handed a copy to Duru. The others requested copies as well, but they had to do the transcription themselves since they didn’t bring any magical pens. Writing with a regular pen was too tiring and time-consuming.

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