The Duke’s Daughter is Involved in Magical Technology
The Duke’s Daughter is Involved in Magical Technology Chapter 59.2

While Charlie went to inquire, Aresia didn’t keep them waiting for long. The alchemists arrived promptly.

There were three alchemists, all under thirty years old. Although they were only third-level alchemists, they had good talent and high comprehension. They were highly regarded in the Duke’s territory.

The work progressed quickly as the three alchemists were very capable. Charlie had arranged for them to work together on the assembly.

Since the workers for the alchemy workshop had already been hired, Aresia asked them to assemble the parts. The mechanical arms were modified back to their original assembly line configuration. The alchemists were responsible for installing them.

Finding suitable alchemists was not easy. They were a selective group. Despite this, Aresia was not discouraged and asked Charlie to check if there were any alchemists available to help. They needed someone who could familiarize themselves with the machine and perform basic maintenance.

As they waited for the alchemists to arrive, Aresia instructed Charlie to quickly resolve the matter. She didn’t want to keep them waiting for too long, as they had a lot of work ahead of them.

It wasn’t long before the alchemists arrived. There were three of them, all under thirty years old. Although they were only third-level alchemists, their talents and comprehension were remarkable. They were highly regarded by the Duke’s family.

Aresia showed them the scattered parts and handed them the assembly instructions. After a quick glance, the alchemists were immediately captivated by the complexity and intricacy of the instructions. Even without detailed data annotations, they could see the advanced technology hidden within.

Charlie went to find the alchemists and explained that they needed to learn the maintenance techniques for the machine. They realized that they didn’t fully understand it and were afraid of making mistakes during assembly. They asked Aresia for clarification on certain details. Aresia appreciated their serious attitude and gladly answered their questions.

The alchemists asked questions and Aresia patiently explained. They quickly grasped the concepts and asked more questions. The discussion became lively, and Charlie realized that Aresia didn’t need to assist them anymore. He silently signaled for refreshments and called a few diligent servants to assist them with tasks like moving objects and handing tools.

Aresia felt like a mentor guiding apprentices. She explained the instructions in detail. She trusted that they wouldn’t make any mistakes during assembly. If any issues arose during assembly, it would be troublesome to dismantle and find the problem.

Aresia closely monitored their progress. Once she was confident that they understood their tasks, she focused on the assembly.

While assembling, the alchemists felt the pressure of Aresia’s watchful gaze. They didn’t dare to relax, but the presence of their teacher motivated them. They worked diligently and asked questions whenever they encountered difficulties.

Charlie observed their enthusiastic discussion and realized that Aresia’s assistance was no longer necessary. He discreetly called for refreshments and assigned a few capable servants to help with tasks like moving objects and handing tools. If the alchemists needed assistance, such as carrying items or passing tools, these servants were more than capable.

Aresia noticed the scene and smiled. Although the explanation had delayed the process for a while, the alchemists were now working smoothly and even faster than she had anticipated.

As they continued assembling, their gaze became more focused. They worked diligently, and the sound of their work resonated through the room. The alchemists were not slacking off; instead, they were engrossed in their tasks. They had quickly adapted to the instructions and were performing their work effortlessly.

The three young alchemists were impressed by Aresia’s knowledge and skill. They had expected her to be knowledgeable, but her practical abilities far surpassed their imagination. After all, Aresia was a fifteen-year-old noblewoman. Typically, such individuals would spend their time drinking tea, reading books, and perhaps learning some etiquette or dance. It was rare to find someone with such practical knowledge.

The impact of Aresia’s abilities left a lasting impression on them. They exchanged glances and returned to their tasks with renewed focus.

Aresia noticed their determination and made sure they didn’t encounter any issues. She didn’t want to interrupt their work since it could disrupt the entire assembly line. If any problems arose after the assembly was complete, they could dismantle and identify the issue then. She closely monitored their progress, confirming that they understood their tasks and didn’t encounter any problems. She then focused on the assembly.

During the assembly, the alchemists were astounded by Aresia’s technical skills. They couldn’t help but wonder if her theoretical knowledge was equally remarkable. They realized that they had underestimated her abilities. After all, she had access to extensive theoretical knowledge and practical experience. As a Duke’s daughter, she had ample time to study and practice.

They couldn’t imagine how she managed to find time for such meticulous work.

Their shock was evident, and the alchemists couldn’t hide their astonishment. However, they quickly refocused and continued their work. The entire assembly process took less than ten minutes. They successfully completed the assembly of a new magic flying board. As they continued working, other mechanical arms focused on assembling more magic Hoverboards.

During the assembly process, Aresia didn’t need to intervene, as everything was running smoothly. The alchemists were captivated by the machine’s complexity and the advanced technology involved.

They were amazed by Aresia’s understanding and skill in handling the assembly. The entire process was efficient and seamless, exceeding their expectations.

Aresia was pleased with their progress and smiled. Though the explanation had caused a slight delay, the alchemists quickly grasped the concepts and worked efficiently. It seemed that they didn’t need any further assistance. She silently observed their work, appreciating the incredible progress they had made.

Even during the assembly process, they had a certain expectation of how the device should function. However, at that moment, their limited imaginations couldn’t comprehend the reality of it.

Was this production method truly possible?

Aresia paid attention to those who were developing new concepts.

After inspecting the assembly and ensuring there were no quality issues, Aresia climbed onto the flying board and began a test flight. She flew smoothly around the banquet hall a few times before returning to her starting point, nodding in satisfaction.

During this time, two magic Hoverboards were completed and almost fell off the assembly line. However, a quick-thinking servant caught them and placed them aside. The servant had realized that the peculiar machine they were assembling was a magical transportation device.

One servant informed the others, and they all gathered around.

The three alchemists were astounded. They had never imagined that magical artifacts could be created so easily.

Before their astonishment could continue, Aresia finished her inspection and called them over to explain any potential malfunctions and how to repair them.

“If I’m not here, you will be responsible for maintaining the assembly line. Write down the instructions. If you can’t remember or encounter difficulties, I will find someone else to take over.”

Though their worldview had been shattered, the alchemists’ inspiration and creativity were ignited. This assembly equipment challenged their preconceived notions and opened up new possibilities for their alchemy journey.

It was an entirely different path, one that they couldn’t help but yearn for. They were fortunate to be part of this, and they wouldn’t let this opportunity slip away.

The three alchemists quickly grabbed the pens and paper they had prepared beforehand and followed Aresia’s instructions. They learned about the assembly line, its working principles, the significance of each data point on the control panel, the operating procedures, and the knowledge required for regular maintenance.

They understood that mastering this equipment wouldn’t happen overnight, but they were determined to grasp it fully. Since Aresia would be away for a long time at the Duke’s estate, she assured them that they could ask her any questions they had. This made them even more confident, knowing they had the opportunity to learn about a subject they had never encountered before.

Aresia was pleased with their attitude and rewarded each of them with a magic flying board. She entrusted the training of the workers to them, considering it a test of their learning.

The three alchemists felt a deep sense of trust from Aresia and expressed their determination to fulfill the task.

1 comment
  1. TJadakaa has spoken 3 months ago

    One thing the story does well is emphasize groups of people are necessary for mass progress. Leaders need people


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