The Duke’s Daughter is Involved in Magical Technology
The Duke’s Daughter is Involved in Magical Technology Chapter 60.2

The gap between level seven and level eight was like a world apart. This difference was vast, and it was impossible to bridge. The power of an eighth-level mage was beyond their imagination.

Even though level seven professionals could compete with level eight mages, their strength was more focused on single-target attacks.

In terms of group attacks, they couldn’t match the intensity of an eighth-level mage.

The knights were hesitant. They couldn’t believe that Aresia had an eighth-level mage as her teacher. However, they couldn’t ignore her words. They quickly reported the message, hoping that the news was true.

An eighth-level mage! The thought was mind-boggling. The knights couldn’t believe their ears. They were excited about the prospect of having an eighth-level mage’s help, as it could make a difference not only against the Gryphon leader but also against the entire Gryphon Legion. They didn’t want to face them alone.

The difference between level seven and level eight was immense. It was a leap that surpassed all other levels. Level seven professionals didn’t have the power to challenge level eight mages. It was difficult to bridge that gap.

Aresia waited until he left and wiped the smile off her face.

Making the “teacher” reveal herself officially was something Aresia had planned a long time ago, even before the construction of the long-distance teleportation magic circle began.

Aresia’s identity was too light. This long-distance magic teleportation circle should not have been built by such a young child.

There was a suitable identity for someone stronger, a mage perhaps, so that no one would question or doubt her.

Of course, Duke knew about this. He was aware of who the teacher really was, and even Antonio knew about the transfer of memories. Duke didn’t need to worry too much; he had already shown his willingness to help conceal the transfer of memories. Antonio, on the other hand, had long stopped caring. If Aresia were to leak this information, she would only be harming herself.

Originally, Aresia planned to wait a while before letting the “teacher” reveal herself, but the situation with the guard happened to coincide. It was an opportunity to help her father by bringing back a nice gift, showcasing the teacher’s power and making her presence legitimate. It was like killing two birds with one stone.

To avoid suspicion that the so-called teacher was just one person, it was quite simple.

The magical system in the high magic world was very powerful. There were several methods to create a copy of oneself, and the most suitable one for this situation was the Split Body Magic.

The Split Body Magic allowed the caster to create a replica that looked exactly like the original. The replica was weaker but possessed a similar mindset to the original and could be controlled remotely by the caster. Additionally, it could not be attacked and could exist for a long time until the caster’s magical power was depleted.

Split Body Magic was a seventh-level spell. Initially, it was created to help with experiments, to create a replica with the exact mindset of the caster. Unfortunately, the replicas created didn’t respond as expected. Although they possessed the mindset of the original, they didn’t have the knowledge inherited from the caster. They simply mimicked the caster’s habits and basic actions, without actually assisting with experiments.

However, this Split Body Magic was still useful, especially for Aresia in this situation. She needed it.

Aresia had everything she needed to perform Split Body Magic and was ready to create a replica.

On the other hand, Duru had indeed sent people to request assistance from the five cities. Some of the strong professionals from the five cities had already been dispatched. However, it was difficult to find enough people, as they didn’t have flying mounts like the guards, which made it harder to travel quickly and capture magical beasts in the mountains. The five cities stated that they would send people, but at least they would wait until the hunting party returned.

It was uncertain when they would return.

The plea for help was no longer an option. Duru and Amos were considering whether to temporarily abandon their plans and retreat. Although they had invited a seventh-level mage and two sixth-level mages, as well as several fifth-level mages, the newly promoted seventh-level mage was not on par with an ordinary seventh-level gryphon. Not to mention the gryphon leader.

Furthermore, they were concerned about what the gryphon pack was doing while they were occupied. If they were discovered, they wouldn’t stand a chance against the enraged gryphon pack, and the resulting casualties would not be their responsibility.

Despite their reluctance, they decided to temporarily withdraw. Once Duru sent someone back to Holy Lotean City to notify the Duke, they were confident that the Duke would send reinforcements. The gryphon mounts owned by the gryphon legion were currently here, and the remaining knights didn’t all have flying mounts.

The speed of the reinforcements would undoubtedly be slower than theirs, and this time they needed a significant number of reinforcements. They hoped that the other legions wouldn’t learn about this information, as they were not on good terms with the Imperial Legion.

Amos complained indignantly, “When our father sends troops, the Imperial Legion always follows along. If they leave half of the gryphons for us, that would be great.”

The others nodded, knowing that the gryphon leader had been taken by the Imperial Legion. It frustrated them every time.

Duru was a little annoyed. That was why he had been sending messages to Holy Lotean City. Compared to before, he felt more relieved now that people from the five cities were involved. After all, they were considered the Duke’s people.

As they were feeling frustrated, a magical beast flew towards them from a distance. Amos squinted his eyes and recognized the familiar figure on the back of the beast. It was the knight who had just been sent back to protect Aresia.

“Why is he here? Could it be that Aresia needs assistance?” Amos wondered.


The knight landed and quickly approached Amos and Duru. Despite trying to suppress his excitement, his voice couldn’t hide it as he informed them, “Captain, Vice Captain, Miss Aresia’s teacher has arrived. She has requested the teacher’s help in capturing the gryphon pack.”

Aresia’s teacher? Wasn’t her teacher the headmaster of the Academy? Though the headmaster was powerful, he was only a sixth-level mage at best. Why would he come to help in this situation?

Amos couldn’t understand and asked, “Which teacher?”

So, Aresia had more than one teacher? They wondered if they were all as formidable.

The knight hesitated for a moment but continued excitedly, “It’s Miss Aresia’s magical teacher. Miss Aresia’s Teacher … her teacher has just reached the eighth level!”

This almost made Amos choke on his own saliva. “Eighth, eighth level?”

How did he not know that his sister had such a powerful teacher?

Even the usually composed Duru was visibly stunned.

Amos pressed for confirmation, “Are you sure there’s no mistake? Eighth level?”

Duru paused, his expression slightly troubled. Could it be that Miss Aresia was joking?

He replied, “It’s true. She can confirm that the teacher is an eighth-level mage.”

Amos couldn’t believe it. Throughout the entire Holy Lotean Empire, there was an eighth-level mage? And if there was one, they hadn’t heard a whisper about it.

“No, I have to go and ask for myself. How did this happen?” Amos said.

But Duru is the first one to move, jumping onto the knight’s gryphon mount and urging him to hurry.

It was a turbulent wave of emotions. This news had to be true…

Amos clenched his fist.

After about a quarter of an hour, Amos returned to the castle. He quickly grabbed a servant and asked for Aresia’s whereabouts before rushing over.

His speed was such that not even the gryphon could keep up with his armored pace.

When Amos arrived at Aresia’s laboratory and knocked on the door, the few seconds he waited for someone to answer made him feel like an eternity.

The laboratory door finally opened, but it wasn’t Aresia who stood there. It was a stranger, wearing a mage’s robe and a hood that covered half of their face, making it difficult to see. Only their brown eyes, peering out from beneath the hood, were visible. An intense aura emanated from them, leaving Amos breathless and almost forgetting how to breathe!

1 comment
  1. TJadakaa has spoken 3 months ago

    Here we goooo


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