The Duke’s Daughter is Involved in Magical Technology
The Duke’s Daughter is Involved in Magical Technology Chapter 64.2

The space wasn’t completely sealed and had a window. Through this window, beast companions could observe the outside world. However, if the owner of the space, the contract holder, decided to close the window during inconvenient times, they could prevent the beast companions from gazing outside.

Although the Gryphon cub was initially a bit panicked, with Amos’s soothing, it quickly calmed down and appeared to be pleased with its new living space.

In general, beast companion spaces were considered luxury items, even in high-magic worlds. Not many people who raised beast companions could afford them. Even ordinary people with average financial conditions who raised beast companions would choose species that didn’t require a beast companion space.

However, Aresia had been working on the production line for beast companion spaces. She knew that only a few people could afford them due to their restrictions and prices, not because of the craftsmanship, but because of the raw materials.

Materials for spatial items were already relatively scarce, but now there were even fewer materials available for crafting beast companion spaces, which required larger sizes. For example, space stones were suitable materials for creating various spatial items, but the supply of space stones was limited, and they were often found in areas inhabited by powerful magical beasts. Obtaining space stones was not an easy task.

Similarly, other materials for spatial items had their own specific acquisition conditions, and they were not any less difficult to obtain compared to space stones.

“Beast spaces are specifically designed for beast companions, not for storage,” Aresia explained. The craftsmanship for creating a living space for active creatures, like the beast space, was completely different from creating a storage space for inanimate objects. In fact, the latter was more complicated and troublesome due to the concept of spatial stillness. Even in a high-magic world, the craftsmanship for creating pure storage spaces was considered advanced alchemy.

Aresia had prepared a space item for the Duke and his wife willingly. In fact, she had already thought about it and decided to create a space item for Amos first. The main reason was that he had already formed a contract with a beast companion, making his need more urgent.

“Since Father will be arriving soon, you can go to the treasury and take whatever materials you need,” Aresia said. Amos had a treasury that his family had used for generations to store various treasures and rare items. In fact, there were two treasuries: one in the Duke’s mansion in Holy Lotean City and the other deep within the castle.

The method to open the treasury was known only to the Duke himself. Since the Duke and his wife had a strong bond and the Duke often stayed away, the responsibility of managing the family affairs fell to the Duchess. She knew how to access the treasury.

Amos believed that his father wouldn’t refuse to let Aresia select materials from the treasury. After all, displaying items without using them was just for show; their true value would only be realized when they were put to use.

Aresia recalled her memories of the treasury in the Duke’s mansion and the castle. Amos was eagerly anticipating his father’s arrival.

After dinner, Aresia called out to Amos and went to Isis’s room to check her progress and continue her work. As she left the dining room, Charlie greeted her and bid her good night.

“Good night, Miss Aresia.”

“Good night, Charlie. Is there something you need?”

Aresia knew that Charlie had been waiting for her.

“Yes, Miss Aresia. It’s about Frank.”

Charlie had been waiting indeed.

He informed Aresia, “Frank would like to talk to you about signing a magical contract. It seems he is more inclined towards it now.”

Aresia immediately understood. Researchers and scholars were always seeking knowledge and truth above all else.

Especially with the request he made, it seemed that Frank wanted Charlie to convey it to her. Although the mage hadn’t responded yet, it was clear that he had been observing them while they were drawing the teleportation array. Frank, being an experienced mage, wouldn’t make a move without careful consideration.

“In that case, please inform Frank to meet me at the plaza. I will come there.”

“Understood, Miss Aresia. I won’t disturb you any longer.”

Charlie left, and Aresia went to Isis’s room to continue drawing the teleportation array.

Lately, Charlie is  pressured due to the things happening in the castle. The castle’s defense system had some flaws due to the lack of personnel, and it was important to ensure the castle’s safety, especially with Aresia’s presence.


Frank, A top-tier mage with a fist-sized magical crystal on top of his hat, emitting a soft and radiant glow.

“Hello Miss Aresia, Isis.”

Isis nodded.

“Nice to meet you.” Aresia responded with a smile

Although she was one level lower, Frank still treated Aresia with respect.

“I would like to ask a question if you don’t mind, are you really going to build a teleportation tools and is this the magic array?” Frank said eagerly.

Aresia understood his intentions and asked in response, “What do you think?”

Although she didn’t provide a direct answer, her response indirectly confirmed that they were indeed drawing a teleportation array.

Frank’s excitement grew visibly. “I was not mistaken. This magic array contains magical markings and incantations related to spatial distance… I believe this is…!”

He became animated, discussing various aspects of the magic array he had only partially drawn, including his analysis and speculations. Aresia found herself increasingly admiring this mage’s extensive knowledge. Although some of his assumptions were incorrect, it was evident that his research in this field was top-notch in this world.

Encountering someone so eager to discuss this knowledge, Aresia didn’t hold back. Rather, she corrected his mistakes and pointed out where he went wrong without hesitation.

It is rare for someone to be corrected by others, and it can be an unpleasant experience, even if it isn’t apparent on the surface. However, when Frank was corrected by Isis (True Aresia), he didn’t show any signs of displeasure. Instead, he seemed contemplative or had a look of sudden realization. He quickly accepted Isis’s corrections, admitting his mistakes, and expressed gratitude.

Even though Aresia was not someone who easily judges others, it was clear that Frank was a pure researcher. He asked for help without any reservations. The likelihood was that he had come across an unknown magic array and had made assumptions about its workings based on the partially drawn magical markings. He wanted to understand this unknown knowledge.

As they continued their discussion, Frank actively joined in. He said, “I promise not to disclose any information related to this magic array to others and would like to join if possible.”

Aresia looked at Isis, and a faint smile appeared on her face. “Of course, I’m glad to have your assistance.”

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