The Duke’s Daughter is Involved in Magical Technology
The Duke’s Daughter is Involved in Magical Technology Chapter 68.2

At least the guards within the city would be suspicious.

Before they figured out what was happening, it would definitely have an impact.

The Duke decided to inform the emperor first and obtain his permission before bringing back the remaining knights.

Explaining the situation to the Imperial Palace would be difficult. Just explaining the situation to the Emperor alone would give the Duke a headache.

For now, he would keep a few more Gryphons. Aresia accepted and handed the Duke a list she had written. “This is the gender, age, and family situation of the Gryphons. If they are in the hatching period, it is best to let their parents incubate and raise them. During this period, the Gryphons can be quite temperamental. As long as they have a contract, they won’t harm the contract holder but may harm others.”

Although the contracts for newly hatched magical creatures were temporary, there was no need to separate them from their parents. If the mother had a contract holder, communication between the parents and the contract holder was possible. It was enough to guarantee the contract. The pets would feel the benefits of the contract, as it could enhance their strength and help them advance further. As long as the young ones were in the hatching period, they would not leave their parents and would continue to receive their care. Contract holders were responsible for regular nurturing. As for others, they shouldn’t interfere. The mother would drive away the grown young ones.

Gryphons were monogamous and would not change partners throughout their lives. When choosing a Gryphon for a contract, they also considered the partner and offspring’s situation. It was best to arrange the young ones from one Gryphon couple in the same team, avoiding them being scattered.

This was not a difficult task. The Duke already had a dedicated Gryphon Knight Camp. Some Gryphon Knights had been integrated into a single unit, and they frequently worked together.

After receiving the list, the Duke consulted with others while Aresia continued to draw the teleportation array.

It’s unclear whether the Duke informed others about the teleportation array, but Aresia noticed that the deputy legion commander and several generals who were interested in the teleportation array were lingering nearby, eagerly observing it. Aresia didn’t bother them and let them do as they pleased.

After two days, when the knights’ vacation ended, they returned from nearby cities. The long-distance teleportation array was finally completed amidst the cheers of the mages.

Two nearly identical teleportation arrays occupied a corner of the square. Aresia, in her role as Isis, stood beside one of the teleportation arrays, while her clone was sent to the other teleportation array.

Initially, Aresia planned to create another teleportation array to be installed in the Duke’s mansion in Holy Lotean City for further experimentation. However, Frank and the others were too eager. Aresia often heard them privately discussing the effects of teleportation. Seeing their enthusiasm, Aresia changed her plan. She first updated the coordinates of the existing teleportation array and intended to let them witness its effect before removing the second teleportation array. After all, modifying the coordinates was a simple task and it was a way to thank them for their assistance.

Now, Isis (Aresia) and her student (Clone) stood by one of the teleportation arrays, ready to activate it. They were surrounded by a crowd of onlookers. Isis was next to the Duke and Frank, while Aresia (clone) stood near the deputy legion commander—although they had been driven away from Isis’ pavilion by the latter.

From the farther side of the square, the city walls, and the heights of the castle, the knights, soldiers, and servants gathered. Everyone was curious about the purpose of the two teleportation arrays. When they saw the completion of the magic array, they couldn’t resist joining the excitement.

However, they didn’t dare to approach the teleportation arrays too closely. They stood at a safe distance and found a good spot to observe.

Two people simultaneously placed their palms on the energy slots embedded in the teleportation arrays.

The teleportation arrays were activated, and a translucent, ethereal screen resembling a water mirror appeared in front of them. Isis swiftly tapped on the screen, entering something that was indistinguishable to the onlookers. On the other side, Aresia did the same.

Suddenly, a crisp sound echoed from Aresia’s side, and a small window popped up above the screen. Aresia glanced at it and clicked on it.

Isis received a notification and without looking back, she said to the people around her, “The connection is complete. Start putting things into the teleportation array.”

Upon hearing this, Frank and the others couldn’t wait to assist. They immediately ran to help without even calling the servants. They quickly moved a pile of objects to Isis’ teleportation array.

When they finished moving the objects and retreated, Isis reminded them, “Attention, teleportation commencing. No one should approach the teleportation array.”

Isis activated the magic power of the teleportation array, and in an instant, the pile of objects, weighing over two tons, disappeared from Isis’ teleportation array and reappeared in the neighboring teleportation array.

This scene delighted the mages and generals who had long anticipated it, while the others were astonished, staring wide-eyed.

Once they snapped back to reality, everyone started clamoring.

“Lord, it’s a teleportation array! A large-scale teleportation array!”

“Those things, they were teleported!”

“Unbelievable, it’s a large-scale teleportation array!”

Ignoring the noisy crowd, Isis (Aresia) walked over to the neighboring teleportation array, her clone following her. They both leaned toward the screen and examined the data displayed on it. They made a few adjustments and glanced at the people who had approached, including Frank and the others. Aresia said, “The weights haven’t changed. Now, let’s check if the teleported objects remain intact.”

Frank and the others, who were excited, immediately nodded. “Of course, we’re ready.”

A group of people entered the teleportation array, starting with checking a few captured magical creatures.

They used various magic tools to ensure that the creatures in the experiment were alive and active. There were no missing limbs or other issues. They checked other items as well, meticulously comparing them to the recorded weights. They confirmed that nothing had changed during the teleportation process.

This proved that their teleportation experiment was successful!

Announcing this, the mages and generals were ecstatic. Even the Duke couldn’t help but smile. He approached Aresia and asked about the energy consumption.

Aresia glanced at him and said, “It’s less than five percent.”

The Duke was astonished. “Does it really require five percent of the energy for such a short distance?” He vaguely remembered that Aresia had mentioned teleporting to the Duke’s mansion in Holy Lotean City, which was a fully charged energy plate.

For ten consecutive teleportations, the energy consumption per teleportation was around ten percent.

Aresia explained, “The energy consumption is not solely based on distance. When activating a teleportation array, it always requires a certain amount of energy, usually between two to three percent. To determine the precise data, further experimentation is needed. Additionally, the weight of the transported goods adds to the energy consumption of the teleportation array. The specific values can only be determined through more testing.”

Once they confirmed that there were no issues with the teleported items, Aresia had someone retrieve them and teleport them back using the adjacent magic array. This time, there were no problems, and Frank and the others eagerly rushed in to inspect.

They conducted several tests, increasing the weight of the teleported items to determine the maximum capacity of the teleportation array. They even tested by adding a single grain of wheat to verify the energy consumption of the teleportation array.

After multiple iterations, all the data was confirmed to be consistent with the preliminary expectations. Only then did Aresia open her mouth and ask, “Is there anyone willing to participate in the teleportation of people for testing?”

This question was met with enthusiasm, not only from Frank and the others but also from the knights, soldiers, and servants who had been watching. This surprised Aresia, as she expected at least some hesitation from them.

Others started queuing up to enter the teleportation array, knowing that the Duke and his entourage were watching. No one dared to act recklessly. Those fortunate enough to be part of the test were excited, while those who moved slowly sighed in disappointment.

The teleportation array had a weighing magic array. Initially, Aresia selected ten people to participate in the test. With each iteration, they gradually increased the weight until they reached the maximum capacity of the teleportation array. This process involved not only Frank and the other mages, as well as Vice Commander Malki and other generals, but also the Duke and Amos, who couldn’t resist the temptation. Aresia closely monitored the situation and finally called a halt.

After completing a full teleportation, Aresia announced that both teleportation arrays passed the test and could be put into use. However, before officially activating them, they needed to transport one back to Holy Lotean City.

Upon hearing this news, everyone became excited, and the eyes of a few mages even turned red.

Although long-distance teleportation arrays were not their own creation, they were fortunate to participate in their development. This alone would ensure their names were recorded in magical history for eternity. Not to mention, they benefited greatly from being involved in the process. They gained knowledge that had not been accessible to them before, and regardless of the outcome, they were grateful to Isis and fortunate that they had made this decision.

Little did they know that an even greater surprise awaited them!

1 comment
  1. TJadakaa has spoken 3 months ago

    Everyone’s excitement 🥰


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