Easy To Deceive
Easy To Deceive chapter 8

Qi Wang hadn’t expected to have such a miserable day.

In addition to working as a barista at Morning Ten, his other part-time job was as an apprentice bartender at an acquaintance’s bar.

The customers at this bar were not all law-abiding citizens; it was a mixed crowd. He called himself an apprentice, but the boss knew him and knew his skills, so he had him keep an eye on things with the other bartenders and try to prevent any trouble from escalating.

Unfortunately, trouble arose today, and he couldn’t afford to offend either side. As the situation escalated, he and the security guards stepped forward to intervene. In a moment of carelessness, he was scratched on the back by a broken bottle.

It was a long wound, running down his shoulder, and he had already been to the hospital to have it treated.

He was used to pain long ago, and with numerous injuries, he didn’t pay much attention to them.

Just now, he wanted to rinse off the blood on his arm, but perhaps due to excessive blood loss, he felt dizzy when he stood up, and his feet slipped, causing him to fall heavily onto the stainless steel tray protruding from the wall.

The bottles and jars on top all fell down, his head hit the wall, and the wound that had just been stitched up split open again, blood gushing out and staining the blue tiles red.

He hadn’t missed the sound of Yu Nian’s voice outside the door, chattering like a little sparrow.

But he had fallen too hard just now and hadn’t recovered yet. His head was buzzing, and everything was pitch black in front of him.

He couldn’t respond at all.

In this haze, he heard the bathroom door being cautiously pushed open.

After a brief inhale, someone approached him.

He raised his head slightly.

After the dizziness and pain subsided, the black mist in front of him gradually dissipated, and the light gradually entered his eyes.

In a mist of steam, he saw Yu Nian’s face, as white and smooth as jade, with strands of chestnut hair sticking to his face. His eyes were dark, urgently looking at him.

The bathroom light fell on Yu Nian’s head, making it a bit dazzling, but also giving him a halo, like the only bright spot in the blur.

Yu Nian was almost dumbfounded.

He didn’t care about the trivial grievances with Qi Wang anymore. He hurried forward and supported Qi Wang.

But as soon as he did, he let out a hiss.

Qi Wang looked slender and elegant, but when he pressed down, Yu Nian felt the breadth of his frame, heavy and pressing, almost causing him to lose his balance.

“What happened to you?” Yu Nian said incoherently. “Did you fall while showering like this? Should I call 120 for you?”

Qi Wang looked down at Yu Nian. The wound on his back was still bleeding, and a stabbing pain came in waves.

He actually didn’t intend to ask for Yu Nian’s help. This delicate kid was already good enough if he didn’t get scared.

His wound looked fierce, but it wasn’t life-threatening. However, the water in the bathroom was splashing everywhere, mixing with the blood, which looked terrifying.

Instead, it was this blood that splattered on Yu Nian, even dirtying Yu Nian’s snow-white cheeks a bit, making him uncomfortable.

But Yu Nian supporting him did save him a lot of energy.

He watched Yu Nian look at him with concern, hurriedly searching for a towel to stop the bleeding, and whispered, “I’m fine, I already had a wound on my back that was stitched up. I just lost my balance in the bathroom and fell, causing the wound to split open again. No need to go to the hospital, I’ll go to the clinic downstairs myself.”

He wasn’t used to asking for help. He pursed his lips, “Could you please help me get a coat from my room? It’s on the coat rack at the entrance.”

His current appearance wasn’t suitable for going out directly.

Yu Nian still looked worried as he supported Qi Wang.

He assisted Qi Wang, feeling a bit uneasy, and gritted his teeth, “Then wait for me.”

He went to Qi Wang’s room, which wasn’t locked, and pushed the door open.

A black coat was hanging on the coat rack by the door. He took it down, quickly returned to the bathroom, half-draped it over Qi Wang, and carefully avoided Qi Wang’s wound.

Qi Wang politely said, “Thank you, you can go back to your room now. I’ll go to the clinic myself.”

However, Yu Nian clicked his tongue. He glared at Qi Wang and said, “With you looking like this, you still want to go to the clinic alone? What’s the point of being so stubborn? What if you faint on the way?”

Qi Wang was about to explain that it wasn’t necessary, but Yu Nian cut him off.

“I’ll accompany you there. Just consider me someone who likes to meddle,” Yu Nian bit his lip, a bit irritable, “Hurry up, don’t delay. Your bleeding sounds serious, I’m afraid you’ll lose too much blood.”

In the end, Qi Wang couldn’t refuse Yu Nian, and the two of them ended up at the clinic outside the community together.

This was the only clinic nearby that operated until 2 am.

Whether Qi Wang’s wound was serious or not, he didn’t put much weight on Yu Nian, nor did he show any signs of pain. He quietly walked into the clinic by himself.

The doctor at the clinic helped him re-stitch the wound.

While sewing, the doctor frowned and asked him, “Did you get into a fight? This wound looks like it was caused by a sharp object. You’re so young, don’t be so hot-tempered. If there’s a problem, talk it out, don’t resort to violence. But you can endure quite a bit, don’t you feel any pain?”

While the doctor was sewing, Qi Wang remained silent, showing almost no reaction except for a slightly pale complexion.

It was Yu Nian who stuttered and shivered, unable to look, and even trembled every time he glanced at him, which made the doctor smile.

He heard the doctor’s question and also glanced at Qi Wang with suspicion, his eyes showing confusion.

Qi Wang frowned. He didn’t want to explain, but seeing Yu Nian hesitating and looking at him blankly, he shook his head, “I was scratched by someone’s broken bottle.”

He wasn’t supposed to get hurt in the first place.

But the troublemaker was a customer, and he couldn’t seriously fight with them. Moreover, intoxicated people had no sense of propriety. Someone attacked him from behind, and when he tried to block it, the beer bottle scraped across his back.

The doctor clicked his tongue, “You’re quite unlucky. Nowadays, young people are so impulsive. Every month, there are several troublemakers coming to get their wounds stitched.”

As he spoke, he sewed another stitch.

Just looking at it made Yu Nian’s heart tremble.

Although Qi Wang and the doctor remained calm, he felt a kind of empathetic pain when he saw the long wound. He also noticed a scar on the side of Qi Wang’s neck, an old injury that had scabbed over long ago, but it was long and looked like it would cut his throat, only blocked by his hair, so it wasn’t very obvious.

He couldn’t help but complain in his heart. What kind of place was this? Why were customers wielding beer bottles like gangsters?

He asked the doctor, “How long will it take for his wound to heal?”

The doctor glanced at him, “Normally, it takes seven to nine days to remove the stitches. But since it’s torn again, it’s a bit serious. It may take a few more days. I’ll give him some antibiotics later. Remember to take them.”

The doctor was probably bored during the late night and a bit gossiping. He asked Yu Nian again, “Are you his younger brother? You seem to care about him a lot.”

Yu Nian was stunned by the question.

He looked up at Qi Wang, who was also looking at him. When he supported Qi Wang just now, there were still a few blood stains on his white clothes from Qi Wang.

He touched his sleeve, feeling a bit strange for some reason.

“No, I’m his…” He paused here for a moment, “Colleague.”

“Colleague, huh? You seem to have a good relationship,” the doctor said as he finished sewing up Qi Wang, “Alright, you should be fine now. Don’t do anything strenuous for the next few days, just wait until the stitches are removed.”

Yu Nian touched his nose, not bothering to argue.

After the wound was treated, Qi Wang paid the treatment fee and got the medicine prescribed by the doctor.

Yu Nian yawned and stood up from his seat. With a nasal tone, he said, “Thank you, doctor. We’ll go back now.”

As he spoke, very naturally, he walked to Qi Wang’s side and supported him.

Qi Wang’s eyebrows twitched slightly.

With the stitches done, he wasn’t as difficult to move as before. The main reason for his difficulty just now was that he had fallen too heavily in the bathroom, but now he had recovered, and he didn’t need Yu Nian’s support so much.

But Yu Nian obviously didn’t realize this. He even took the bag of medicine from Qi Wang’s hand, looking like he was treating him as a patient.

Seeing him standing still, Yu Nian raised his head and asked strangely, “Why aren’t you walking? Do you still feel uncomfortable somewhere?”

Qi Wang stared at Yu Nian for a few moments.

He really hadn’t expected this.

Song Yunchun had asked him to take care of Yu Nian a bit more, but it turned out that he was the one being taken care of by Yu Nian first.

“No,” he said.

He hesitated for a moment, then didn’t try to pull his arm out of Yu Nian’s hand again.

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