Easy To Deceive
Easy To Deceive chapter 13

The next day, when Yu Nian woke up, he found himself lying on top of Qi Wang.

In a very indecent position, one leg was draped over the other’s leg, and one arm was also pressed against Qi Wang’s chest.

A bit too much, he immediately sneakily prepared to get up from Qi Wang.

He knew his sleeping posture was bold, but he didn’t expect to be so unrestrained when sharing a bed with someone.

But as he cautiously got up, he stole a glance at Qi Wang again.

With that glance, he froze.

Qi Wang had already woken up at some point.

Seeing Yu Nian looking over, he raised his eyes coldly and asked, “Did you sleep well?”

Yu Nian hurriedly rolled off Qi Wang.

Since he was caught red-handed, he might as well be brazen about it, thickening his skin.

He sat up, clutching the blanket, scratching his face, “I slept pretty well.”

Qi Wang also sat up.

Hearing Yu Nian’s words, he almost burst into laughter, but since they had already slept, he didn’t bother arguing with Yu Nian. He just warned, “If you do that next time, I’ll throw you out.”

Yu Nian appeared obedient, but as soon as Qi Wang turned around, he made a face.

He didn’t believe it at all.

He glanced at his phone and saw that it was already past eight, almost time to go to work.

Although he worked as an external service staff and could go at ten, there was no harm in going a bit earlier.

After he finished washing up and came out, Qi Wang had already bought breakfast and placed it on the table.

“Come eat.” Qi Wang said as he unpacked the bags, asking, “Do you like the sesame balls and shaomai from this place?”

But Yu Nian stood at the door for a while.

He could tell that Qi Wang had bought breakfast from Shen Ji Breakfast downstairs. He had always liked that place and mentioned it to Qi Wang once, never expecting Qi Wang to remember.

He walked over reluctantly, sat down, and stared blankly at the steaming tofu pudding in front of him.

It had been a long time since he had eaten breakfast with someone properly.

It was hard to believe.

He, the young master of the Yu family, pampered and raised, had never had anyone to accompany him for breakfast.

His brother and sister were too busy, and even when they occasionally came back, they often skipped breakfast. Even when they sat down to have dinner together, his sister would constantly receive calls from her company.

There used to be Ying Quanshen occasionally staying over at his house. Since Ying Quanshen was sent to England, most of the time, he was the only one sitting at that long table, and after breakfast, he was driven to school by the driver.

But he remembered clearly that when his parents were at home, the whole family often sat down together for breakfast.

Back then, with his parents supporting the family, his brother and sister only had to focus on studying and internships, and he was the most pampered youngest child. Even if he failed an exam, he wouldn’t get scolded much, and he wasn’t afraid even if the sky fell.

In the blink of an eye, it had been so many years since his parents passed away.

His brother and sister, at least, still had a parent from their parents’ previous marriages. Even though they weren’t close often, they still had a home to return to. Only he had truly lost both parents.

Seeing Yu Nian still, Qi Wang asked, “Don’t you like it?”

Yu Nian shook his head.

He picked up a spoon and stirred the tofu pudding in front of him, taking a sip.

He suddenly smiled and said to Qi Wang, “My dad used to make tofu pudding for me, but it was awful. Only my mom patronized him and drank half a bowl. My brother and sister used to slip away, not touching it at all.”

Qi Wang’s hand paused.

He remembered hearing from Song Yunchun that Yu Nian’s parents had passed away.

Only his brother and sister had raised him.

He looked at Yu Nian’s suddenly dim face, knowing that he was thinking of his parents.

But he never knew how to comfort people, so he could only silently watch Yu Nian.

Fortunately, Yu Nian didn’t need comforting. He fell silent for two seconds, then returned to his usual cheerful self.

He eagerly wanted to peel a tea egg for Qi Wang as an apology for his behavior last night, but he wasn’t skilled at it, resulting in a poorly peeled egg.

Qi Wang couldn’t stand to watch. He took the egg from Yu Nian’s hand, expertly peeled it in a few swift movements, and placed it back in Yu Nian’s bowl.

His hands were indeed beautiful, despite the scars, they were still slender and graceful, with distinct joints.

Yu Nian couldn’t help but take another look.

He bit into the tea egg peeled by Qi Wang, not knowing why, but he couldn’t help but smile again.

Qi Wang looked at him strangely, “What’s so funny?”

With cheeks puffed up, Yu Nian shook his head and said, “Nothing.”

He just felt that Qi Wang, although appearing cold and indifferent, was actually quite… gentle.

Qi Wang had a sense of responsibility, even if he was annoyed, he still patiently dealt with it.

Yu Nian had seen it several times, whenever a child cried in the restaurant, Qi Wang would pass them a piece of candy expressionlessly.

Now was no exception.

Although he really wanted to kick Yu Nian out, and although he was used to being alone, he still opened the door and let Yu Nian take over his bed.

He was an interesting person, cold on the surface but warm at heart.

Much better than the fake people he had encountered before, not only in school but also among the visitors to his home, many of them were like that, kind-faced but full of deep calculations behind their smiles.

Thinking of this, Yu Nian wrinkled his nose, feeling a bit unlucky. He muttered a few times in his heart and happily ate the tea egg Qi Wang had peeled for him.

After they finished eating, Yu Nian went to the restaurant with Qi Wang.

He was now quite proficient in riding Qi Wang’s motorcycle, holding onto Qi Wang’s waist with a sense of satisfaction.

Qi Wang felt a little itchy from Yu Nian’s touch, but he endured it and didn’t say anything.

Halfway through the ride, they stopped at a traffic light. Yu Nian looked around and suddenly had a whimsical idea. He asked Qi Wang, “Ge, can you teach me how to ride a motorcycle? I want to learn too.”

He called Qi Wang “ge” as soon as he asked, naturally trying to please him.

Qi Wang didn’t even want to think about it and refused, “No.”

Yu Nian was disappointed, “Why not?”

Qi Wang replied flatly, “Because you look delicate. If you get a scratch, you’ll cry for half a day. I don’t have the patience for that.”

Moreover, if Yu Nian got hurt from falling off the motorcycle, Song Yunchun would definitely make a big fuss about it.

Yu Nian felt even more downcast.

Resting his head on Qi Wang’s back, he muttered despondently, “You’re really annoying.”

But he also knew that he really wasn’t tough enough. Although Qi Wang disliked him, he was speaking the truth. Yu Nian sighed and didn’t press the issue further.

The two of them arrived at the restaurant together.

That day, the restaurant was a bit busy. As soon as Yu Nian arrived, Xiao Gu pulled him away and asked him to quickly change clothes and come help out.

Although Yu Nian was initially just temporarily helping out as a waiter, after working for a while, he found it quite enjoyable.

Anyway, he only worked half a day, and in the afternoon, he could go play the piano.

The regular customers in the restaurant also knew that he was the young man who played the piano, and one of them smiled and asked him, “Can you play some music for us?”

Yu Nian took out a small piece of paper and handed it to the customer, saying, “Write down what you want to hear here, and if it’s not too busy here, I’ll play for you.”

The customer was a bit surprised.

“So young?” He looked Yu Nian up and down, then asked tentatively, “Are you a student at the music conservatory? I’ve heard you play a few times before, and you’re quite good.”

Yu Nian shook his head.

Of course he was good. His piano teacher was the famous Luo Shuwei, a true genius.

If it wasn’t for his somewhat close relationship with his sister, Luo Shuwei wouldn’t have come to give him pointers.

He smiled, “No, I’m not. I learned from my own teacher, and I haven’t even gone to college yet.”

The customer was somewhat surprised.

“So young?”

He looked Yu Nian up and down again, and asked tentatively, “Are you here to experience life, or are you working to support yourself?”

Yu Nian hesitated.

He looked at the customer, a man in his late twenties, gentle and elegant, wearing a light gray cardigan, with his hair dyed chestnut brown, a very harmless appearance.

After a moment of contemplation, Yu Nian answered, “I guess it’s working to support myself.”

The customer probably realized that he had asked something offensive, smiled, and didn’t ask further.

That afternoon, he stayed here, listening to Yu Nian play the several pieces of music he requested.

The last piece was Liszt’s “La Campanella”, the piano sounded like flowing water, jumping and flowing out.

Yu Nian was wearing a black sweater that day, his fingers on the piano keys were dazzlingly white, every note was very accurate, and the speed and strength were controlled very well.

After Yu Nian finished playing, during the break, the customer walked over and lightly tapped on the table next to him.

Yu Nian was asking Qi Wang to make him an iced white coffee. When he heard the movement next to him, he turned his head and met the smiling eyes of the customer.

“Hello,” the customer greeted proactively, “My name is Zhang Yu.”

“Oh… uh.” Yu Nian looked confused, not knowing what the customer wanted, but instinctively replied, “My name is Yu Nian.”

Qi Wang paused for a moment as he made the coffee, glanced at the man’s face, and continued.

Zhang Yu seemed unaware of anything and smiled at Yu Nian again, “I might have been a bit presumptuous. The thing is, you said you play the piano as a part-time job. I just wanted to ask if you’re interested in taking on another job?”

He spoke sincerely and took out a business card from his wallet, handing it to Yu Nian.

Yu Nian was taken aback.


He didn’t expect this turn of events at all. Yu Nian glanced at the business card in his hand, which was from a nearby software development company. It sounded quite impressive.

But he couldn’t figure out what kind of job this person could offer him.

Seeing Yu Nian looking confused, Zhang Yu also rubbed his nose, feeling a bit embarrassed, feeling like he was deceiving a child.

He said, “I have a nephew. His piano teacher recently resigned, and we haven’t found a suitable replacement for the time being. My sister wants to find him a piano accompanist. It’s a trial for a month, and the salary is negotiable, not lower than the market rate.”

Originally, his sister just casually mentioned that she wanted to find a student from the music conservatory to teach, but it was mainly for companionship. He had planned to ask his friends for recommendations, but unexpectedly, he saw Yu Nian today and felt that he was suitable.

Mainly because his nephew was around the same age and looked obedient and adorable.

But he didn’t mean that Yu Nian had to accept the job.

He said to Yu Nian, “I don’t know if you’re willing to take this job. If you are, you can call me. My number is on the business card. You can also try one or two classes first and continue if you feel comfortable. Is that okay with you?”

Yu Nian was still a bit confused.

It was like a job falling from the sky.

But he scratched his head, looked at Zhang Yu’s young face suspiciously, and asked, “May I ask, how old is your nephew?”

Zhang Yu replied gently, “16 years old.”

He also knew that he seemed suspicious, so he took out his phone and showed Yu Nian the photo album.

“This is my nephew.”

Yu Nian leaned over to take a look. In the photo, a handsome young man sat in front of the piano with a straight posture and a somewhat proud expression.

Standing behind him was a beautiful and elegant woman with long hair, exquisite temperament, and fair skin.

“With my sister behind him,” Zhang Yu explained, “My nephew is a bit introverted, so we want to find someone of the same age to practice piano with him. Once or twice a week would be enough. Maybe they’ll have more common topics.”

Yu Nian rubbed his chin.

It seemed reasonable, but out of caution, he didn’t immediately agree.

He took the business card and asked, “Can I think about it? I’m not sure if I can adapt to being a piano accompanist for someone else.”

“Of course,” Zhang Yu didn’t say much more. He glanced at his watch, “I have to go now. If you decide, just give me a call. The number is on the card.”

After saying goodbye to Yu Nian in a friendly manner, Zhang Yu pushed open the door and left.

After he left, Yu Nian still stared at the business card in his hand for a while, feeling conflicted.

When he looked up, he found that his current boss, Song Yunchun, didn’t know when she had sat down next to the bar, smiling at him.

“Uh…” Yu Nian silently tucked the business card behind him, feeling a bit guilty.

Although taking on a part-time job was nothing unusual, doing it in front of his current boss made it seem like he was planning to switch jobs.

But he was quite happy working here and didn’t want to leave.

Song Yunchun didn’t mind. She picked up a fruit parfait from the bar and took a bite, vaguely saying, “Don’t be nervous, Xiao Yu. It’s normal to take on a part-time job. You didn’t sign a contract with me. If you want to go, just go. We can adjust the schedule here.”

Yu Nian breathed a sigh of relief.

He also sat on a high stool and said, “I haven’t decided yet.”

He fiddled with the business card, “That guy just now didn’t mention the working hours or specific requirements. I don’t know if it will conflict with my current job, and besides…” He hesitated and bit his lip, “I don’t know this person either. He says it’s for piano accompaniment, but there’s no contract or guarantee. What if I find out he’s a bad person after I start?”

He still valued his life.

Beside him, Qi Wang had been listening to Yu Nian and Song Yunchun’s conversation. Hearing this, he glanced over here.

“Not entirely foolish,” he said.

As soon as Zhang Yu stood next to them earlier, he instinctively became wary.

There was no way around it. He hadn’t met many good people in the past nineteen years, so he tended to think the worst of things.

Yu Nian protested angrily, “Who’s foolish?”

Qi Wang shrugged. Although he didn’t say anything, his thoughts were already written on his face.

Yu Nian, feeling annoyed, grabbed a lemon from the table and threw it at him, but Qi Wang caught it with a raised hand.

“Thanks,” Qi Wang said, “I need this.”

Watching the two of them bicker, Song Yunchun sighed in her heart.

She hadn’t expected Qi Wang to get along so well with Yu Nian, especially since he had seemed to dislike Yu Nian before.

She took another spoonful of ice cream and interjected, “Actually, I remember this Zhang Yu. He really does work in the nearby company.”

Yu Nian and Qi Wang turned to look at her together.

Song Yunchun shook her spoon, “He’s been a regular customer here for years. He probably had some business to attend to in the past few months, so you two don’t recognize him. Those of us who have been here longer know him. If you don’t believe me, ask Xiao Gu.”

Yu Nian glanced at Xiao Gu.

Xiao Gu was holding a plate of spaghetti and added, “Yeah, I thought he was quite handsome, mainly because of his demeanor. His nephew has also been here a few times.”

Yu Nian pondered for a moment, “I see.”

Actually, he also felt that Zhang Yu didn’t seem like a bad person. Although bad people wouldn’t have the word “bad” written on their faces, Zhang Yu’s demeanor gave people a very comfortable feeling.

How should he put it?

It was a bit like his brother.

“Then should I give it a try?” He was a little tempted.

Although his current salary was enough to cover his daily expenses, who would refuse more money?

It was already autumn, and this vain guy was planning to buy some clothes.

Song Yunchun frowned in hesitation, not knowing whether to report to Yu Nian’s brother and sister.

She vaguely said, “Take your time to think about it.”

Qi Wang listened on the side, put down the cup in his hand, wiped his hands, and said lightly, “If you’re going, I’ll go with you.”

When this was said, even Song Yunchun was surprised.

She turned her head to look at Qi Wang, as if she had seen red rain falling from the sky.

Qi Wang glanced at her coldly, “What’s wrong?”

There was a hint of unfinished meaning in his eyes, as if saying, “Didn’t you ask me to take care of him?”

Song Yunchun also remembered.

Ah, right.

How could she forget?

Although Qi Wang was aloof, he always followed through with what he promised.

Thinking of this, she felt relieved again, looking at Yu Nian with a face full of love, “Alright, with Qi Wang accompanying you, I feel reassured.”

Yu Nian didn’t notice anything wrong with Song Yunchun’s behavior. He looked at Qi Wang with joy, “Really?”

He leaned on the table in front of Qi Wang, his eyes shining brightly, like a puppy, almost wagging his tail.

Qi Wang felt a bit uncomfortable being looked at like that.

It was really strange.

He didn’t consider himself particularly close to Yu Nian, but this kid didn’t seem to fear him at all now. Instead, he seemed to rely on him a bit, sticking to him whenever he had the chance.

“Yeah,” he responded.

1 comment
  1. Vi has spoken 4 months ago

    i love sticky shous! yet cold but gentle tops! tho I really do like my blackbelly gongs, too. /sigh

    tsk. tsk. choices, choices. lol


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