The Farmer Lord is a Golden Carp
The Farmer Lord is a Golden Carp Chapter 97

Chapter 97: Ancient Wisdom

The issue was quickly resolved when Jiang Chunshi made a small wooden horse for Jiang Maihua. The bottom was designed like a crescent moon, allowing it to rock back and forth without falling over. The head of the horse was crafted according to the pattern drawn by Jiang Mixia, featuring a simple cartoonish design with handles on either side for Jiang Maihua to hold onto.

In the entire Jiang family village, only Jiang Maihua had such a wooden horse. She was overjoyed and spent her days either riding the wooden horse or inviting children of a similar age to play with her.

It seemed that playing with clay had become a thing of the past for her.

“Seems like Maihua has grown a bit taller. She’s gained over an inch since the New Year,” remarked Liu shi, watching Jiang Maihua play with the children while twisting hemp fibers into fine ropes.

Twisting hemp into ropes was a necessary skill for women in every household. The coiled hemp ropes were used for various purposes such as tying things, making bags, and repairing shoe soles.

Twisting hemp into ropes was a monotonous and tedious task, often done while chatting with other women. Today, Liu shi had come to the main house to twist hemp ropes with Yang shi.

On the side, Fang shi was pasting shoe soles, layering clean, discarded fabric onto wooden boards with glue.

“Looks like she’s grown quite a bit taller this spring,” Madam Yang remarked. “She’s even gained some weight, looking sturdy and quite remarkable.”

Jiang Maihua was the only granddaughter in the family and was dearly cherished by Yang shi. Seeing Jiang Maihua covered in sweat, she wiped her down and asked her to drink some cold water.

“Has Chunshi returned in the past few days? We’re about to harvest the wheat. Will he come back to help, or are we hiring someone?” Liu shi inquired.

“The harvest workers have been arranged. Chunshi will probably have to wait until the wheat is harvested before he can return,” Yang shi replied with a smile. “He mentioned that he had already rented a courtyard in the county town. He’s been tidying up the shop and preparing the courtyard. Once the wheat is harvested, he’ll take his wife and daughter to the county town.”

“I suggested hurrying up with the hemp ropes, so it’ll be easier for packing and bundling, and we’ve dried the shoe soles. We should also make a few more pairs of shoes. Otherwise, Maihua’s mother will have to manage the household alone in the county town, and that would be quite a task,” she continued.

“You’re right. It’s not like in our village; everything requires more attention and organization in the county town,” Liu shi agreed. “It’s the height of summer, and it’s hot. The courtyard in the county town probably won’t be as spacious as ours. I’ll ask Youcheng to weave a few bamboo mats and pillows, so they can take them over. It’ll help them sleep comfortably at night.”

“Thank you, sister-in-law,” Fang shi expressed her gratitude.

“No need to thank me. Don’t be too frugal in the county town. Don’t hesitate to spend on food and drinks. Chunshi earns quite a lot now, and our family is well-off. There’s no need to be overly concerned about this. Also, Xia and Jingyun will often go to the county town for deliveries. If they need to bring something back and forth, tell them…”

Liu shi had a good relationship with the family, being referred to as “aunt” and almost like a second mother to them. Fang shi knew that Liu cared deeply for her and Jiang Chunshi, so she smiled and agreed.

When Liu returned home that evening, she discussed the matter with Jiang Youcheng. “Setting up a household in the county town isn’t an easy task. Keep this in mind and be ready to lend a hand,” she reminded him.

“Got it,” Jiang Youcheng readily agreed. He planned to have the workshop make some household bamboo baskets, trays, and summer bamboo mats, as suggested by Liu. When they sent the deliveries to the county town, they would also send these items in advance. Additionally, he intended to have Jiang Mixia and Song Jingyun check if anything else was needed and assist in purchasing those items.

After talking with Liu for a while, Jiang Youcheng felt quite tired and lay down to sleep, holding a bamboo mat.

It turned out that their daughter was quite talented. She had transformed a regular long bamboo mat into a shape resembling a vase, making it more comfortable to hold and relieving the pressure on the arms.

Satisfied, Jiang Youcheng stretched out and propped up his legs, feeling the bamboo mat was even cooler to hold than before. In fact, it felt cool even on his back…

Wait, it was cool on his back?

Jiang Youcheng quickly sat up and looked at Liu shi, who was glaring at him with intensity. “What’s wrong, dear?” he asked.

Liu shi moved her lips several times, but ultimately suppressed her words and lay down, saying, “It’s nothing, go to sleep.”

“Okay,” Jiang Youcheng felt a bit puzzled, scratching his head in confusion before lying down to sleep, still holding the bamboo mat tightly.

It felt even cooler on his back…

Meanwhile, Jiang Mixia also held a bamboo mat, sleeping peacefully. She couldn’t help but marvel at the ancient people’s wisdom. Making a bamboo mat into a long, hollow, tubular shape not only utilized the natural cooling properties of bamboo but also allowed for better airflow, effectively cooling and preventing heat buildup.

In an era without air conditioning or fans, sleeping with a bamboo mat at night was truly wonderful.

No wonder the bamboo mat was also known as “bamboo lady.”

Indeed, it seemed like an adorable addition to any household.

Jiang Mixia patted the bamboo mat contentedly, holding it even tighter.

Song Jingyun’s expression turned slightly resentful.

His wife was holding a bamboo mat, not him.

Perhaps he should consider weaving a large enough, accessible bamboo mat to fit himself into? Then, when his wife held the bamboo mat, it would be as if she were holding him.

Yes, that seemed like a good idea…

The next morning, after breakfast, Song Jingyun headed to the bamboo weaving workshop to start working.

Seeing Song Jingyun busily weaving the good quality bamboo strips, the apprentices were curious and came over to see if he was making a new product. After observing for a while, they scattered to attend to their own tasks upon realizing that he was only making a bamboo mat.

“If you need a bamboo mat, I can weave one for you,” one of the apprentices offered.

Song Jingyun was highly respected for his skill in bamboo weaving and had instructed them all. Regardless of their age, they all addressed him as “master.”

“It’s alright, I’ll do it myself.”

When it came to something for his wife to hold, he wanted to personally craft it.

The bamboo mat, also known as “bamboo lady,” was an ancient cooling tool. For those who couldn’t afford a bamboo lady, they would choose to hold a winter melon while sleeping in the summer.

Honestly, I didn’t expect the winter melon idea…

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