Release the Female Lead, Leave Her to Me
Release the Female Lead Ch. 63

Chapter 63: Big Sister’s Domineering Aura

Naturally, this secret was one that even Ling Jue could not be told. If Ling Jue were to find out about this discovery, Ye Wenxin would likely be bound and taken to Medicine King Valley.

“But aren’t you planning to participate in the Alchemy Workshop’s recruitment? I ended my closed-door training early specifically for this recruitment,” Huang Hanyan continued to express her confusion. She naturally knew about Ye Wenxin’s unclear relationship with Ling Jue. Yet now, Ye Wenxin seemed to temporarily give up alchemy.

“Well, the outer sect keeps me quite busy,” Ye Wenxin replied awkwardly. Recently, she had been immersed in studying the Soul Suppressing Eighteen Needles, intending to treat Ling Jue through another method.

As for learning alchemy, as long as she mastered the herbs and formulas, she could practice slowly.

Of course, she could not explain any of this to anyone. She had too many secrets, and the disclosure of one secret could lead to the exposure of another, resulting in more harm than good.

“Quite busy indeed. I heard about a female disciple who gets punished by standing every day in class. She’s even quite famous among the inner sect,” Huang Hanyan could not help but laugh. Although she disliked Wen Yiming, she had to admit that he had told her a lot about what was happening in the outer sect.

The familiar description made Ye Wenxin feel a bit embarrassed. “Well, you know, my blanket is very affectionate. It clings to me every day and won’t let me get up.”

“Blanket? Isn’t your roommate called Baili Mu?” Huang Hanyan did not realize Ye Wenxin was joking and pursued who was referred to as a blanket. But as soon as the words slipped out, Huang Hanyan realized she had said too much, exposing her concern for Ye Wenxin.

Ye Wenxin was also surprised. “Didn’t you just end your closed door training? How do you know so much about my situation?” Ye Wenxin showed a surprised expression, but she already knew who spilled the beans to Huang Hanyan.

“I’m just showing concern for my benefactor.” Huang Hanyan did not explain too clearly, but her expression revealed a hint of discomfort.

“Yeah, you’re right. After all, I am the creditor.” Ye Wenxin naturally straightened up, glanced up to check the time, and then looked back at Huang Hanyan.

“Senior Sister Hanyan, remember to go eat. I have classes in the afternoon, so let’s end this chat for now.” Ye Wenxin’s attitude became more natural, but Huang Hanyan could not hide her reluctance. Watching Ye Wenxin stand up, she hesitated for a moment before getting up herself and gently dusting off her clothes.

“Senior Sister, there’s a little flower on your skirt,” Ye Wenxin pointed out, reminding Huang Hanyan of the petals stuck to her skirt.

“Where? I can’t see it.” Huang Hanyan looked down in confusion, searching for the flower. The inner disciple’s robes were white with red accents, but she could not see any trace of it.

“It’s a small white flower. Don’t move, I’ll help you take it off,” Ye Wenxin approached helplessly, naturally reaching out to pick up the hem of the skirt and carefully pluck off the petals.

“I really can’t see it at all.” Huang Hanyan looked at the tiny white flower, which looked particularly cute. However, among the surrounding colorful flowers, it seemed out of place.

“Yeah, but it’s quite cute,” Ye Wenxin smiled slightly, taking Huang Hanyan’s hand and placing the petals in her palm.

As the white petals gently fell, Ye Wenxin’s fingertips traced their contours. Huang Hanyan’s palm felt a little ticklish, and what was even stranger was that this peculiar sensation was transmitting to her heart through her palm, giving her a wonderful feeling.

But the Ye Wenxin in front of her was just a thirteen-year-old girl. Huang Hanyan tried to suppress the shy feeling and appear more natural, but the more she tried, the more awkward she felt.

“Junior Sister, it’s a bit ticklish.”

“Sorry, I didn’t notice.”

Ye Wenxin apologized hurriedly. She had just found the flower familiar-looking, so she could not help but take a closer look. Unexpectedly, she became unintentionally fascinated.

“It’s fine, I’ll go eat first then, Junior Sister.” Even though Huang Hanyan felt ticklish, as soon as that hand left her palm, she felt a hint of disappointment.

She did not mind the physical contact with Ye Wenxin, and even found herself enjoying the feeling of being close to her. But it was a strange sensation, different from the interactions she had with her sisters and friends.

“Go ahead, Senior Sister. If Wen Yiming bothers you again, I’ll have Fatty and the guys beat him up every day.” Ye Wenxin originally intended to leave, but then remembered Huang Hanyan’s current troubles and added another sentence.

Huang Hanyan, who was still pondering, could not help but giggle at Ye Wenxin’s remark, “Junior Sister, you should act more like a girl. It’s not good to always be fighting with a bunch of boys.”

She naturally heard about the rumors surrounding Ye Wenxin among the outer disciples, about her juggling multiple relationships. Nevertheless, Huang Hanyan understood that Ye Wenxin had managed to conquer five little followers through her alchemy skills.

Ye Wenxin had already taken a few steps, but upon hearing Huang Hanyan’s words, she turned back, “Senior Sister Hanyan, you don’t have to pay so much attention to me.”

This banter left Huang Hanyan’s cheeks slightly flushed. She should have been the one to educate Ye Wenxin to respect her, but unexpectedly, she found herself at a loss for words due to Ye Wenxin’s retort.

She wanted to say something else, but Ye Wenxin had already disappeared without a trace……

“Big Sister, that Wen Yiming is really formidable. He beat us all up.” On the other side, Fatty and the guys had also suffered varying degrees of injuries. Ye Wenxin skillfully helped treat them while listening to their complaints.

“Wen Yiming is quite well-known among the outer disciples. If you encounter him again, aim for his right leg first, then his abdomen. Those are his weak spots,” Ye Wenxin thought for a moment, giving a reminder to Fatty.

Fatty, who already regarded Ye Wenxin as a god, worshiped Ye Wenxin even more, “As expected of Big Sister. In addition to your great alchemy and medical skills, you know a lot about martial arts too.”

Fatty sincerely praised, and the others desperately bobbed their heads.

“Stop kissing ass, I have some unresolved issues with this Wen Yiming. If you see him these days, go ahead and beat him up, just don’t kill him.” Ye Wenxin was already desensitized to praises. She dug out a bottle of second-grade Healing Pills and tossed it to the guys.

The faces of the guys, who appeared delighted at the sight of pills at first, changed upon hearing Ye Wenxin’s words, and Fatty in particular became serious, his round face furrowing as he pressed Ye Wenxin for an explanation.

“Big Sister, could this Wen Yiming be bullying you?”

Ye Wenxin felt a bit bewildered, “Even if given hundreds of guts, he wouldn’t dare to touch me. It’s because he’s pestering my senior sister, disturbing her cultivation progress.”

The guys sighed in relief and glanced at each other a few times, as if they had something to say but they dared not say it.

“Come on then, you guys think the pills aren’t enough, don’t you?” Ye Wenxin did not even have to use her brain to know these brats wanted something from her, and lazily shifted her posture.

Hearing this, the guys exchanged glances again before Fatty stepped forward, handing a manual to Ye Wenxin.

“Big Sister, this is for you.”

“Why are you giving me a manual, I’m not a martial artist?” Ye Wenxin was quite surprised. She just gave away a manual, and now another one came into her hands, but this one was a sword technique.

“Big Sister, we filched this previously. After some thinking, we feel it’s best for Big Sister to learn it.”

“Yeah, although Big Sister plans on studying alchemy, if you cultivate then you’ll have the ability to defend yourself and won’t get bullied.” Fatty and the guys persuaded painstakingly, feeling Ye Wenxin should not be partial to science.

She might be a pill cultivator, nevertheless, she would eventually face many matters.

“Why, afraid I’ll drag you guys down?” Listening to this put Ye Wenxin in somewhat of a bad mood. She raised followers so they could solve some troubles she could not handle herself. However, now that this group of little brothers had the strength, they wanted to climb over her head, leaving Ye Wenxin feeling whether she had been too benevolent with them.

“No, it’s not like that, we just hope Big Sister can learn more so you’ll run faster.”

“That’s right, Big Sister, we aren’t certain how many dangers there will be in the future, if there are really life-and-death obstacles that can’t be overcome, we’ll hold them back and let you run quickly.” Skinny explained anxiously, scared that Ye Wenxin would take their good intentions the wrong way.

Ye Wenxin’s gaze was like a blazing torch, and the burly men dared not to lift their heads in her presence.

This was the second time these little brothers were on the receiving end of Ye Wenxin’s intense pressure, but in all honesty, they truly only wanted Ye Wenxin to have the means of self-defense, so that in critical moments, they would not have to sacrifice themselves in vain without being able to ensure Ye Wenxin’s safety.

Such sincerity, with the heavens and the earth, and the sun and the moon as their witness.

“I understand.” Ye Wenxin opened her mouth, canceling the pressure once again, and the guys regained their freedom to breathe, yet not grasping how the hell Ye Wenxin had such formidable pressure.

But from the moment they chose Ye Wenxin as their boss, she had never forced them to do anything against their will.

“Then, Big Sister, please accept…” Fatty cautiously stepped forward, just about to give Ye Wenxin the manual, until Ye Wenxin spat out a peculiar sentence.

“You guys, on your knees.”

They were puzzled, but still knelt obediently before Ye Wenxin.

“Your sincerity has moved me greatly, but this mystic-tier manual has no use to me at all. However, in appreciation for your sincerity, I’ll impart to you some high-tier manuals.” Ye Wenxin’s voice was so serene, as if she had just cracked an irrelevant joke. Even though the guys believed in her, they still thought she was kidding with them.

But after she finished talking, she conjured up a brush and parchment, and actually started writing.

“Fatty, you cultivate this manual, turn your defense into offense.”

“Skinny, you’re too aggressive, this Spirit Snake Step will let you preserve your life.”

“Cobra, you’re fit for assassination, this murderous intent suits you.”

The ink had yet to dry, and fresh handwriting could be seen. The guys’ eyes widened, they had intended to give Ye Wenxin a gift as a show of filial piety, but they never thought Ye Wenxin would give each of them an opportunity.

Even novices like them were aware of the wonders contained in those manuals.

“Big Sister, we swear to follow you to the death!” The guys exchanged glances and then kowtowed1 to Ye Wenxin. Ye Wenxin merely smiled gently in response.

She smiled, because she had truly gained a group of loyal subordinates.

“Alright, disband for today. Destroy the manuals once you’re familiar with them, and prepare well, next week I want to see each of you beat that Wen Yiming half to death.” The guys’ admiration towards Ye Wenxin grew, even if they knew Ye Wenxin only gave them the high-tier manuals to deal with Wen Yiming, it was uncertain whether this sense of gratitude would persist.

  1. – orz, or dogeza ↩︎


**ON HIATUS TIL 23/09/24** [TL schedule for RtFL: 3 chs/Mon-Fri; c1-100 is free, c101-2111 (VIP chs) will be locked as advance chs at 1 coin (0.05USD)/ch. Currently unlocking 3chs/weekday.] (RtFL views: 156,171) **Check out the new series I've posted on SF: Players Please Take Your Positions**

  1. Anon has spoken 3 months ago

    This is honestly pretty cute.

  2. Diana A. has spoken 6 months ago

    From demon lord to gang boss, nice. Wenxin can never escape the life of crime.


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