After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife
After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife Chapter 5

Chapter 5: Why Did he Deceive Her?

University of Finance and Economics, Building 21, Female Dormitory.

The sun in the sky was dazzling, relentlessly scorching the earth. Just a few minutes outside would leave one drenched in sweat.

But Wei Yuxian felt nothing but coldness throughout her body, as if she had fallen into an icy cellar. Despite the sweltering heat, she was covered in cold sweat.

Today was Friday, and for once, there were no classes in the afternoon. Feeling somewhat unwell recently and having missed her period for over a month, she decided to go to the hospital for a check-up. Little did she expect to find out she was pregnant!

There was no one else in the dormitory. The other three roommates had all gone out to have fun, but Wei Yuxian had a strained relationship with them. More accurately, they had ostracized her.

The reason was simple: she was poor. Wearing clothes washed to a faded white and using the cheapest household items, she stood out among her roommates. Despite her poverty, she was not unkempt. On the contrary, she was very clean, keeping her belongings neat and tidy, even more so than others.

However, her roommates still inexplicably felt a strange odor from her, which they described as the smell of poverty. They were all well-off, considering themselves superior to Wei Yuxian and looking down on her. They never played with her, always keeping their distance.

Wei Yuxian didn’t know why she was being ostracized. The feeling was unpleasant, but she had to swallow her bitterness because she didn’t have the time or energy to dwell on such unnecessary matters.

Her days were consumed by busy studying and working. Learning and earning money had become her main priorities.

So, being isolated was fine by her. She didn’t want to waste time dealing with insincere people.

She had to focus on studying hard and achieving good grades because she aimed to receive scholarships from both the college and the government, which would alleviate some of her financial burdens.

But it seemed like fate was playing a joke on her, as she unexpectedly found herself pregnant at this time!

Wei Yuxian lay on the bed lifelessly, burying her face in the sheets. After suppressing her emotions all the way, she couldn’t hold back anymore and began to cry bitterly.

She trembled all over, crying in a restrained and controlled manner.

Even though there was no one else in the dormitory, she dared not cry out loud, afraid that her roommates might suddenly return.

Moreover, she was not accustomed to crying out loud. Back home, she always suppressed her tears, fearing that her family would hear and scold her even more harshly.

Covering her mouth, Wei Yuxian swallowed her sobs, crying silently while pondering, what should she do?

Why did that man lie to her? Why deceive her about being infertile?

It’s partly her fault for trusting others too easily. She’s just too naive, inexperienced, unaware of how ruthless society can be!

She should have insisted on safety measures or taken contraceptive pills.

But now, thinking about all that is futile. It’s too late for everything!

Should she go find that man? If he won’t take responsibility, he should at least provide the money.

But where could she even find him? Besides his face, she knows nothing about the man, let alone how to locate him!

If she undergoes the operation herself, it will cost three thousand yuan, and her savings amount to just over three thousand. This is her living expenses for the next six months!

Three thousand yuan, it’s like asking for her life!

If she doesn’t undergo the operation(abortion), she’ll need even more money to raise the children. She’s still a student, how could she manage with two kids?

On one hand, there’s three thousand yuan; on the other, there’s her future. How should she choose?

Wei Yuxian cried in the dormitory for a long time. Exhausted from crying, she fell asleep on her bed, skipping her part-time job at the cafeteria.

With her current situation, how could she even focus on working part-time? Just holding back tears is an achievement.

The sun slowly sank below the horizon as the bright moon rose, signaling the arrival of the night.

Wei Yuxian was awakened by the commotion in the dormitory. The bright lights above her head illuminated the room, while the sounds of laughter and chatter from her roommates echoed into her ears without restraint.

She opened her swollen eyes and glanced at her phone. It was already past nine in the evening. She had slept through until now.

Her stomach grumbled with hunger as she got up from bed, planning to freshen up first before heading to the cafeteria to grab some food.

Taking a glance at the other three roommates in the dorm, she didn’t say a word and headed to the balcony to freshen up.

A few minutes later, after finishing her routine, she returned to the room, grabbed her phone, and started to head out. But at that moment, she heard her roommate, Nina, mocking her: “Oh, what’s going on today? The poor girl actually skipped her part-time job to sleep in the dorm. Have you hit the jackpot or something?”

Ding Nana, the self-appointed leader in the dormitory, came from a family involved in business and had a modest amount of wealth. The other two girls in the dorm usually looked up to her.

She was also the one who harbored the most malice towards Wei Yuxian, looking down on her and begrudging her any good fortune.

In her words, someone as destitute as Wei Yuxian shouldn’t bother pursuing education and should instead start working early to earn money.

As Ding Nana’s words echoed, the other two girls laughed loudly in agreement. Their piercing laughter reached Wei Yuxian’s ears, but she paid them no mind, walking out of the dormitory without looking back.

Ding Nana clicked her tongue in disapproval and said, “She’s so pathetic. How does she even have the audacity to stay in the dorm? I could smell her poor stench from miles away. Instead of working hard, she’s here pretending to study, dreaming of changing her fate? It’s ridiculous.”

Another girl chimed in, “Exactly! I don’t know where she crawled out from. What’s the point of studying? She should just find a man to marry and get a good price while she’s still young.”

Ding Nana was delighted by her remark. She couldn’t stand Wei Yuxian’s poor appearance.

She couldn’t understand why the school had put her and Wei Yuxian in the same dormitory. It was really unlucky!

Wei Yuxian had grown accustomed to their mockery and taunts. Over the past month, she had heard it all and had almost become numb to it.

She couldn’t control what others said, but she still felt a twinge of pain and discomfort in her heart.

Sometimes she wondered if her birth was truly a mistake. Why didn’t her parents like her? Why didn’t her brothers like her? Even her roommates despised her.

Had she done something wrong? She hadn’t done anything at all.

When she arrived at the cafeteria, the bun shop was closed, and she couldn’t afford the cheap bread. She had to go to the meal window and ordered some vegetables, asking for a little extra rice. She didn’t take it back to the dormitory but ate it right there in the cafeteria.

She lived frugally, carefully managing her expenses. When it came to food, she never dared to eat anything fancy unless it was free.

She worked part-time at one of the fast food windows in the cafeteria, earning eight yuan an hour with a meal included. So most of the time, she saved even on meals.

The meals provided by work were much more abundant than what she could afford on her own. The leftovers from the sales were available for the staff to eat, and Wei Yuxian always made sure to have extra meat, enough to fill her stomach and keep her from getting hungry too quickly.

Sometimes, she would even take some food back to the dormitory for later when she felt hungry.

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