After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife
After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife Chapter 6

Chapter 6: Making a Decision

With dinner sorted out, Wei Yuxian’s mind cleared up a lot, and her stomach didn’t feel uncomfortable anymore. She placed the empty tableware in the designated area, left the cafeteria, and wandered aimlessly around the campus.

Right now, Wei Yuxian didn’t want to go back to the dormitory. She wasn’t sure how those people would mock her again, and besides, she needed to stay calm and consider how to solve the current problem.

The main road was spacious, lined with tall trees, and streetlights stood in every corner of the campus.

With few people around and the hot weather, everyone preferred staying in the dorms with air conditioning, unwilling to venture outside and suffer. This also suited Wei Yuxian just fine, leaving her in peace.

The night breeze brushed past, lifting Wei Yuxian’s long hair and bringing a hint of coolness.

Under the dim yellow streetlights, her shadow stretched long, appearing incredibly lonely on the quiet and empty campus road, as if she were the only one left in the world.

After walking around for about an hour, Wei Yuxian thought a lot and finally made up her mind about the path she would take in the future.

Tomorrow, she would undergo the operation. It was better to endure short-term pain than prolonged suffering, while everything was still manageable.

If she really gave birth to the children, where would she get the money to raise them? And where would she find the time and energy to focus on them?

She lowered her head and looked at her still-flat abdomen, unable to imagine that there were actually two little ones inside, connected to her by blood.

But after tomorrow, she would have to bid farewell to the little ones.

She couldn’t help but touch her belly with her hand, feeling a surge of emotion. With her other hand, she covered her mouth, preventing herself from crying.

“I’m sorry, you came at the wrong time. If my situation wasn’t so dire, I wouldn’t give up on you…”

“I’m sorry…”

Wei Yuxian sniffed, looked up at the sky, held back her tears, composed herself, and walked back to the dormitory.

Upon Lin Chengyuan’s notification, Mrs. Fu, upon learning that Fu Xuanyi might have two children, was so excited that she almost rushed into the  University!

She repeatedly confirmed with Lin Chengyuan: Was the girl really pregnant? And was Fu Xuanyi the only man?

She received affirmative answers to all her questions.

“Great! This is really great! The Fu family finally has someone to carry on the lineage!”

That evening, Fu Xuanyi’s parents summoned Fu Xuanyi back to the old Fu family mansion and asked, “What are your plans? That’s the bloodline of our Fu family.”

Sitting up straight, Fu Xuanyi rhythmically turned the black and round Buddhist beads in his hand and said, “I will take care of her.”

Mrs. Fu straightforwardly asked, “When are you getting married? I need to send out invitations.”

“Mother,” Fu Xuanyi just called her once without saying much, but Mrs. Fu knew what he was going to say.

Fu Xuanyi’s father also thought his wife was too anxious and said, “Don’t rush. We don’t know anything about that girl’s character yet, whether she’s worthy of our Fu family. But the bloodline of our Fu family must not be left outside.”

Mrs. Fu also realized this point and said, “That’s right, I’m too anxious. This matter needs to be taken slowly. Xuanyi, you should go and make arrangements tomorrow, but be sure not to let anything happen to the children in her belly. It’s not easy for our Fu family to have descendants, and I never expected you to be so lucky to have two at once. We can’t afford any accidents.”

No one dared to question the bloodline of the Fu family. She and her husband had their first child when they were almost forty, and their ancestors from two generations ago also had children late in life, which was extremely rare.

As for her son, who was twenty-nine this year, he had always stayed away from relationships, living a solitary,  celibate life like a monk. He even carried a string of black Buddhist beads on his hand. She had actually thought he was going to become a desireless and detached monk!

Fortunately, fortunately, her son was lucky enough to have children at the age of twenty-nine!

Regardless of whether these two children are boys or girls, the Fu family’s legacy will be passed down to them. They don’t care about the gender of the children; they only care about their bloodline. The empire built by their ancestors through generations of hard work cannot fall into the hands of outsiders.

Fu Xuanyi responded with a nonchalant “Hmm,” appearing as calm as someone who is not going to be a father.

But Mrs. Fu was not as composed as him. She grabbed his arm and headed straight for the Fu family ancestral hall, bowing and expressing gratitude to their ancestors repeatedly. She muttered, “Thank you, ancestors, for blessing us. Our Fu family finally has descendants. I no longer have to worry about Xuanyi living a solitary life forever…”

Mrs. Fu, now approaching seventy, with silver hair on her temples, had already entered the ranks of the elderly. Over the years, the subdued aura surrounding her made her appear incredibly dignified. Now, she knelt devoutly on the cushion, expressing gratitude to their ancestors one by one. It was evident how much she valued the fact that they had descendants.

The next morning, a bright and early Saturday with no classes, Wei Yuxian got up quietly while her roommates were still asleep and slipped out of the dormitory. She had asked for a few days off from her part-time job, claiming she wasn’t feeling well and needed until today to recover before returning to work. Her boss had expressed concern and told her to take care of herself before returning.

In this unfamiliar city among many strangers, her boss was one of the few who would offer her a trace of warmth, at least showing no malice towards her. Wei Yuxian’s heart warmed slightly at the thought.

Boarding the bus while it was still early, the sun had dutifully risen, bringing with it a sense of rising hope.

Arriving at her stop and stepping off the bus, Wei Yuxian hesitated at the entrance of the hospital. Despite being a place of healing, it appeared cold and daunting.

Taking a deep breath, her gaze became resolute as she first registered for an appointment and then sought out the doctor she had seen yesterday.

The operation couldn’t be performed immediately; there were necessary preoperative examinations to undergo. Once the tests were completed without issues, the operation could proceed.

Wei Yuxian wandered alone in the hospital corridors, without anyone to accompany her. Her figure appeared so lonely and desolate.

Unbeknownst to her, during the time she spent undergoing examinations at the hospital, her test results and the news of her impending operation had already reached the ears of the hospital director.

Having served as the hospital director for many years, he was a shrewd individual. When Mr. Chengyuan visited the hospital yesterday for an inspection but left abruptly before it began, the director sensed that something was amiss.

He believed that this young woman must be important to Mr. Chengyuan, perhaps even carrying his child. Therefore, he paid special attention to her and decided that the next time she came, he would inform Mr. Chengyuan.

Unexpectedly, the young woman arrived so quickly, and she was here for an abortion!

The hospital director didn’t dare to waste any time. He hastily called Mr. Chengyuan several times, but couldn’t get through, which left him extremely anxious!

Finally, on his tenth attempt, someone picked up!

“You better have a good reason for this!” Lin Chengyuan’s voice was filled with morning grumpiness as he threatened the person bombarding him with calls so early in the morning.

The hospital director breathed a sigh of relief and spoke cautiously, “Mr. Chengyuan, the young woman you inspected yesterday is back at the hospital.”

Lin Chengyuan abruptly opened his eyes. “What is she here for?”

The hospital director swallowed hard and whispered, “She’s here for an abortion…”

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