After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife
After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife Chapter 8

Chapter 8: You Have No Choice

With her fists clenched, Wei Yuxian stared at Fu Xuanyi’s cold gaze and gathered the courage to ask, “Is what he said true?”

Fu Xuanyi nodded, uttering his first words since they met: “It is.”

Wei Yuxian’s immediate reaction was to refuse.

“I don’t want to give birth,” she said.

Fu Xuanyi’s expression remained unchanged as he coldly asked, “Reason?”

Wei Yuxian felt his presence becoming even more overpowering, making it difficult for her to breathe. She said, “I still need to go to school and complete my studies. Pregnancy will affect my academic performance.”

Fu Xuanyi replied indifferently, “I will take care of you. The child must stay.”

“Have you ever considered my feelings? I am the one who is pregnant, not you. I said I want to go to school, I don’t have time to delay,” she argued.

She wanted to complete her studies as soon as possible, enter the workforce, and repay her debts, striving for a better life.

How could she continue her education while pregnant? What would others say behind her back?

Fu Xuanyi said, “You have no choice.”

The two of them remained at an impasse. Wei Yuxian’s eyes gradually welled up with tears, her nose tingling. She lowered her head, feeling utterly powerless.

At this moment, Lin Chengyuan intervened to mediate, “Sister-in-law, please don’t rush into aborting the pregnancy. Hear me out and then consider carefully. Xuanyi’s ancestors had struggled with the continuation of their bloodline for generations. Several generations before Xuanyi had difficulty conceiving, and the situation persists until Xuanyi’s generation.

Now that you are carrying Xuanyi’s child, it’s an extraordinary stroke of luck! These two children must be kept because they represent the future of the Fu family’s bloodline.

Furthermore, sister-in-law, you don’t need to worry. After all, you are the mother of Xuanyi’s child, so he will take responsibility for you. Your food, clothing, shelter, and other needs will all be taken care of by Xuanyi. You no longer need to worry about financial matters.

All you need to do is take good care of yourself during the pregnancy, give birth to the child, and your future life will be smooth sailing.”

Wei Yuxian fell silent, pondering Lin Chengyuan’s words. His words echoed repeatedly in her mind, exerting a powerful influence.

She didn’t pay much attention to what he said at the beginning; what mattered to her were his words at the end.

No more worries about money, and a smooth-sailing life ahead…

This was the future she had longed for!

For such a future, she was willing to bear the burden of giving birth to two children.

These two little lives were so innocent, brought into the world unexpectedly due to their parents’ accident, and now faced the possibility of being abandoned by their mother.

Wei Yuxian lowered her head, gazing at her flat abdomen, her emotions complex.

Wei Yuxian didn’t want to harm them if she could help it. She also wanted them to smoothly enter the world; after all, in some way, they were her family, sharing her blood.

If this man could deliver on his promises, she… could consider keeping the children.

Wei Yuxian lifted her head, locking eyes with Fu Xuanyi once again, asking, “Was what he just said your intention?”

Fu Xuanyi replied, “As long as the child stays, I guarantee your peace of mind.”

Wei Yuxian smiled bitterly, saying, “Okay, I’ll keep the children, but I have other conditions.”

“Go ahead.”

“Afterward, I want to see the child. You can’t stop me, and you can’t prevent me from meeting the child.”


With negotiations concluded, Wei Yuxian fell silent, patiently awaiting the results.

The reception room fell into a hush, with no one speaking.

After a while, the hospital director walked in with the test results, respectfully addressing them, “Mr. Xuanyi, Mr. Chengyuan, the results are in.”

Lin Chengyuan stepped forward to retrieve the results, sitting beside Fu Xuanyi. He opened the page, pointing happily, “Xuanyi, it’s yours! Congratulations on the auspicious news!”

The hospital director realized he had made a mistake. If Mr. Xuanyi hadn’t appeared, he might have thought the children belonged to Mr. Chengyuan. Fortunately, he hadn’t spoken out of turn.

If he had said the wrong thing, even Mr. Chengyuan couldn’t have protected him from Mr. Xuanyi’s wrath!

Wiping the cold sweat from his forehead, the director also congratulated Mr. Xuanyi.

Fu Xuanyi, soon to be a father, remained cold and indifferent, as if the children had nothing to do with him, just responding with a simple “Hmm.”

He glanced at Lin Chengyuan and ordered, “Leave.”

Lin Chengyuan glanced at him, then at Wei Yuxian, understanding that Fu Xuanyi had something to say to her. He cheerfully escorted the director out, giving them privacy.

Heh heh, he must be going to report to the old lady!

As Wei Yuxian saw them all leave, she thought of getting up to leave herself. However, just as she entertained this thought, Fu Xuanyi’s voice reached her ears: “Sit down.”

Wei Yuxian: “…”

Well, she knew this cold-faced man was about to speak to her.

With only her and this man left in the room, the atmosphere descended another notch.

If someone else were here, she might dare to exchange a few words with this man. But now, with no one else present, she found herself unable to speak.

Since the moment she laid eyes on him, this man looked fierce, his expression unchanged like a poker face.

Wei Yuxian dared not speak, keeping her head down and fidgeting with her fingers, trying to ease the awkwardness of the moment.

She waited for the man to speak.

At this moment, Fu Xuanyi observed her figure and movements.

In his eyes, Wei Yuxian was petite and frail, with barely any flesh on her bones. A gust of wind could easily knock her over.

Considering her family situation and her parents’ attitude, he concluded that she was a pitiable girl.

A pity indeed.

Since no one treats her well, then he’ll be the one to do so.

Fu Xuanyi took a sip of tea and said, “Starting today, you’ll live in my house. I’ll take care of your food, clothing, and other needs.”

“Huh?” Wei Yuxian looked up in surprise, her expression appearing somewhat tender in Fu Xuanyi’s eyes. She asked, “Live… live in your house?”

“Yes. Any problem with that?”

Wei Yuxian asked weakly, “But what about my studies?”

Does he expect her to take the bus to school every day? And she doesn’t even know how far his house is from the school.

Fu Xuanyi: “I’ll personally drop you off and pick you up.”

Wei Yuxian paused. He… personally?

That’s terrifying!

Every moment spent with this man, Wei Yuxian felt suffocated, as if she couldn’t even breathe. And he wants to personally drop her off and pick her up from school!

Wei Yuxian twisted her fingers, hesitating, and said in a tone of negotiation, “I think it would be more convenient for me to stay at the school.”

Fu Xuanyi’s tone was firm: “You don’t have a choice.”

So domineering!

Wei Yuxian silently complained about this dominant man in her heart.

The daily drop-off and pick-up were actually quite troublesome. Not only did he have to do it in the morning and evening, but also at noon. The fuel costs for running around would add up.

If she had a lot of classes on any given day, all that running around would be exhausting.

She didn’t want to go through all that trouble. So, she proposed, “I can stay at your house at night, but can I stay at school during lunch? I’m afraid I won’t make it to class in the afternoon if I have to travel back.”

Fu Xuanyi agreed.

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