After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife
After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife Chapter 9

Chapter 9: Call Her Madam

That day, Wei Yuxian moved into Fu Xuanyi’s house, which was only a twenty-minute drive from the school, which was manageable.

Since she would be staying at school during lunchtime, she only brought a few things from her dorm to Fu Xuanyi’s house.

Today was the weekend, and her roommates had all gone out to have fun, so no one saw Wei Yuxian being taken away by Fu Xuanyi, saving her from their ridicule.

On the way to Fu Xuanyi’s house, Wei Yuxian pondered how to tell her counselor that she wouldn’t be staying at school at night.

She struggled for a long time, deleting and revising the message in the chat box without sending it out.

In the end, Fu Xuanyi made a call, and shortly after, she received a message from her counselor saying that her request to stay out had been approved.

Wei Yuxian sneakily glanced at the man driving beside her, her face full of astonishment!

He had just made a phone call, and the matter was resolved so easily!

She had heard from others that applying to stay out was quite complicated, requiring various documents and forms. But for this man, it seemed to be just a matter of making a phone call!

She couldn’t help but speculate about the man’s identity.

His childhood friend called him “Xuanyi,” and even the hospital dean treated him with utmost respect, serving him carefully.

Could he be the young master of some wealthy and influential family?

With these thoughts in mind, Wei Yuxian took out her cheap cellphone and reluctantly turned on her data to search for the name “Fu Xuanyi” on the browser.

His childhood friend mentioned “Fu Xuanyi,” but she wasn’t sure about the characters. So, she could only use similar sounding characters and typed in “Fu Xuanyi” to search.

The old phone was very sluggish, and it took quite a long time to finally search it up.

Although she typed the name incorrectly, she still managed to find the search results, which revealed the correct characters for his name.

Wei Yuxian clicked into Fu Xuanyi’s profile and was astounded by the numerous titles listed inside!

Young master of the Fu family, Crown Prince of the Capital Circle, CEO of the Fu Group, and a formidable Buddhist disciple…

Every title was impressive!

Wei Yuxian, trembling with fear, finished reading the profile, closed the data, and stole a glance at the man beside her. Even his profile was so perfect.

She also noticed that the man wore a string of black Buddhist prayer beads on his left wrist, which were round and glossy, radiating a precious aura. It was evident that they were well taken care of and quite valuable.

Does he still believe in Buddhism? There’s something online about him having a nickname, “Fierce Buddhist Disciple.”

She cautiously stole glances, thinking she was being discreet, but little did she know that Fu Xuanyi saw all her actions.

Like a… timid little rabbit.

The low-key luxurious black car drove into a villa area. Even Wei Yuxian, an outsider, knew that this villa area was invaluable, with riches beyond compare.

This was the wealthiest area near their university. To buy a house here, one needed more than just money; they needed power!

At least, as far as she knew, none of her classmates lived in this area.

How wealthy and influential must Fu Xuanyi be to live here?

Wei Yuxian counted on her fingers, going through tens, hundreds, thousands, millions, tens of millions, hundreds of millions, billions…

The number one villa was situated at the deepest and largest part of the villa area, covering a third of the entire area.

Wei Yuxian watched as the car drove into the massive estate, thinking it was about time to get out, but she waited and waited, and Fu Xuanyi didn’t stop the car.

Later, she realized why Fu Xuanyi didn’t stop the car—it was because the villa was just too big! It took them five minutes by car to reach the entrance to the residential area.

The car finally stopped, but Wei Yuxian hadn’t recovered from her shock until Fu Xuanyi helped her unfasten her seatbelt, and she opened the door and got out with eyes wide like a startled deer.

As soon as she stepped inside, a servant greeted her. Wei Yuxian felt awkward as she changed her shoes and slipped into soft indoor slippers before stepping further inside.

Once inside, she was even more astonished, speechless at the grandeur and magnificence of the villa!

This luxurious house was a thousand, no, a million times more impressive than anything she had seen on TV!

Wei Yuxian felt like a country bumpkin stepping into a palace, completely inexperienced in such opulence!

She followed Fu Xuanyi inside, every step cautious as if afraid to tread on the expensive, glossy floors.

Fu Xuanyi settled into a leather sofa, but Wei Yuxian stood there, looking lost and hesitant, unsure of what to do.

He patted the seat beside him and said, “Sit down.”

Wei Yuxian could only walk over and sit lightly on the sofa, barely daring to occupy half of it, afraid that her clothes might soil the couch.

In reality, her clothes were clean; she always made sure of it. However, she couldn’t shake off the feeling that her attire would dirty the sofa.

Everything in the villa seemed expensive, even a small towel appeared pricier than all her belongings combined.

Wei Yuxian couldn’t help but feel a sense of inferiority.

She shouldn’t be in such a luxurious place; it wasn’t suitable for her.

Fu Xuanyi naturally noticed her mood and understood her unease. He stood up, bent down, reached out his long arms, and princess-carried her to the sofa, ensuring she sat firmly in place.

Wei Yuxian hadn’t even realized it when she found herself sitting on the soft sofa, with Fu Xuanyi sitting beside her, looking calm and composed.

She blinked, looking at the man next to her, mouth slightly agape, unsure of what to say.

Just then, the housekeeper, Aunt Fu, arrived with a group of servants, all neatly lined up in formation. Including Aunt Fu, there were eight servants in total, standing in two rows.

Aunt Fu stepped forward with a smile. “Master Xuanyi is back. How should we address this young lady?”

Before Wei Yuxian could respond, Fu Xuanyi said, “Madam.”

Aunt Fu nodded and gave a signal to the servants behind her. In unison, they all called out, “Madam!”

Wei Yuxian was once again left speechless by the situation. She looked at Fu Xuanyi, her expression changing several times before she managed to say, “I-I’m not.”

Fu Xuanyi stared at her firmly. “I said you are, so you are.”

Then he turned to the servants and said, “In the future, treat her as you would treat me. Do not neglect her.”

“Yes,” they all responded in unison.

With the servants acknowledged, Aunt Fu waved her hand to dismiss them and then approached Fu Xuanyi. “Master Xuanyi, lunch is ready. Shall we dine now?”

“Mm,” Fu Xuanyi replied. “Your Madam is pregnant now, so prepare meals suitable for her in the future.”

Aunt Fu’s face lit up with surprise and joy as she looked at Wei Yuxian. “Yes! I’ll instruct the kitchen immediately! Madam is too thin; she needs to eat more.”

The last sentence was directed at Wei Yuxian.

Wei Yuxian, still not accustomed to being addressed as “Madam,” felt awkward and didn’t know what to say.

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