After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife
After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife Chapter 12

Chapter 12: Insecurity

Wei Yuxian didn’t know what to say. She opened her mouth, lips moving a few times, but in the end, she remained silent.

Could she say that she would stay here and take care of herself and the child?

How could she possibly be at ease? With Fu Xuanyi, that icy deity, present here, how could she feel at peace?

She feared that one wrong move from her could provoke him.

And his face, it was just as cold, devoid of expression. At a glance, she felt a shiver run down her spine.

She could sense that Fu Xuanyi had no feelings for her. Perhaps that night was merely a moment of lust for him.

Bringing her to the Fu estate was solely because of the child she carried. His promise to escort her to and from school every day was also for the sake of the child.

Lin Chengyuan mentioned the difficulty of the Fu family’s lineage, and that night, Fu Xuanyi also spoke of his family’s lack of heirs. Even the old lady just now mentioned the struggle of the Fu family’s succession. So Wei Yuxian knew that these words were likely true.

Therefore, the child in her belly, a child with the blood of the Fu family, was very important.

It’s possible that the only descendants of the Fu family were the two children in her womb.

And she, it was only because of these two children that she could live in the Fu residence and enjoy such excellent conditions.

Moreover, when Fu Xuanyi promised to ensure her lifelong well-being, it was also because of these two children.

She, a mother relies on her son’s nobility.

But if she had the choice, she would rather not have these two children in her belly. Then she wouldn’t have to deal with the top-tier aristocratic Fu family and could peacefully attend university, graduate, and find a good job to support herself.

Unfortunately, there are no ifs.

She remained silent, lips pursed.

Seeing her pursed lips, pretending to be strong, Mrs. Fu sighed inwardly and said, “I’m not saying this to add to your pressure.”

“The Fu family’s bloodline is indeed rare, but in a critical moment, your life comes before the two children.”

This statement didn’t treat her as a tool for childbirth but valued her as a living person, placing her well-being above all else!

Tears welled up in Wei Yuxian’s eyes, her nose tingling. After a while, she managed to reply to Mrs. Fu with a soft “okay.”


She realized that Mrs. Fu was different from what she had imagined, a down-to-earth person, unlike the arrogant aristocratic grandmothers in TV dramas!

Because of Fu Xuanyi, she had initially thought Mrs. Fu wouldn’t be easy to get along with, but now she saw her differently. Mrs. Fu was actually quite pleasant, much more so than Fu Xuanyi.

When it came to Fu Xuanyi, Wei Yuxian was fearful of him. So, since she arrived here, she hadn’t dared to look at him, afraid to see his expressionless face.

Seeing her demeanor relax somewhat, Mrs. Fu felt delighted and suggested, “Yuxian, you must still be lacking many things since moving here. How about I take you shopping?”

Wei Yuxian shook her head a few times and replied, “No need, Mrs. Fu. I don’t lack anything. Everything is here, and there’s nothing I need to add.”

The Fu Residence was well-equipped with everything she needed for daily life, all brand new and of the highest quality. She lacked nothing.

Such fine things—back in the past, when would she have ever used them? Let alone use, she hadn’t even seen them before!

The Fu family’s lifestyle was indeed different—how could it compare to that of an ordinary household?

Living here, she had nothing to complain about. Yet, she even feared that if she became accustomed to this life of luxury, she wouldn’t be able to adjust back to ordinary life in the future.

Frugality begets extravagance easily, but returning to frugality from extravagance is difficult.

However, Mrs. Fu disagreed, saying, “Clothes always need to be replenished. Trust me, let’s go.”

She got up and pulled Wei Yuxian to her feet, ready to head out.

Wei Yuxian hesitated, saying, “Mrs. Fu, really, it’s not necessary. Please don’t go to any trouble. I’m fine as I am now; there’s no need for new clothes.”

Mrs. Fu looked at Wei Yuxian’s washed-out clothes and wondered what was good about them. What was good at all?

Moreover, she had just learned from Ah Xuan that when Yuxian came, she only brought two sets of similarly washed-out clothes, and who knew how long she had been wearing them.

And yet, she still claimed to be fine?

Mrs. Fu couldn’t believe it.

She kept urging while Wei Yuxian kept refusing.

Fu Xuanyi rotated the black prayer beads in his hand, his expression unchanged. Slowly, he got up and approached the two women, his gaze fixed on Wei Yuxian’s eyes.

He uttered two indifferent words, “Follow me,” and headed out, leaving Wei Yuxian and Mrs. Fu with a tall, cold, and stern figure.

Wei Yuxian shivered at his cold demeanor and dared not resist Mrs. Fu anymore. She silently followed behind.

She might dare to resist Mrs. Fu a bit, but not this man. She was afraid.

Mrs. Fu, visibly delighted, held Wei Yuxian’s hand as they walked together.

Although she didn’t quite agree with her son’s cold tone towards Yuxian, if it got Yuxian to listen, she wouldn’t dwell on it.

However, in the future, Fu Xuanyi should speak more gently. Speaking like this all the time is very hurtful.

As they reached outside, the driver brought the car to the door, with Fu Xuanyi sitting in the passenger seat and Wei Yuxian and Aunt Fu sitting in the back seat.

Wei Yuxian remained silent, lacking any desire to speak.

It was Aunt Fu who engaged her in conversation, trying to alleviate her nervousness and help her relax.

Wei Yuxian tried her best not to pay attention to the man in the passenger seat, focusing her attention on the elderly lady instead. This way, she wouldn’t appear as nervous.

It must be said, it had some effect. When one is fully engaged in doing something, it’s hard to notice other things.

However, Wei Yuxian still couldn’t relax her guard, and she was somewhat cautious even when chatting with the elderly lady, afraid of saying the wrong thing.

They arrived at the mall, got out of the car, and Wei Yuxian looked at the magnificent building in front of her. It was a vast structure with countless shops that seemed to stretch endlessly. Each shop was adorned with luxurious decorations.

In the past, she had only dared to look at these high-end malls from the outside, lacking the courage to step inside.

She heard from her classmates who came from well-off families that the items in these high-end malls would start at hundreds of dollars each, with some even costing tens of thousands.

Did she have that kind of money in her hands? It was difficult enough to scrape together enough for tuition fees to go to school.

Looking at the mall in front of her, Wei Yuxian felt a surge of resistance in her heart. She didn’t want to step into a place like this. The smooth porcelain tiles inside would only reflect her embarrassment and unease.

The places she belonged were those chaotic and disorderly small markets.

Mrs, Fu and Wei Yuxian walked in together, but she noticed Wei Yuxian standing still, her face hesitant and full of resistance.

“What’s wrong, Yuxian?” she asked. “It’s just a mall. Anyone can go in. Don’t overthink it.”

She could see Wei Yuxian’s feelings of inferiority, resistance, and lack of confidence, and she knew why she felt this way. It was related to her experiences growing up, something that couldn’t be changed.

But lack of confidence and feelings of inferiority could be overcome, she thought. It just needed time.

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