After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife
After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife Chapter 17

Chapter 17: Take Care, Master Xuanyi

Wei Yuxian sat in the living room for a while, finishing the fruit on the plate, tidying up in the kitchen, and then returning to her room.

Standing in front of the air conditioner, she held the remote control in her hand, quietly watching for a while, then turned on the air conditioner. After a while, cold air blew out from the air conditioner vent, spreading over her body and dispelling the heat.

It wasn’t bedtime yet, and Wei Yuxian was bored in her room with nothing to do. She took out a book to preview the upcoming content in advance.

If it were usual, she would definitely still be working her part-time job at this time. How could it be so relaxing? Earning a little extra money is always good.

Speaking of part-time jobs, that’s right. Since she moved into the Fu family’s house, she couldn’t do part-time jobs anymore. Mr. Xuanyi would pick her up every day on time.

She still needed to tell her boss that she wouldn’t be doing part-time jobs anymore.

Without hesitation, she took out her phone and sent a few messages to her boss on WeChat, saying that she wouldn’t be doing part-time jobs anymore and apologizing.

Her boss quickly replied to her message, without asking why she couldn’t come anymore. He just settled her previous wages and added that if she ever need a part-time job, she could come back to him.

Wei Yuxian thanked her boss several times and chatted with him for a while before putting down her phone.

Flipping through the textbooks on the desk, she found it hard to concentrate. She wondered, if she didn’t do part-time jobs, where would she get money from?

However, in the Fu family, she didn’t really have any expenses to worry about. Still, she wanted to earn a bit more money, just to have some savings for peace of mind.

Fu Xuanyi gave her a bank card with countless money in it, but that money wasn’t hers, and she didn’t know how to use it.

Well, there would always be a way in the future. When the boat reaches the pier-head, it will go straight with the current.

With this in mind, she calmed down and focused on the book in her hand.

When it was past ten o’clock in the evening, she yawned, closed the book, and conscientiously went to wash up before going to bed.

Thanks to the air conditioner, she slept exceptionally well that night, undisturbed by mosquitoes, with a comfortable temperature.

She woke up around seven in the morning and, after getting up to wash, went downstairs to check if breakfast was ready.

Approaching the dining table, she saw that Fu  Xuanyi was already seated, enjoying his breakfast.

Aunt Fu said, “Madam, you’re up. Please, have a seat. I’ll have someone bring your breakfast over.”

Wei Yuxian replied, “Okay,” and sat down in the chair, keeping a bit of distance from Fu Xuanyi. She looked at the man and said, “Good morning, Master Xuanyi.”

She greeted him.

Now that she was living in Fu Xuanyi’s house, it was only proper to exchange greetings with him.

Fu Xuanyi grunted and looked at her, saying, “Today is a day off. You can stay at home or go out. If you want to go out, you can call the driver.”

He repeated his instructions to Wei Yuxian. Though they were words of concern, his tone remained icy, as if there were an ice maker installed in his throat.

Wei Yuxian still wasn’t accustomed to his cold way of speaking and felt afraid of him. She simply grunted in response and didn’t speak to him further.

Soon, Aunt Fu brought her breakfast. It looked different from Fu Xuanyi’s, indicating that it was specially prepared for her by the kitchen.

Quietly eating her breakfast, Wei Yuxian chewed slowly, not wanting to rush her meal.

Eating slowly was better for digestion and overall health. In the past, she used to eat quickly to save time, which caused some minor stomach issues.

Now that she had time, she could afford to eat more slowly, which was better for her health and didn’t require wasting extra money on medical treatment.

She was only halfway through her meal when Fu Xuanyi finished eating. He wiped his mouth and said, “I’m off to work.”

Even on Sundays, the busy Fu Xuanyi still had work to do. Whether it was for the Fu Corporation was unclear.

The Fu family’s status in the capital couldn’t solely rely on surface appearances. There were also some clandestine businesses that contributed to the family’s long-term success and elevated position.

Wei Yuxian watched him for a moment, then said, “Master Xuanyi, take care.”

Fu Xuanyi didn’t say anything further, just glanced at her, reassured by her obedient demeanor, and left.

After finishing breakfast, Wei Yuxian still had nothing particular to do. She watched TV in the living room for a while before deciding to go outside and explore the Fu Mansion, to see its extent and what it held.

She wanted to gain a better understanding of this place, making it easier to decide where she might want to go in the future.

As she walked for a while, Aunt Fu appeared seemingly out of nowhere, following behind her. She said, “Madam, if you ever wish to take a stroll, you can have someone accompany you.”

Madam was now the most fragile treasure of the entire Fu Mansion, carrying two little masters in her belly!

If anything happened to Madam within the mansion, they would all suffer the consequences!

Therefore, wherever Madam went within the mansion, someone had to accompany her!

Wei Yuxian smiled at Aunt Fu and replied, “It’s not necessary, Aunt Fu. I’m just taking a casual walk. There’s no need for anyone to follow me.”

But Aunt Fu disagreed, saying, “It’s necessary, Madam. Now that you have a baby, you need to be more careful. Having someone accompany you can prevent any accidents.”

“Really, Aunt Fu, you can go about your own business. I’ll be back after a short walk.”

“No, Madam. If something happens to you, none of us in the mansion will have peace of mind. Please let me accompany you. Besides, there’s nothing urgent for me to do right now.”

Wei Yuxian thought for a moment and decided not to insist. She allowed Aunt Fu to stay by her side and said, “Then, Aunt Fu, show me around the mansion.”

Aunt Fu was delighted and replied, “Of course, Madam. Let’s explore the mansion together.”

After walking for about an hour, Wei Yuxian felt fine, not too tired, and ready to continue.

The Fu Mansion was much larger than she had expected. She couldn’t believe that a villa could be so huge!

Not only that, but even the mountain behind was part of the estate!

She wanted to keep walking, to explore more. After an hour’s walk, she had only seen a small corner of the Fu Mansion, with many places left unexplored!

However, Aunt Fu refused to let her walk further. She guided Wei Yuxian to sit down in a pavilion and said, “Madam, you’ve already reached your exercise quota for today. It’s best not to walk anymore.”

Moderate exercise is beneficial, especially during pregnancy. However, excessive exercise can be harmful and may even lead to miscarriage.

That’s why Aunt Fu was adamant about not letting Wei Yuxian walk any further. She even arranged for a servant to bring a car to pick Wei Yuxian up and take her back.

Wei Yuxian looked at Aunt Fu’s anxious expression and said, “Aunt Fu, it’s okay. It’s just a walk. It won’t take long to walk back.”

They had spent so much time walking around just now, which was why it took them a while. Walking back to the house wouldn’t take more than an hour.

But Aunt Fu insisted on not letting her leave the pavilion.

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