After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife
After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife Chapter 23

Chapter 23: Who Allowed You to Seduce Cheng Jingyao?!

When Wei Yuxian entered the bubble tea shop, Cheng Jingyao was already seated inside. Two cups of juice were placed in front of him, along with a serving of food. It was evident that he intended to have lunch with Wei Yuxian.

She took a seat opposite Cheng Jingyao and apologized, “Sorry for keeping you waiting.”

Cheng Jingyao smiled brightly when he saw her. “No problem. I just sat down myself, and the juice was just served. Here, this hot juice is for you.”

Wei Yuxian accepted the juice, feeling its warmth. On a cold winter day, there was nothing more comforting than something warm to drink.

“Thank you. How much is it? I’ll transfer the money to you,” Wei Yuxian said, taking out her phone to transfer the money to Cheng Jingyao.

Cheng Jingyao quickly stopped her, saying, “No need, no need. I said I would treat you, so if you pay, how can it be considered treating you?”

But Wei Yuxian felt embarrassed to let him treat her. She said, “I’ll transfer the money to you anyway. Otherwise, I won’t feel right about it.”

Cheng Jingyao insisted, “It’s okay, really. You don’t have to, Yuxian. It’s just friends treating each other to a drink. Just accept it.”

Wei Yuxian was still hesitant to accept, but Cheng Jingyao persuaded her a few more times. Finally, she gave up the idea of transferring the money and accepted the glass of juice.

She had few friends, apart from one closer friend. She didn’t know how friends were supposed to interact.

Seeing her finally accept, Cheng Jingyao breathed a sigh of relief. “Alright, let’s have lunch here then. I’ve already prepared my meal.”

Wei Yuxian opened the thermos and took out the food. “Okay, eating here today is fine.”

She didn’t feel awkward eating in the cafeteria. If people wanted to look, they could look. She was used to it.

Cheng Jingyao chatted with Wei Yuxian while eating, and both of them were in a good mood.

Wei Yuxian found the juice quite enjoyable; it had just the right amount of sweetness, not too overwhelming.

After about twenty minutes of lunch, Wei Yuxian started feeling drowsy. She packed up her thermos and said, “Jingyao, I’m going back to sleep. See you next time.”

Cheng Jingyao reluctantly bid her farewell, “Okay, see you next time.”

Even though he didn’t want to say goodbye to Wei Yuxian, he had to. They wouldn’t meet again until a week later.

Wei Yuxian walked back to the dormitory with her thermos. Inside, Ding Nana and her friends were still there, and they didn’t give her a warm welcome from the moment she entered.

However, Wei Yuxian was used to their attitude. Every time she returned to the dorm and saw their faces, it was always unpleasant. They had never given her a warm welcome.

She ignored them as usual and went back to her spot, but they wouldn’t let her off so easily.

Or rather, Ding Nana wouldn’t let her off!

As Wei Yuxian walked past Ding Nana’s spot, Ding Nana suddenly grabbed her hand with such force that she almost dropped the thermos she was holding!

“Stop right there!” Ding Nana exclaimed loudly, her tone filled with anger.

Wei Yuxian didn’t understand why Ding Nana was angry again. In her eyes, Ding Nana was unpredictable; she could be happy one moment and angry the next.

What had she done to upset her this time?

Wei Yuxian looked at her expressionlessly and asked, “What’s wrong?”

Ding Nana glared at her viciously, her eyes like those of a venomous snake, and asked, “Did you just have lunch with Cheng Jingyao?”

Wei Yuxian looked at her, her eyes slightly widened, wondering how Ding Nana found out. Nevertheless, she didn’t care much.

“Yes, I had lunch with Cheng Jingyao. Please let go of me,” she said.

However, instead  of letting go, Ding Nana tightened her grip on Wei Yuxian’s hand and stood up to confront her. “How dare you? Who told you to seduce Cheng Jingyao?! Just because you’re with an older man, have some fancy clothes, and can eat well, you think you can seduce Cheng Jingyao?!”

Wei Yuxian couldn’t understand what she was talking about and felt like Ding Nana was behaving irrationally.

“What are you saying? I don’t understand!” she exclaimed.

“You’re pretending! You’re pretending to be innocent! Now you dress so well, eat so well, and use such expensive things, all because you’re being kept by an older man, right?!” Ding Nana accused.

Wei Yuxian found it amusing, wondering how Ding Nana came up with such fantasies!

Yes, she had been dressing well, eating well, and using expensive things lately, but she wasn’t being kept by an older man! She was just… temporarily staying at Fu Xuanyi’s house!

This wasn’t what she wanted at the beginning. Fu Xuanyi insisted on bringing her over to take care of the child, which led to these circumstances!

It wasn’t like what Ding Nana claimed, that she was being kept by someone!

“I don’t know where you heard these rumors, but I can only tell you, don’t believe everything you hear. I, Wei Yuxian, will never admit to something I haven’t done!” she declared.

Ding Nana’s attitude infuriated her. “You still won’t admit it! Then tell me, where did you get all this money? You, a poor nobody, where did you get the money to live such a good life?!”

This was the first time Wei Yuxian had ever stood up to her like this, not pretending to be submissive and pretending not to hear, but daring to argue back!

This made Ding Nana extremely angry, even prompting her to have the urge to hit someone!

In her eyes, Wei Yuxian should always be a submissive coward, unable to resist, and should be bullied by them all her life!

But now, this submissive coward actually had the courage to resist and argue back!

Was it because she had an older man now, so she thought she had a backing? That’s why she dared to speak so defiantly!

Wei Yuxian naturally wouldn’t tell her the source of her things and said, “It’s none of your business, Ding Nana. Let go of me!”

Ding Nana flung away her hand, casting a look of disgust at her hand, as if she had touched something dirty.

She sarcastically remarked, “I see you’re too scared to admit it. With your kind of situation, what other way do you have to make money so quickly besides selling yourself to an older man? Stop denying it, you’re definitely being kept by an older man!”

Wei Yuxian couldn’t reason with her. This woman was too stubborn, she would never listen to anyone else. No matter how much she said, she wouldn’t believe it. So, she decided not to say anything.

Talking more was just a waste of breath. There was nothing to say to someone like her.

She remained silent and turned to walk towards her bed.

But the next moment, Ding Nana grabbed her again and said, “I haven’t finished speaking yet, why are you in such a hurry to leave?”

Wei Yuxian suppressed her anger and turned around. “Do you have anything else to ask? If it’s just to throw insults at me, then spare me. It’s pointless.”

Was there even a shortage of insults that Ding Nana had thrown at her? Since moving in, Wei Yuxian had lost count of the times Ding Nana had insulted her.

So, these words were utterly meaningless. It was a waste of her time to listen.

With this time, she might as well go to bed, rest her mind, and focus on classes in the afternoon.

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