After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife
After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife Chapter 27

Chapter 27: Worsening Morning Sickness

Wei Yuxian didn’t think much of it. After all, morning sickness wasn’t a constant. She believed that as long as she avoided unpleasant smells, she wouldn’t experience any nausea.

If she skipped school because of this, it would be too much of a loss.

Shaking her head, she said, “I’m fine. I can go to school. Today’s classes aren’t many, just one in the morning and two in the afternoon.”

Three classes were almost a full day’s schedule.

Fu Xuanyi insisted on his idea, “Rest at home and let the doctor check.”

Wei Yuxian looked at his determined expression. Her throat tightened for a moment, but she agreed. She had to agree; Fu Xuanyi wouldn’t change his mind.

Moreover, it was time for her prenatal checkup. So, she decided to take a day off, catch up on her lessons at home after school, and have the teacher send her the course materials.

She nodded, but with a dull “hmm,” far from feeling happy about it.

Just last night, she thought he wasn’t so difficult to deal with, but today…

His attitude was too strong, making every decision without room for her to argue or change. She could only go along with it, feeling stifled, like someone else was controlling her life.

Any glimmer of confidence she had in Fu Xuanyi quickly faded. He wasn’t easy to get along with at all; he was just a cold, domineering person!

From inviting her to the Fu Mansion, to making her keep the child, and now, deciding she shouldn’t go to school – it was all his idea.


After breakfast, Wei Yuxian remained alone at home while Fu Xuanyi went to work at the company. Before leaving, he instructed Aunt Fu to call the doctor to examine her and report her daily activities and examination results.

Aunt Fu nodded in acknowledgment, slightly bowing, “Take care, Master Fu.”

Wei Yuxian returned to her room feeling gloomy. She took out the books from her canvas bag, intending to study. After a while, she also took out her phone to text her counselor for leave.

Since the counselor probably hadn’t started work yet, there was no response after a few minutes. Wei Yuxian stopped waiting and set her phone aside, continuing to study.

After some time passed, her phone buzzed with a message alert. Glancing at it, she saw it was a reply from her counselor, approving her leave request.

Afterward, she sent the leave request to her subject teachers, informing them of her absence for the day to avoid being marked absent.

Upon completing these tasks, the doctor summoned by Aunt Fu arrived at the Fu Residence and was directed to her room by Aunt Fu.

“Knock, knock, knock—” came the sound of a knock on the door. Wei Yuxian responded with a “Come in,” allowing the visitor to enter.

Aunt Fu escorted a female doctor in her thirties into the room, followed by two nurses carrying medical kits.

Wei Yuxian stood up to greet the visitors, extending her hand. “Hello, doctor,” she said.

The doctor gently shook her hand. “Good day, madam. I’ll be conducting your examination today.”

“Thank you,” Wei Yuxian replied.

The doctor instructed Wei Yuxian to sit down, then proceeded to check her pulse. Afterward, she inquired about Wei Yuxian’s recent condition and advised her to undergo prenatal check-ups at the hospital.

The hospital offered more comprehensive facilities, enabling thorough examinations to promptly detect any unhealthy conditions in the fetus.

Wei Yuxian pondered for a moment and agreed. However, Aunt Fu wasn’t sure. After calling Fu Xuanyi for permission and receiving it, the driver was instructed to take Wei Yuxian to the hospital, with Aunt Fu accompanying her.

Hearing that even her departure required Fu Xuanyi’s approval, Wei Yuxian felt that he was indeed domineering and dictatorial, making him even more difficult to get along with.

During the journey to the hospital, she realized it was the one affiliated with Lin Chengyuan’s family. It was the best hospital in the capital, equipped with the most comprehensive facilities. Wei Yuxian felt reassured knowing she would be undergoing her examination there.

Aunt Fu remained by her side throughout, accompanying her every step, fearing any mishaps might occur.

After about half an hour, the prenatal check-up was completed, and shortly after, the results were available. The doctor informed her that everything was normal, and both babies were healthy. However, she needed to supplement her nutrition as her body was still a bit weak, and carrying two babies would be challenging.

Taking the doctor’s advice to heart, she assured that she would diligently supplement her nutrition and consume the nutritious meals prepared in the kitchen. She acknowledged that her previous frailty had led to the current need for supplementation.

Upon returning home after the examination, at mealtime, she noticed that the portions of the nutritious meal brought by the servant were noticeably larger.

However, she didn’t say anything and finished the entire meal without wasting a single bit.

After lunch, Wei Yuxian sat downstairs for a while but soon felt drowsy. She got up and went upstairs to sleep.

Deciding to take the day off and relax at home, Wei Yuxian didn’t set an alarm clock, and without the pressure of attending classes, she drifted off to sleep peacefully.

Meanwhile, downstairs, Aunt Fu was briefing Fu Xuanyi on Wei Yuxian’s prenatal check-up. After reporting that everything was normal, Fu Xuanyi hung up the phone.

The next day, the weather was pleasant with no rain or snow. Although the sun was weak, its warmth was comforting.

After resting for a day, Wei Yuxian arrived at school feeling refreshed. She was in high spirits and fully engaged in class, understanding everything the teachers explained.

So, days passed by, and two weeks later, things took a turn for the worse since the day Wei Yuxian experienced morning sickness. Her condition worsened day by day; she couldn’t stand any smell!

Whether it was the fishy smell of food, the stench of meat, or the odor from the bathroom, she couldn’t tolerate any of it!

The moment she caught a whiff, she felt nauseous! It was uncontrollable!

At least at home, she could rush to the bathroom if she felt like vomiting, without worrying about anything.

However, it was different at school; she still had to attend classes, and there were so many classmates around, all watching.

Several times during class, she couldn’t bear the smell of the food brought by her classmates and had to rush to the bathroom to retch.

Moreover, her appetite had noticeably diminished. Previously, even if she couldn’t finish her nutritious meal, she would eat until she felt full. But now, she didn’t even want to look at those dishes.

Eating became a hassle as she would vomit afterward, which was very distressing.

As a result, during this period, Wei Yuxian appeared thinner, her energy levels dropped significantly, and she felt sleepy most of the time, often drifting off during class.

Her condition had become too severe for her to continue attending classes at school. With such severe morning sickness, she needed to rest in a relaxing environment.

Fu Xuanyi naturally paid close attention to her health condition every day. Seeing her morning sickness getting worse, unable to eat, sleep, and occasionally vomiting, he couldn’t help but feel heartbroken.

Pregnancy brought such suffering.

Just a few days ago, she was doing fine, but now the situation had worsened drastically.

One day, Fu Xuanyi came to pick up Wei Yuxian after school. Seeing her frail figure opening the car door and getting in, her face pale and her spirits low, he felt even more distressed.

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