After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife
After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife Chapter 28

Chapter 28: Sensitivity During Pregnancy, Emerging Depressive Mood

He drove home in silence, and they had dinner.

Wei Yuxian wasn’t in a good mood. After greeting Fu Xuanyi, she didn’t say much.

She had vomited several times again today, feeling terribly uncomfortable. Moreover, Ding Nana and her friends had been mocking her again, calling her a gold digger, claiming she was being kept by an older man.

Listening to their taunts only added to her frustration. How could there be such irritating people in the world? Like clowns incessantly babbling nonsense in her ears, thinking they were clever.

Having such detestable people around was bad enough, but for them to appear in her life was truly unfair.

Wei Yuxian leaned against the car window with her eyes closed, taking a moment to rest.

These past few days, she hadn’t been getting enough rest. She was truly sleepy and couldn’t sleep well.

Fu Xuanyi glanced at her thin face. Despite the thick clothing, she appeared delicate and small, like a fragile flower.

The amount of energy required for school was already too much, and now with her current condition…

Continuing like this, she would only become more and more exhausted, and her mental state would deteriorate.

This couldn’t go on.

Fu Xuanyi’s expression turned grave, and the pressure around him grew even heavier.

Wei Yuxian who was resting with her eyes closed, suddenly felt a bit cold. She crossed her arms in front of her chest, seeking more warmth.

She wondered why it suddenly got colder.

Back at home, she ate a bit of dinner but couldn’t finish even a mouthful. Soon after eating, she vomited again.

She sighed, leaning back in her chair, thinking about how difficult it was to bear a child, especially with such suffering.

Wei Yuxian still harbored some doubts about whether her decision to keep the child was the right one. However, regardless of whether it was right or wrong, she felt she didn’t have the right to choose. She was certain that Fu Xuanyi would insist on her keeping the child, as would the rest of the Fu family.

In this moment, she felt like nothing more than a birthing machine, unloved and unvalued by anyone except for the respect she received from Fu Xuanyi’s servants, solely because she carried the child in her womb.

Even Mrs. Fu, who treats her so well, does so because of the child in her belly.

Even her ability to live in the luxurious environment of the Fu Mansion, enjoying a life she had never experienced before, is because of the child inside her belly.

No one loves her…

Not even her own parents who gave birth to her and raised her.

If that’s the case, why bring her into this world? Just to let her suffer in this human realm?

Wei Yuxian started feeling melancholic again. She couldn’t help but think of negative things, dwelling on pessimism.

Unable to control her thoughts, no matter how hard she tried.

As she kept thinking, tears gathered in her eyes and eventually streamed down her face.

She cried silently, too afraid to make a sound, quietly wiping her tears alone, huddled in her chair, looking pitiful.

She cried in secret, too afraid to tell anyone, with no one to confide in.

The environment she was in was really not good at all. At school, she had to face her roommates’ cold words. Back at the Fu Mansion, she had to live under Fu Xuanyi’s displeased gaze, being cautious everywhere she went.

Even if she tried her best to do better, people around her wouldn’t show her any kindness.

Ding Nana not only didn’t show her any kindness but also intensified her insults, accusing her of seducing Cheng Jingyao, calling her derogatory names.

When did she ever seduce Cheng Jingyao? If it weren’t for Cheng Jingyao approaching her first, she wouldn’t even be friends with him!

And Fu Xuanyi too, every day he wore a cold expression, as if everyone owed him millions, never smiled, like a living Yama, the King of Hell.

The more Wei Yuxian thought about it, the more aggrieved she felt, and the more tears she wiped away.

She hadn’t done anything wrong, so why should she endure all this? Now with two children in her belly, the suffering was even greater, worsening her mood.

When Fu Xuanyi opened the door and walked in, he saw this scene: Wei Yuxian curled up in the chair, her hands hugging her knees, wiping tears from her face.

She looked so fragile, as if she would break with a touch.

Fu Xuanyi’s heart tightened suddenly. He strode in, his face stern, and asked, “What’s wrong? Did someone bully you?”

When Wei Yuxian saw him, she was startled, her breath stopping for a few seconds, and she dared not cry anymore.

When she heard his question, whether someone had bullied her, she really wanted to say yes, someone had bullied her!

Fu Xuanyi was one of them!

But she didn’t dare. She couldn’t say such words.

Who was Fu Xuanyi? His status and position in the entire capital were unquestionable. How could she dare to go against him?

With just one word from Fu Xuanyi, she would disappear from this world. How could she dare to say anything against him?

She quickly wiped away the tears on her face, stopped crying, and lowered her head, not daring to look at him, softly saying, “I’m fine, no one bullied me. I’m just not feeling well, I keep feeling nauseous.”

Her mood had been consistently poor lately, with unusual bouts of low spirits, prompting Fu Xuanyi to consider the possibility of her being ill.

Postpartum women are prone to depression, with a higher likelihood than the general population.

Given her current condition, it seemed somewhat precarious. If left unchecked, she might indeed develop depression.

Concerned for her well-being, Fu Xuanyi called a doctor to examine her.

The final diagnosis indicated that Wei Yuxian did indeed have depressive symptoms recently, which was not a severe condition, but if left untreated, there was a high chance it could develop into depression!

The doctor suggested that perhaps her recent stress, coupled with the sensitivity of pregnancy emotions, had led to this, advising her to relax, not overthink, and properly adjust her mood to recover soon.

After seeing off the doctor, Fu Xuanyi took the black Buddhist beads from his wrist and held them in his hand, rubbing them one by one, as he asked, “What’s been stressing you out lately?”

Speaking of stress, there was just too much.

Wei Yuxian chose one of them to mention, “The pressure from classes is too much. I haven’t been sleeping well lately, and I can’t focus in class. I’ve fallen behind a lot.”

If this continued, she figured she might have to retake some courses.

That was one of her stressors.

Fu Xuanyi stared at her slender chin for a moment and said, “Take a break from school, focus on nurturing the baby.”

Wei Yuxian’s instinctive response was immediate: No!

“No, I can’t drop out!” She still wanted to finish school early and start working to earn money!

If she took a year off, that would delay her earning money by a year! She didn’t have so much time to waste!

“Your body isn’t suitable for school,” Fu Xuanyi hit the nail on the head, his tone firm.

Wei Yuxian bit her lip, feeling deeply aggrieved and anxious. In an instant, tears welled up and streamed down her face!

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