After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife
After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife Chapter 29

Chapter 29: So Tired, How Can Life Be So Miserable?

Her body had become like this all because of him! If it weren’t for the two children in her belly, she wouldn’t be in this condition, unable to eat well, unable to sleep well, mentally exhausted, and filled with irrational thoughts!

But now, this man was still coldly uttering such heart-wrenching words, as if he were not human at all!

He was just a cold, emotionless robot!

Arrogant and autocratic!

She accused the indifferent man in front of her in her heart, but didn’t dare to say a word aloud, afraid that his expression would become even uglier after hearing those words.

Wei Yuxian felt deeply aggrieved. In the Fu household, she had no freedom. At home, she had no freedom either. Only at school, she had a little freedom, but she still had to endure insults from others.

How could her life be so miserable?

The more she thought about it, the more tears streamed down her face uncontrollably, like beads falling off a broken string, unstoppable!

She didn’t want to cry. It was so embarrassing to cry in front of this man. But she couldn’t help it. Her tears were beyond her control, they just kept falling!

Would this man, upon seeing her tears, only mock her cowardice in his heart?

Wei Yuxian pursed her lips, sniffed, and raised her hand to wipe her tears.

The tears that flowed were so hot, but her heart was so cold, unable to see any hope for the future…

Outside the window, a drizzle began to fall, as if reflecting the current mood, miserable and dark.

When Fu Xuanyi saw her tears gushing out, his heart suddenly skipped a beat! He panicked.

This was the second time he had seen her cry; just now was the first.

In the past, when he saw other women’s tears, he remained indifferent, feeling nothing. But now, her tears felt like they were burning into his heart!

This time, her tears were even more overwhelming! Much more than before!

He lifted her chin, looking at her tear-stained face, her eyes and nose red from crying, her cheeks flushed with a hint of pink, like a pitiful little animal in need of care.

His tone softened involuntarily. “Why are you crying? Do you want to go to school?”

Wei Yuxian looked at him with her watery eyes, not saying a word, nor nodding or shaking her head, too afraid to make any expression or utter any words.

Of course, she wanted to go to school. It had been over two months since the start of the semester, almost halfway through, and now suddenly being told to drop out, how could she accept it?

She clenched her fingers tightly, this subtle movement betraying her thoughts, which Fu Xuanyi immediately noticed.

In truth, he didn’t need to hear or see it; he already knew. She cherished the opportunity to go to school very much. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have had that night because of money.

She was willing to sacrifice even such important things for the sake of going to college. It was evident how much she loved and wanted to continue studying.

Wei Yuxian wasn’t particularly fond of going to school, though. She just enjoyed acquiring knowledge, knowing that with more knowledge, she could gain more wealth.

Fu Xuanyi could only patiently explain, a patience he had never shown to anyone else, saying, “Considering your current health, it’s indeed not suitable for you to continue your studies.”

Her body was already so weak, unable to eat or sleep well, and adding the pressure of studying would only worsen things.

For the sake of her health, he couldn’t let her continue to expend herself.

Moreover, with her current depressive mood, she couldn’t afford any more pressure and needed to lighten her load.

Wei Yuxian’s mind was somewhat foggy at the moment, her ability to think declining. She didn’t want to think about so many things. She only knew that she wanted to go to school, and that was something she had to insist on.

At this moment, she didn’t want to see Fu Xuanyi’s cold face either. It would make her unable to think and fill her with fear.

She sniffed and, summoning up her courage, said, “You go out. I want to be alone for a while.”

Fu Xuanyi also knew that she needed to calm down now. After she calmed down, she would think about whether her body was suitable for going to school.

She needed to figure this out for herself.

He didn’t say anything, released her chin, got up, and said, “Take your time to think.” Then he walked out of the room.

Wei Yuxian watched his broad and stern back. Even his departing figure seemed oppressive, devoid of any gentleness.

As she watched him leave and heard the door open and close, cutting off everything from the outside, this small space became her temporary sanctuary, a tranquil space belonging solely to her.

She hugged her knees, staring blankly at the door, letting everything go, not even sure what was going through her mind.

And so, time passed, minute by minute. The tears on her face dried up, and her trembling body gradually calmed down, her expression weary.

She didn’t want to think about whether to go to school anymore. Right now, all she wanted was to get a good night’s sleep and let her exhausted body recover.

She wiped away the nonexistent tears from her face, lowered her hands, let her legs down from the chair, put on her slippers, and walked to the bed. She turned off the light, pulled up the covers, and lay down.

She was so tired today. She spent the whole day in class, consuming most of her energy. She also had to deal with the ridicule from her roommates and Fu Xuanyi’s cold demeanor, not to mention morning sickness. All of these left her utterly exhausted.

Not long after getting into bed, she fell asleep with some scattered thoughts. However, her sleep was not peaceful. Even in her dreams, she furrowed her brow, plagued by nightmares.

It wasn’t a very good night’s rest. She woke up several times during the night, each time startled by nightmares. After waking up, she hugged the blanket, trembling, before eventually falling back asleep after a while.

But even in her sleep, new nightmares emerged, cycling endlessly and filling her mind.

Tired. She was truly exhausted, physically and mentally drained.

Waking up once again, she glanced at the time on her bedside phone. It was time to get up; she had class in the first period today.

Dragging her weary body out of bed, she drank half a glass of warm water before heading to the bathroom to freshen up.

Standing in front of the mirror, she looked at her reflection. Dark circles under her eyes were very noticeable, her complexion oddly pale and unhealthy.

Her lips were also slightly pale, coupled with her thin, pointed face. Without any special makeup, she could easily pass for a ghost.

Her condition was beyond terrible.

She touched her face, which used to have a bit of flesh, but now, any slight fullness she had managed to regain was gone again.

After a night’s rest, her mind had cleared up, and she regained her ability to think.

Squeezing out toothpaste, she mechanically brushed her teeth, staring blankly at her reflection in the mirror.

As she brushed her teeth, she accidentally hit the back of her tongue with the toothbrush, and immediately, the sensation of nausea surged up, causing her to lean over the sink and vomit!

After this bout of vomiting, her already empty stomach felt even more terrifyingly hollow, as if she were about to vomit out her entire stomach.

A few minutes later, the discomfort finally subsided. After rinsing her mouth, she looked up at herself in the mirror. Her complexion seemed even paler, resembling a female ghost even more.

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