After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife
After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife Chapter 30

Chapter 30: She didn’t want to stay here for another moment!

In this state, how could she have the energy to go to school? Just dealing with Fu Xuanyi and morning sickness was enough for her to handle.

Moreover, after taking a leave of absence from school, she wouldn’t have the academic pressure anymore, and she wouldn’t have to see Ding Nana and her friends. She wouldn’t have to endure their insults anymore.

Taking a year off would also allow her to completely cut off contact with Ding Nana and the others. When she returned to school next year, she would be a year junior to Ding Nana.

Unless Ding Nana deliberately sought her out, they would never have a chance to meet again!

Thinking about it this way, there were indeed benefits to taking a leave of absence. Besides, she was still a student of the University, and that fact wouldn’t change even if she took a break.

After freshening up, she went downstairs to have breakfast. The meals prepared for her by the kitchen were now even more delicate, and any food with a strange odor was strictly prohibited from being served! No matter how well it was prepared, it was not allowed.

At the dining table, Fu Xuanyi was already seated early, while she quietly took her place opposite him, eating her breakfast without even feeling like exchanging greetings.

The table was filled with silence, broken only by the occasional clinking of utensils.

Wei Yuxian kept her head down, focusing entirely on her breakfast, deliberately avoiding the icy, oppressive gaze of the man across from her.

Fu Xuanyi was staring at her, his gaze unwavering and unapologetic.

In his distinct cold tone, he asked, “Have you made your decision?”

Wei Yuxian’s breakfast halted for a moment, then resumed as she swallowed the food in her mouth, speaking softly with her head lowered, “Give me… one more day.”

She hadn’t fully made up her mind yet.

The few minutes she spent in the bathroom weren’t enough for her to completely figure things out. She needed more time.

One day might seem neither long nor short, but it was both difficult and bearable. Fu Xuanyi could wait.

He granted her that day.

“I expect an answer tonight,” he said.

Wei Yuxian responded with a lackluster “Mm-hmm” and continued eating her breakfast.

The dining table once again fell into silence. After a while, Wei Yuxian finished her meal and quietly waited for the man across from her to finish so he could drive her to school.

Before long, Fu Xuanyi also finished eating. They got up and left, driving to the school in silence, with nothing much to say.

Wei Yuxian arrived at her classroom for today’s classes and took a seat in the front row, separated by a chasm-like distance from Ding Nana and her friends seated in the back row.

This was her usual practice.

After the morning classes, Wei Yuxian already felt mentally exhausted. She went to collect the meal Aunt Fu had sent, then hurried back to her dormitory. She planned to eat quickly, get some sleep, and prepare for the afternoon classes.

But how could her simple idea be so easily realized? Ding Nana and her friends would never let her off the hook.

Back in the dormitory, she was greeted with cold mockery from her roommates. Each of them uttered a sentence, adding up to three, but it felt like more than that.

She silently ate her meal, mechanically chewing away, unable to taste the food’s flavor. It was as if she was eating just to stay alive.

Her silence didn’t quell her roommates’ mockery; instead, it only intensified their insults.

The words grew harsher, and the food became harder to swallow. She forced herself to swallow it, unwilling to waste any.

Halfway through, she suddenly rushed to the restroom and vomited violently, retching until everything she had eaten came back up!

With tears welling up in her eyes, Wei Yuxian suddenly felt like crying. Leaning against the restroom wall, she sobbed softly, tears once again streaming down freely.

Her tears were free and worthless, even if she cried, no one would care for her.

Covering her mouth, she let the tears flow down her hands, dripping onto the floor. She cried for a while in the restroom, her mind filled with melancholy emotions.

After a while, her emotions subsided. She wiped away her tears, disregarding how red and swollen her eyes were, and headed back, bowing her head. She cleaned up the half-eaten meal, no longer in the mood to eat.

She didn’t want Ding Nana and her friends to see her in such a sorry state, even though she had always been in a sorry state in front of them.

Ding Nana looked at her mockingly and said, “Wei Yuxian, you’ve been running to the restroom to vomit every day lately. Sometimes you even rush out of class with your hand over your mouth… Vomiting every day, unable to eat properly. Could it be that you’re carrying the seed of an old man?”

Chen Wei and Feng Yiyi burst into laughter. Chen Wei chimed in, “I’m pretty sure that’s it. Otherwise, how could a normal person run to the restroom to vomit every day? Right, Sister Nana?”

Another round of piercing laughter filled the dormitory, sending chills down Wei Yuxian’s spine. They guessed right; she was indeed pregnant, and the daily vomiting was a result of her pregnancy.

But would she admit it? Dare she admit it?

She couldn’t utter a word because what they said was true.

Holding the insulated container, she hurried into the restroom, stifling the urge to burst into tears again, and hid once more inside.

Squatting on the ground, she hugged her knees and cried bitterly. Her entire body felt numb and trembling with sadness, while she shivered from the cold despite the layers of clothing.

Outside, Ding Nana and the others’ voices continued unabated. They even spoke loudly on purpose, ensuring their words reached her ears.

“Wei Yuxian, how’s the taste of an old man? Does he need to take pills to get hard? Are you still desperate for it, hahaha—”

“Did the old man promise you money for having his child? How much did he offer you?”

“How much does the old man give you every month when you’re living so well, eating well, dressing well, and using expensive stuff?”

Every word they said felt like a stab in her heart!

Her heart became riddled with wounds, bleeding continuously, impossible to heal.

She stayed in the restroom for over ten minutes, while outside, they kept talking for the same duration, their vulgar words swirling in her mind.

Unable to bear it any longer, she abandoned her thermos and hurriedly left, her eyes reddened, tears streaking down her face. She couldn’t care less about her appearance now; all she wanted was to escape this hellhole!

Grabbing her canvas bag and phone, she strode out of the dormitory, slamming the door shut with a loud bang, finally bringing quiet to her world.

Walking along the campus path, afraid of being seen crying, she lowered her head to her chest, pulling up the hood of her black coat to conceal herself completely.

She wandered aimlessly along the pathway, unsure of where to go. At this moment, all she wanted was to leave this school; she didn’t want to stay another moment here. As long as she stayed, there was a chance of encountering Ding Nana and her friends again.

She still had afternoon classes to attend, and they were bound to run into each other. Who knew what might happen then?

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