After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife
After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife Chapter 31

Chapter 31: He Admitted, He Deeply Fell in Love with This Pitiful Little Kitten

There was an impulse in Wei Yuxian’s heart, and that was to call Fu Xuanyi, asking him to come and pick her up and tell him that she agreed to take a break from school.

She didn’t want to set foot on this campus for another moment!

Since she was going to take a break anyway, whether or not she attended afternoon classes didn’t matter anymore. It wouldn’t make much of a difference.

But how could she dare to call Fu Xuanyi? He was the president of the Fu Group, a well-known figure in the capital, and a busy man. How could he waste time to come and pick her up?

She didn’t have the audacity to summon the young master, Master Xuanyi.

So, no matter how difficult it was, she couldn’t call Fu Xuanyi. She had to endure it until he came to pick her up. She would still attend afternoon classes.

The thought of that man made Wei Yuxian’s mood even worse because her current condition was all because of him.

But she also had her share of responsibility. If she hadn’t gone to the bar for money in the first place, if she had taken some safety precautions that night, so many things wouldn’t have happened by chance.

But everything was irreversible; there was no turning back.

Wei Yuxian unconsciously walked to the front of the school library. It was a quiet place, with little disturbance inside. Maybe it wouldn’t be a bad idea to take a nap in there.

The library was open at noon because many people would come to read and search for materials during lunchtime. It was only closed at night.

Wei Yuxian felt somewhat fortunate that the library was still open. Otherwise, where else could she spend her lunchtime?

Sniffling, she hugged herself tightly against the chilly wind outside. As she stepped into the library, the cold breeze was shut out, and she immediately felt warmer.

Inside, there were quite a few people, either reading or searching for books. Everyone was conscientious, keeping noise to a minimum, resulting in a serene atmosphere.

Apart from the occasional sound of pages turning, there was hardly any other noise.

People who came here would instinctively walk quietly, even Wei Yuxian. She looked around and noticed an empty corner. Without bothering to find a book, she walked over and sat down, resting her head on the table.

In such a quiet environment, with only the sound of pages turning, she found it immensely soothing, far better than the insults from her roommates.

Finding this spot was a stroke of luck for her. Soon, exhausted both physically and mentally, she drifted off to sleep, undisturbed by anyone or anything, even her nightmares stayed away.

Perhaps even her nightmares felt she had endured enough suffering and spared her further pain.

And so, Wei Yuxian spent a peaceful afternoon in the library, feeling a sense of tranquility and serenity she had longed for. If every day could be like this in the future, how wonderful would that be?

No worries, just the freedom to eat and sleep whenever she wanted. After waking up almost late for class, she hurriedly washed up in the restroom and rushed to the classroom with her canvas bag.

The two classes were unbearable, especially knowing that Ding Nana and her friends were sitting behind her, making her feel uncomfortable and unable to concentrate.

With her mind set on getting out of there as quickly as possible, Wei Yuxian eagerly awaited the end of class. However, time seemed to conspire against her, dragging on at a painfully slow pace, making her ordeal seem endless. She almost counted the minutes passing by.

When the bell finally rang, she breathed a sigh of relief, feeling liberated as if she had been set free. Grabbing all her belongings, she swiftly exited the classroom, racing towards the school gate.

Wei Yuxian felt fortunate that Ding Nana hadn’t bothered her during the two afternoon classes, nor had she whispered any hurtful words in her ear, allowing her to have a peaceful afternoon.

As she hurried down the alley outside the school, she glanced towards the familiar spot where she usually met Fu Xuanyi’s car, but to her dismay, it was empty. There was nothing there.

Suddenly, a wave of disappointment washed over Wei Yuxian. Her emotions were complex as she stiffly made her way to the usual spot, scanning the passing vehicles on both sides, hoping to catch sight of the familiar one.

But one minute passed, then two, then five, and still, there was no sign of his car.

What could be happening? Fu Xuanyi had never been late before; he always arrived early. But today…

Could it be because of what she said yesterday that upset him? Was he deliberately not coming to pick her up because of that?

The mere thought sent chills down Wei Yuxian’s spine. Could he be growing to despise her even more?

Would he kick her out of the Fu residence? And then where would she go? Would she have to stop the pregnancy?

Wei Yuxian was at a loss as to how to navigate the road ahead. She had just made the decision to take a leave from school, and now this unexpected turn of events. How would she even go on?

Back at the dorm to face Ding Nana and the others, or should she go out and find a job to support herself?

Everything was so chaotic… so exhausting…

It seemed like there was nothing worth staying for in this world anymore…

Lost in her thoughts, a sleek black luxury car pulled up in front of her. The window rolled down, revealing Fu Xuanyi’s concerned face, observing her despairing expression.

She looked like an abandoned kitten, pitifully standing by the roadside, yearning for someone to take her home.

Without hesitation, Fu Xuanyi got out of the car and rushed to her side, pulling her into a tight embrace, offering her a shred of warmth in this cold winter.

The delay of a meeting today caused him to arrive a bit late, unexpectedly witnessing her in such a state.

He admitted that he had indeed fallen deeply in love with this pitiful little kitten, unable to bear seeing her suffer even the slightest grievance, let alone shed tears.

All the aloofness and restraint from the past were cast aside. Nothing was more important than her.

So what if he broke his vows? He had broken them long ago.

He had fallen in love with this little one, and all his past reserve and reluctance towards women had changed because of her!

From now on, he would cherish her, love her, and give her everything she desired to make her happy and content.

“Sorry for being a little late,” he murmured softly, his voice carrying a tenderness never before heard, reserved only for her.

He held her tightly, pulling her small frame into his embrace, warming her cold body with his own.

Wei Yuxian finally snapped out of her daze, tears streaming down her cheeks that she had been holding back for so long.

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