After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife
After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife Chapter 33

Chapter 33: Fu Xuanyi’s Study

Early the next morning, Fu Xuanyi called his assistant and instructed him to handle the paperwork for Wei Yuxian’s leave of absence.

Wei Yuxian didn’t need to do anything; she just needed to relax at home, and Fu Xuanyi would arrange everything.

By noon, Fu Xuanyi, unusually returning home for lunch, brought her some good news.

“The paperwork for your leave has been sorted out. I’ll have Aunt Fu go to pack your things this afternoon,” he announced.

Wei Yuxian’s face visibly brightened, a hint of surprise in her voice as she asked, “Is it really done?”

She had thought it would take several days to complete the procedures, as school processes could be quite cumbersome, with each step taking a while to pass. But she hadn’t expected Fu Xuanyi to resolve everything in just half a day.

Actually, if they had followed the normal procedures, it would indeed have taken several days to complete. However, who was Fu Xuanyi? He was the Young Master Fu, akin to a prince in the capital!

Even the principal would address him as “Young Master Xuanyi”!

The principal wouldn’t dare to delay, of course—it was better to get everything done as quickly as possible! So, within half a day, everything was sorted out.

Fu Xuanyi nodded in response, seeing the smile on her face, a faint smile appearing at the corners of his mouth.

After so many days, he finally saw her smile again, and she looked even more beautiful when she smiled.

“Smile more often from now on.”

“Great! Thank you, Young Mas… Ah, Xuan.” She was so excited just now that she almost called him “Young Master Xuan,” but luckily she quickly stopped herself and used the right title.

Even now, she still felt that “Ah Xuan” was a very affectionate term of address, but it was a bit difficult to say.

Fu Xuanyi: “As long as your happy.”

Wei Yuxian smiled at him again, genuinely grateful for him handling the procedures for her leave.

Then she remembered what he had said earlier about Aunt Fu helping her pack her things. But how would Aunt Fu know which things were hers? It would be better for her to do it herself.

She had classes in the afternoon, and even if she went back to the dormitory, she wouldn’t run into Ding Nana and the others. So, it would be better for her to pack her things herself.

She said, “I’ll go pack my things myself. Aunt Fu doesn’t know which ones are mine.”

Fu Xuanyi looked concerned, although his expression remained unchanged. “What about your health?”

Wei Yuxian patted her clavicle twice and said, “It’s okay, just packing my things.”

Fu Xuanyi still felt uneasy and said, “Bring Aunt Fu with you. You can instruct her on what to pack.”

This way, she wouldn’t have to do it herself. With her pregnancy progressing, she needed to be especially careful.

Wei Yuxian thought about it and agreed. It would be faster if she and Aunt Fu packed together.

So, they decided to go to school to pack their things at three in the afternoon, by which time Ding Nana and the others would already be in class.

After lunch, Wei Yuxian sat for a while, then walked around the spacious house for a bit. Feeling sleepy, she returned to her room and took a nap.

Fu Xuanyi didn’t go to the office but handled his work in the study. Going to the office and back would waste time on the road, so it was better to handle business at home.

Wei Yuxian had a good nap. With the pressure from school reduced by three-quarters, she felt much more relaxed. As for Fu Xuanyi, he seemed quite easygoing today. Although he still had a stern face, she could tell his mood was good.

Everything seemed to be heading in a positive direction, so her future must be bright, right?

Around three o’clock, Wei Yuxian got up, freshened up, and went downstairs. Not seeing Fu Xuanyi, she asked the servant in the living room, “Where is Master Fu?”

The servant replied, “Madam, Master Fu is in the study.”

In the study.

Feeling embarrassed, she realized she didn’t even know where Fu Xuanyi’s study was. This house was too large. Apart from the living room, kitchen, and her own room, she didn’t know anything else.

She didn’t even know where Fu Xuanyi’s bedroom was, let alone his study.

Feeling somewhat embarrassed, she asked, “Could you show me to his study?”

“Certainly, Madam. Please follow me,” the servant replied, leading her upstairs to a room after a short walk.

“Madam, this is Master Fu’s study. If you don’t need anything else, I’ll leave,” the servant said at the door.

Wei Yuxian nodded and thanked the servant before lightly knocking on the study door.

“Come in,” came the familiar voice from inside, that of Fu Xuanyi.

Wei Yuxian gently pushed the door open and entered. Taking in the surroundings, her first impression was the spaciousness of the room, followed by its vintage charm.

Fu Xuanyi’s study exuded a vintage vibe, adorned with wooden shelves reminiscent of ancient times, displaying various antique items. Along the wall, three intricately carved wooden bookshelves stood, adorned with elaborate patterns and filled with books.

In a more secluded area of the room, there sat a large desk where Fu Xuanyi conducted his work. Before him lay a computer, his hands typing away on the keyboard, presumably attending to some official business, perhaps replying to emails.

Fu Xuanyi glanced up at the newcomer and then at the time, realizing it was already three o’clock.

“Please, have a seat. I’ll be done with this email shortly,” he said.

Wei Yuxian settled into a chair, her eyes continuing to survey the study.

“It’s alright. Take your time,” she replied.

The study exuded an air of opulence, evident in the antique items displayed on the shelves, each item likely quite valuable.

She couldn’t help but admit that Fu Xuanyi’s study was impeccably arranged, with each item perfectly placed, including the antique pieces, which seemed to occupy their ideal positions.

The three grand bookshelves, crafted from unknown wood, exuded an aura of opulence.

Considering the value of Fu Xuanyi’s belongings, she decided it would be best to avoid coming here too often. Accidentally damaging anything would be a costly mistake.

The study was truly beautiful, with its fresh and elegant ambiance, imbued with a hint of antiquity.

In the future, she resolved to decorate her own study according to her preferences, albeit on a smaller scale and without the extravagance, as long as everything within was to her liking.

A few minutes later, Wei Yuxian finished admiring the study, while Fu Xuanyi wrapped up his email tasks and shut down his computer before turning his attention to the person sitting nearby.

She resembled a curious kitten, exploring every nook and cranny of the room, marveling at everything she saw.

If only she could stay like this forever, it would be wonderful.

Rising from his seat, Fu Xuanyi draped his coat over his arm and said, “Let’s go.”

Although he wanted her to continue enjoying her time there, they had more important matters to attend to at the moment.

Wei Yuxian responded with a soft “Hmm” and followed behind him as they left the study.

Descending the stairs, Aunt Fu was already waiting downstairs. Upon seeing the two, she greeted them with a warm smile. “Master Xuanyi, Madam, good afternoon.”

Fu Xuanyi replied with a curt “Hmm,” while Wei Yuxian returned the smile and said, “Good afternoon, Aunt Fu.”

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