After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife
After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife Chapter 36

Chapter 36: The Fu Family Members Have Never Been Kind Souls

Fu Xuanyi remained stubborn, looking at his mother and subtly shaking his head. Wei Yuxian, with her back to him, didn’t notice his slight movement.

She was solely focused on hoping that Mrs. Fu could persuade him to release her hand.

From the moment they left the dormitory until now, Fu Xuanyi hadn’t let go of her hand for nearly an hour!

She had never held hands with anyone for such a long time, let alone with Fu Xuanyi, a man.

The mother and son stood in a stalemate, neither willing to yield an inch. Fu Xuanyi’s attitude was even more resolute, as if letting go of Wei Yuxian’s hand was akin to asking for his life.

Wei Yuxian stood awkwardly in the middle, glancing at Mrs. Fu, then back at the stubborn man. She subtly tried to move her wrist, but he held on tighter.

Feeling a bit of pain and fearing he might exert even more force, Wei Yuxian dared not move again.

After a while, Mrs. Fu was the first to relent, thinking to herself, “Let the enlightened son taste a bit of sweetness,” feeling sorry that he had lived twenty-nine years before having such enlightenment.

As a mother, how could she not consider her own child? Mrs. Fu also thought for her son’s sake.

“Forget it, Yuxian, you sit down. I can talk to you like this,” Mrs. Fu said.

Wei Yuxian felt a wave of disappointment. She had hoped Mrs. Fu could control Fu Xuanyi, but it seemed even Mrs. Fu was powerless!

This Fu Xuanyi, he really was a stubborn and domineering man!

She could only sit down with a heavy heart, watching her hand being tightly held by the man. She pursed her lips, once again marveling at how attractive his hand was.

It was strong too, once it grasped her hand, it wouldn’t let go, like a pair of pliers, difficult to deal with.

Fu Xuanyi expressed satisfaction and gently moved his fingers, rubbing Wei Yuxian’s soft and tender hand, relishing the sensation.

The round, glossy black Buddhist beads on his wrist also brushed against her skin, imparting a warm feeling that was neither cold nor impersonal. She wondered what material they were made of.

Come to think of it, did he always wear this string of Buddhist beads? Did he take it off when showering or sleeping?

If he didn’t remove it even when sleeping, wouldn’t it feel uncomfortable?

She suddenly had these absurd thoughts, curious as to why he wore a string of Buddhist beads on his wrist.

Could it be true, as mentioned online, that he was a devout Buddhist?

But looking at him, he doesn’t seem like a Buddhist.

Oh, wait, why am I suddenly thinking about this? Whether Fu Xuanyi believes in Buddhism or wears Buddhist beads has nothing to do with me!

She shook off her wandering thoughts, realizing how silly it was to ponder such matters. Being pregnant really made her overthink things.

Mrs. Fu across from her began to speak, “Yuxian, I heard you’ve taken a leave from school, is that true?”

Wei Yuxian snapped out of her reverie, her mind no longer wandering, and replied, “Yes, Mrs. Fu. I’ve completed the paperwork for taking a leave today and just brought my things back from school.

My health hasn’t been good lately, and I’ve been experiencing severe morning sickness. With the heavy workload from my studies, I couldn’t manage both, so I had to take a leave.”

Mrs. Fu nodded, saying, “Taking a leave is fine. Your health comes first, and it’s important to rest properly at home. There’s no rush with your studies; you’ll have plenty of time to catch up in the future.”

She had only come over after hearing about Wei Yuxian’s recent health troubles. Normally, to avoid adding pressure, she refrained from visiting. But who would have thought that the child was still under so much stress, and had even developed depressive feelings.

The doctor had warned that if left unchecked, it could progress into depression!

Depression was no joke; it was difficult to treat, and many people had paid with their lives because of it!

Wei Yuxian nodded in agreement, responding with a soft “Yes.”

Mrs. Fu continued, “How’s your appetite been lately? You look thinner. Are you having trouble eating?”

Wei Yuxian nodded again, saying, “I feel nauseous every time I eat, and end up vomiting afterward. It’s not that I don’t want to eat.”

She wanted to eat more to replenish her nutrients and avoid being so thin. At the very least, she wanted to be healthy. However, she couldn’t help but vomit every time she tried to eat.

Mrs. Fu sighed, saying, “It’ll get better after this period. I experienced the same severity when I was pregnant with Xuanyi. By the way, I’ve brought two experienced caregivers for you. Starting today, they will take care of you.”

Wei Yuxian quickly waved her hand, saying, “It’s not necessary, Mrs. Fu. I’m fine here. Aunt Fu takes good care of me; there’s no need for additional help.”

Two caregivers to look after her? Was she some kind of precious gem?

She didn’t see herself as anything special, just an ordinary person. But in the eyes of the Fu family, she was a precious gem, someone who couldn’t afford any mishaps! After all, she carried the future bloodline of the Fu family!

If she wasn’t a precious gem, then what was she?

Mrs. Fu said, “It’s necessary, it’s necessary. Aunt Fu can indeed take care of you, but she’s not a professional caregiver. She also has to manage the entire Fu Mansion, so there may be oversights.

But these two caregivers are different. They are professionals. It took me a long time to select them. They will take good care of you. You’re already struggling at just over three months. It’ll be even harder as the months go by.

Trust me, I wouldn’t just randomly assign two people to you for no reason.”

It was all for her own good.

Wei Yuxian couldn’t argue with her and could only nod in acceptance, saying, “Thank you, Mrs. Fu.”

“Family doesn’t need thanks. Can I come to visit you often in the future?” she asked considerately.

Unlike Fu Xuanyi, who wouldn’t bother to ask for her opinion and would simply make decisions for her.

Wei Yuxian naturally nodded in agreement. It was just meeting Mrs. Fu more often; there was nothing wrong with that. With Mrs. Fu around, her pressure wouldn’t be as intense.

She could sense that Mrs. Fu was a kind person.

But she didn’t know, when were the Fu family members kind-hearted? They only appeared so amiable when facing their own family members.

If it was an outsider, especially one who had offended them, their demeanor wouldn’t be as kind.

The Fu family members were never good people. Mr. Fu wasn’t, Mrs. Fu wasn’t either, and Fu Xuanyi was even worse!

The Fu family’s influence in the capital was not built on kindness, but on unwavering and forceful methods!

If someone dared to bully them, they would retaliate! Making sure that no one would dare to bully them again!

Soft-heartedness only gives enemies a chance to regroup and strike back. In the capital, such a family cannot thrive for long; strength is the only path to power!

However, they wouldn’t tell Wei Yuxian these things now, and she didn’t need to know them. Her immediate task was to nurture herself during pregnancy and safely deliver the child.

She could live her whole life without knowing these things, living happily and carefree.

That was Fu Xuanyi’s thinking.

She was just a poor little kitten, very timid and not suited to know these things. In her world, everything was beautiful, and he would do his best not to shatter that illusion.

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