After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife
After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife Chapter 37

Chapter 37: Young Master Xuanyi Wants to Apply Pregnancy Oil for Her

Mrs. Fu sat with Wei Yuxian for over an hour, chatting about all her recent developments, while Fu Xuanyi still didn’t let go of her hand.

If her hand got sweaty, considerate Young master  Xuanyi would even take out wet wipes and tissues to ensure her hands remained clean and dry.

Feeling extremely embarrassed by his treatment in front of Mrs. Fu and Mr. Fu, Wei Yuxian wished she could dig a hole and bury herself.

During dinner time, Mr. and Mrs. Fu stayed at the Fu Mansion for dinner. Mrs. Fu paid special attention to Wei Yuxian’s eating, and when she saw her running to the restroom after only a few bites to vomit, she felt a pang of heartache.

Fu Xuanyi also frowned and went to check on her condition, feeling anxious but unable to do much.

Morning sickness varies from person to person; some experience it mildly or not at all, while others suffer severely.

Wei Yuxian clearly belonged to the latter group, enduring considerable discomfort.

After a few minutes, the nausea subsided, and she looked at the people around her, forcing a smile and saying, “I’m fine.”

She cleaned up, washed her face, and rinsed her mouth with water, trying to regain her composure.

Mrs. Fu looked at her with concern, helping her up and saying, “Are you feeling very uncomfortable, Yuxian? You’ve suffered a lot.”

In the future, the Fu family would never let her down!

Even if Yuxian didn’t end up with Ah Xuan in the end, the Fu family would never let her down!

For the sake of the Fu family’s descendants, she had sacrificed too much and endured too much hardship.

“It’s okay, Mrs. Fu, I’m used to it,” she replied.

Yes, it had been so long, she had gotten used to it, but the empty feeling in her stomach and the nausea were still incredibly uncomfortable.

However, the doctor said that this situation wouldn’t last forever and it would get better later on.

Wei Yuxian walked out with Mrs. Fu, and the others in the restroom followed suit, continuing their dinner together.

Eating the remaining nutritious meal, Wei Yuxian’s body finally settled down this time, successfully finishing everything left on her plate.

The feeling of a full stomach was so comforting, especially in the winter.

After dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Fu left, and Wei Yuxian returned to her room. Seeing her going upstairs, Fu Xuanyi didn’t follow, remembering how scared she looked when she saw him.

The two caregivers that Mrs. Fu had arranged for her approached Fu Xuanyi. One of them said, “Master Xuanyi, Madam’s belly is almost four months along now. It’s time to start applying pregnancy oil to prevent stretch marks.”

They simply wanted to report their work to Fu Xuanyi and then go upstairs to apply the oil to Madam, but they didn’t expect the man in front of them to ask, “Where should it be applied?”

They were surprised by Fu Xuanyi’s inquiry, but they quickly suppressed their astonishment. One of them, named Aunt Sun, replied, “It should be applied on the belly, underarms, thighs, and buttocks.”

When Fu Xuanyi heard the last two words, his brow furrowed, and he coldly stared at the two caregivers, remaining silent but exuding a palpable sense of oppression.

The two caregivers felt a sudden drop in temperature around them, even though the living room was heated. Clearly, this cold air was brought by the man in front of them.

It was obvious that their earlier words had displeased Fu Xuanyi.

They quickly recalled their words, trying to figure out which one had upset Fu Xuanyi.

After mentioning the areas to apply the oil, the temperature in the room suddenly dropped. So, did Fu Xuanyi not want them to touch Madam?

It was quite possible. After all, Madam was Fu Xuanyi’s woman. How could he allow others to touch her?

The two caregivers quickly understood and came up with a solution. Aunt Sun said, “Master Xuanyi, actually, you can apply the oil to Madam yourself.”

With this suggestion, Fu Xuanyi’s expression softened slightly, and he asked, “How should I apply it?”

Aunt Sun and the other caregiver breathed a sigh of relief and said, “Master Xuanyi, we can teach you. It’s very simple, and you’ll learn quickly.”

So, the two caregivers began instructing a certain Master Xuanyi on how to apply the pregnancy oil.

They hadn’t expected that the stern and ruthless Master Xuanyi would actually learn such a thing for a woman. Many men were reluctant to learn these things; they often thought pregnant women were being overly dramatic, making a fuss over nothing.

Little did they know, the arrival of every life was incredibly challenging, especially for pregnant women.

Therefore, it’s essential to choose the right partner, or else it’s the woman who suffers in the end.

Now it appears that, Master Xuanyi is someone who cares for others. The Madam made the right choice.

In her room, Wei Yuxian was unaware of what was happening downstairs. After sitting for a while, she went to the bathroom to take a shower, intending to sleep early.

Early to bed and early to rise, to keep her spirits up and avoid waking up in the middle of the night, leading to insufficient sleep.

Tonight, she washed her hair, which took a bit longer, and with the sound of running water in the bathroom, she didn’t hear the knocking at the door.

Outside the door, Fu Xuanyi knocked several times but received no response. Worried that something might have happened to her inside the room, he quickly opened the door. Upon hearing her in the shower, his furrowed brow relaxed.

So, she was taking a shower, no wonder there was no response.

He sat down comfortably on the chair in the room, waiting for her to finish showering.

This wait lasted for nearly half an hour.

Wei Yuxian finished showering in the bathroom, her hair damp. After drying it with a towel a few times, she started blow-drying her hair in the bathroom. When it was almost dry, she walked out of the bathroom.

When she saw another person in the room, she was startled for a moment. For an instant, she even thought she had traveled through time!

But when she saw the familiar layout of the room, she knew she hadn’t entered the wrong room; it was Fu Xuanyi who had come to her room.

She unconsciously adjusted the collar of her slightly askew nightdress, making sure it was properly in place, leaving no part exposed that shouldn’t be. She remained modest and cautious.

She then lowered her head to check if there was anything inappropriate about her appearance. After a quick inspection revealed everything was fine, she continued forward.

“Ah… Ah Xuan, why are you here?”

That address was really difficult to say. Why did she choose it in the first place?

“Master Xuanyi” would have been a good address, but unfortunately, he didn’t allow it.

Fu Xuanyi gestured with his chin towards the pregnancy oil on the table. “To apply the pregnancy oil for you.”

“Ah?” Wei Yuxian looked surprised, staring at the unfamiliar object on the table. It was her first time seeing something like this, named pregnancy oil.

So, what was this thing used for?

Fu Xuanyi had just mentioned applying it. But where exactly was it supposed to be applied?

Forgive Wei Yuxian’s lack of knowledge about pregnancy; she was just a 19-year-old girl who hadn’t attended university for long and had no experience with pregnancy.

Therefore, she didn’t know that pregnancy could potentially cause stretch marks, nor did she know that applying pregnancy oil during pregnancy could reduce the chances of stretch marks appearing.

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