After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife
After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife Chapter 40

Chapter 40: Cheng Jingyao, Don’t Be Deceived, Wei Yuxian Isn’t a Good Person!

Wei Yuxian didn’t tell anyone about dropping out of school. Except for the counselor, no one at school knew, including her roommate and Cheng Jingyao.

She had completely forgotten about Cheng Jingyao because their relationship wasn’t deep. They only exchanged a few words in class.

The closest they had gotten was when Cheng Jingyao invited her for bubble tea.

And it was precisely during that time that she couldn’t clear her name from Ding Nana’s slander no matter how hard she tried.

So subconsciously, Wei Yuxian wasn’t keen on interacting with Cheng Jingyao anymore. He was a nice person, but unfortunately, Ding Nana liked him.

Ding Nana had accused her of seducing Cheng Jingyao more than once. Since the crime was already attributed to her, she didn’t want to take the blame again.

She decided to let everything gradually fade away with the passage of time.

On Monday, Cheng Jingyao arrived at the classroom a few minutes early, filled with excitement, just to spend some extra time with Wei Yuxian.

Excitedly, he arrived at the classroom but didn’t see Wei Yuxian. He assumed she might be running late today, so he leaned against his chin, waiting for her.

Within a short span of time, several girls approached him, asking for his contact information, but he didn’t give any of them the slightest interest.

The one he was interested in hadn’t arrived yet.

As the class began, he still didn’t see Wei Yuxian. Puzzled, he took out his phone and sent her a WeChat message.

[Yuxian, why didn’t you come to class today? Are you feeling unwell and taking a sick leave?]

After sending the message, he anxiously awaited her reply. However, as time passed by, five minutes later, there was still no response from Wei Yuxian!

Unable to contain his worry, he sent several more messages, but they seemed to vanish into thin air.

But what was Wei Yuxian doing at this moment?

She was sleeping, with her phone set to airplane mode.

She had woken up too early this morning, around seven o’clock, and by nine, drowsiness had gotten the best of her again, prompting her to return to bed.

She habitually activated airplane mode when sleeping, unwilling to let anyone disturb her slumber.

With her sleep being less than satisfactory lately, each moment of rest was cherished, and she naturally wished not to be disturbed.

As a result, she inadvertently missed Cheng Jingyao’s messages.

Meanwhile, Cheng Jingyao was glued to his phone, unable to focus on his classes, as if he could bore a hole through it with his gaze!

Why hadn’t Yuxian replied to his messages? What could have happened? Was there anyone who could tell him?!

Just a week without seeing her, and Yuxian had disappeared without a trace. Could he not be worried?!

Later, he needed to find someone familiar with Yuxian to inquire. Yuxian’s roommate, Ding Nana, often sat in the back row.

Due to his affection for Yuxian, he couldn’t help but involuntarily gather information about the people and events around her.

However, he was unaware of the strained relationship between Yuxian and her roommate.

After class finally ended, Cheng Jingyao hastily gathered his books and rushed to the back to find Ding Nana.

He intercepted her before she exited the classroom door and asked, “Excuse me, are you Ding Nana?”

Seeing her crush approach her and initiate a conversation, Ding Nana felt extremely surprised and delighted!

She nodded shyly and said, “Yes, I’m Ding Nana. Cheng Jingyao, do you need something?”

Pink bubbles of excitement bubbled up inside her as she couldn’t help but imagine Cheng Jingyao’s intentions for seeking her out.

Was Cheng Jingyao asking for her contact information? She’d gladly give it!

Or perhaps Cheng Jingyao was about to confess his feelings to her?

The thought made Ding Nana’s face even redder.

Cheng Jingyao’s expression carried a hint of urgency as he said, “Hello, Ding Nana. Could we chat outside for a moment?”

With so many people around, it’s not a good place to ask questions.

Ding Nana was even more surprised, thinking that Cheng Jingyao must be about to confess his feelings to her. Without hesitation, she nodded eagerly and agreed, “Sure, Cheng Jingyao. Let’s go.”

Cheng Jingyao took her hand directly and led her out of the classroom, walking quickly towards a secluded area.

Watching their hands intertwined, Ding Nana felt like she was about to faint from happiness!

Ah, Cheng Jingyao was holding her hand! And he did it so boldly!

Ah, she was going to be so blissfully happy!

But her happiness was premature because she had no idea that Cheng Jingyao’s real purpose for seeking her out was Wei Yuxian.

Ding Nana had to jog to keep up with Cheng Jingyao’s pace, but she didn’t blame him at all. Instead, she thought he was walking so fast because he was eager to confess his feelings to her.

A few minutes later, Cheng Jingyao led her to a secluded, deserted place. When he turned to her, his first words were, “Do you know where Wei Yuxian went? Why didn’t she come to class today? I sent her messages, but she didn’t reply. Is she sick and taking a leave of absence?”

Ding Nana was bewildered! She had thought Cheng Jingyao brought her out here to confess to her, but was that not the case at all!

Cheng Jingyao had brought her out here just to inquire about the whereabouts of that despicable person, Wei Yuxian!

Ding Nana’s joyful mood was instantly doused with a bucket of cold water, plummeting from the heights of happiness into the depths of despair!

Wei Yuxian, Wei Yuxian, Wei Yuxian! It was Wei Yuxian again!

How could it be that despicable person again?!

Cheng Jingyao had sought her out, only to inquire about Wei Yuxian’s whereabouts!

Ding Nana was furious, her heart ablaze with anger that almost made her faint!

Seeing her silence, Cheng Jingyao hurriedly continued pressing, “Do you know or not? Aren’t you her roommate? You should know about her whereabouts.”

Ding Nana struggled to contain her anger, not wanting to ruin her image in front of her crush.

Through gritted teeth, she replied, “I know. Wei Yuxian… she dropped out.” The words dripped with venom, her teeth almost grinding to dust.

Cheng Jingyao was taken aback, his expression incredulous. “What?! Yuxian dropped out? When did this happen? Are you sure, classmate? You’re not mistaken, are you?”

Yuxian, Yuxian, Yuxian… How affectionately he called her!

That despicable Wei Yuxian, she really knew how to seduce men!

Ding Nana forced a smile and said, “I’m not mistaken. Wei Yuxian indeed dropped out. She even moved her belongings out just a few days ago.”

Cheng Jingyao grabbed her hand excitedly, asking, “Do you know why she dropped out?”

What happened to Yuxian? Just last week, she seemed fine when he saw her. Why did she suddenly drop out of school?

Was she sick? Besides that, he couldn’t think of any other reason.

Ding Nana sneered, “Of course, I know. It’s because Wei Yuxian got pregnant, that’s why she dropped out! Cheng Jingyao, let me tell you, Wei Yuxian is a despicable woman. She’s being kept by an older man outside, and she’s carrying his child!

Cheng Jingyao, don’t be fooled by her facade. She’s not a good person. She’s deceiving you!”

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