After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife
After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife Chapter 41

Chapter 41: Impossible! Yuxian is definitely not like that! Ding Nana is spreading rumors!

“You’re talking nonsense!” Cheng Jingyao angrily shook off her hand, “Don’t defame Yuxian. Yuxian is absolutely not that kind of person!”

He refused to believe it! He absolutely wouldn’t believe what Ding Nana said! Yuxian couldn’t be like that!

Yuxian is so kind and lovely, how could she possibly be the person Ding Nana described?!

It must be a fabrication by Ding Nana! She’s spreading rumors!

No! He had to find Yuxian and ask her himself! He had to hear it from Yuxian’s own mouth!

Ding Nana was also furious, saying, “I’m not talking nonsense! I’m telling the truth! Wei Yuxian is pregnant! She’s been vomiting in the restroom every day recently. If it’s not pregnancy, then what is it?”

“And, on the day she moved her luggage, I personally saw the old man driving to pick her up! I definitely didn’t see it wrong!”

Cheng Jingyao still didn’t believe it, thinking she was talking nonsense, “I don’t believe what you’re saying, you’re defaming Yuxian!”

With that, he didn’t want to hear Ding Nana’s voice anymore, and he walked away in long strides!

He had to ask Yuxian personally! He would only believe it when Yuxian said it!

Ding Nana watched the departing figure, stomping her feet in frustration! He still didn’t believe what she said! He only believed that woman’s words!

It’s infuriating! Infuriating! Infuriating! Yuxian, you despicable person! You said you didn’t seduce Cheng Jingyao! Cheng Jingyao’s soul has been ensnared by you!

Ding Nana maliciously cursed Wei Yuxian in her heart, watching as Cheng Jingyao’s figure disappeared in the distance.

Wei Yuxian, you’ve already dropped out of school and yet you still can’t behave yourself! You still want to seduce Cheng Jingyao!

You’re really something!

Fine, since you want to act like this, right? Well then, if you’re unscrupulous, don’t blame me, Ding Nana, for being unjust!

Just you wait, I’ll make you regret seducing Cheng Jingyao! Regret coming to the University of Finance and Economics!

A malicious idea took root and grew into a towering tree in her mind, continuously sprouting and growing!

Wei Yuxian, it’s all because of you! It’s all because of you!

Blame yourself if you must…


At the Fu residence, shortly after lunchtime, Wei Yuxian, who had slept for the entire morning, finally woke up. She had enjoyed an incredibly comfortable sleep!

The cold of winter outside made it tempting to stay in the warm cocoon of her bed, unwilling to get up and instead relishing the cozy embrace of her blankets.

However, despite her reluctance, Wei Yuxian had to get up because her stomach was growling.

She lingered in bed for a few more minutes before finally getting up. It was only slightly chilly, and she turned on the heater, dispelling the cold.

Putting on a thin jacket, she went to freshen up, then grabbed her phone from the bedside table. As she walked out of her room, she switched on airplane mode.

After turning off airplane mode, there was a brief buffering period as her phone reconnected to the network. Within a few seconds, her phone began chiming urgently, with several notification sounds in quick succession.

Messages began popping up at the top of her screen.

Glancing at them, she saw they were all from Cheng Jingyao.

Why would he send so many messages? Did something urgent happen?

Wei Yuxian headed downstairs and opened WeChat to see what Cheng Jingyao had sent her.

The first message read: [Yuxian, why didn’t you come to class today? Are you feeling unwell and taking a sick leave?]

So, he was asking why she hadn’t gone to class. Several subsequent messages inquired the same.

She replied: [Jingyao, I’ve taken a leave of absence due to health reasons. I’ll return to school next year. Thank you for being my friend. Perhaps we’ll meet again at school.]

Cheng Jingyao seemed to have been holding his phone, waiting for her response. He replied immediately: [Yuxian, you’re finally online! I was worried something happened to you!]

[Did you really take a leave of absence? Is it because of an illness? How serious is it?]

Wei Yuxian: [I’m fine, Jingyao. Thanks for your concern. I can’t discuss the specifics of my health issues, but it’s nothing major. I’ll be back in school in a year.]

In his dorm room, Cheng Jingyao lay on his bed, his fingers tapping hesitantly on the keyboard: Are you pregnant?

His finger hovered over the send button, reluctant to press it.

This question felt too intrusive. Moreover, what if Ding Nana’s words were true? How would Yuxian think of him then?

He might not even remain friends with her!

If Yuxian chose not to disclose, there must be a reason or difficulty. Since she didn’t mention it, he wouldn’t ask. That girl Ding Nana must be spewing nonsense!

Yet, a faint voice in his heart told him… Ding Nana’s words might all be true.

He rested his finger on the backspace key, deleting each word one by one, and replaced them with: “Okay Yuxian, as long as you’re alright. If you ever face any difficulties, feel free to tell me. I’ll always be there to help you!”

Wei Yuxian: “Okay, thank you, Jingyao.”

The conversation ended there. Cheng Jingyao didn’t dare to ask too much, satisfied that Yuxian was okay for now.

But not seeing Yuxian for a whole year ahead saddened him deeply.

A year, it felt so long.

At the Fu residence, after dealing with Cheng Jingyao’s matter, Wei Yuxian set her phone down and took a seat at the dining table.

A servant brought her lunch and said, “Madam, please enjoy your meal.”

Wei Yuxian politely thanked them and enjoyed her sumptuous lunch—every meal was rich in variety for her.

Today’s lunch tasted just as good as usual. Having just woken up fully rested, her appetite was hearty, and there were no strange tastes in the food. It was a delightful meal.

Rarely did she experience any nausea—it was truly wonderful!

Everything seemed to be progressing towards a better life, wasn’t it? Her days were only going to get better.

After lunch, Wei Yuxian sat for a while before taking a stroll in the yard, accompanied by two caregivers. Today, there was neither sun nor rain nor snow—it was a perfect day for a walk.

Pregnant women needed appropriate exercise, and strict control over their diet was essential for both the baby’s and their own health.

Taking a stroll helped with digestion; she felt a bit full after the meal.

The two caregivers diligently followed behind her, holding a water bottle and a coat. If she felt thirsty, they would offer her water, and if she felt cold, they would offer her the coat.

Wei Yuxian wasn’t cold; in fact, she felt a bit warm after the walk. She wanted to take off her coat, but the caregivers stopped her, saying that the cold air might harm her, insisting she remove it indoors.

Reluctantly, she kept the thick clothing on until she reached her room, where she could finally take it off and feel more comfortable.

After resting for a while, she went into Fu Xuanyi’s study, picked up a book she wanted to read, and lay down on the comfortable tatami mat to read.

Days were so leisurely and comfortable, incredibly enjoyable.

Who knows how many more of such beautiful days there would be? No one can predict the future; it’s best to savor the present.

Perhaps because of the excessive comfort, she found herself dozing off while reading, too lazy to return to her room. She simply closed her eyes and fell asleep on the tatami mat.

The caregivers, fearing she might catch a chill, covered her with a small blanket, ensuring she slept even more comfortably.

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