After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife
After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife Chapter 46

Chapter 46: How could she have such a misconception?

Today’s exercise was already enough, and even if she were to take more maids with her, they wouldn’t let her go. It was a servant who drove her back to the villa.

The Fu estate is truly vast. Despite being here for so long, she has only explored a tiny fraction of it. If she really wanted to explore the entire Fu estate, she would need to take a car tour.

But Wei Yuxian has never had the inclination to do so. In the past, she was busy with her studies, going to school early every day, and only returning in the afternoon. After eating, she would have to do homework, study, and prepare for classes, leaving little time for leisurely outings.

But things are different now. She has free time, and in the future, she is sure she can explore the Fu estate thoroughly.

Back at the villa, the sweat on Wei Yuxian’s body has subsided. A servant brought her some fruits, and she continued to eat.

Glancing at the time, it was only a little after three in the afternoon, still more than two hours away from dinner. What should she do next?

Suddenly, she felt a desire to go into the kitchen and see how the chefs made delicious dishes.

After finishing the fruit, she decisively got up and headed towards the kitchen.

Aunt Fu and the caregiver, seeing her movement, quickly followed. Aunt Fu asked, “Madam, where are you going?”

“I’m going to the kitchen to take a look.”

Aunt Fu and the caregiver hurriedly stepped in front of her, looking as if they were facing a formidable enemy, which left Wei Yuxian puzzled. She asked, “What’s wrong?”

Aunt Fu took a deep breath and said, “Madam, there are some unprocessed foods in the kitchen, and the smell might make you uncomfortable if you were to smell it.”

Only then did Wei Yuxian realize this point. She had just thought of going to the kitchen to take a look, but hadn’t considered this aspect.

Indeed, her sensitivity to smells was unbearable now. Even processed foods sometimes made her nauseous, let alone those that hadn’t been handled yet.

She had no choice but to abandon the idea of going into the kitchen for now, thinking she would do so when her morning sickness wasn’t so severe.

Seeing her disappointment, Aunt Fu suggested, “Madam, why not go to the flower house? We have a greenhouse in our estate with precious flowers, including ones that bloom out of season.”


Beautiful flowers!

Wei Yuxian became somewhat interested and let Aunt Fu lead the way.

She didn’t know many flowers, but most girls couldn’t resist beautiful ones, and she also wanted to take this opportunity to learn more about them.

Moreover, the flowers that could appear in the Fu estate must not be ordinary flowers. It was very likely that you wouldn’t see them outside!

And so, Wei Yuxian spent the entire afternoon in the fragrant flower house, getting to know many flowers, though she couldn’t remember them all and forgot them as soon as she turned away.

In the evening, with some adjustment by Wei Yuxian, although her mood didn’t completely improve, she managed to hide it and not let others notice.

After taking a shower and coming out, Wei Yuxian saw a familiar figure in her room – Fu Xuanyi.

Almost every night around this time, Fu Xuanyi would come to her room, not for anything else but one thing – to apply pregnancy oil for her.

At first, she thought it was just a passing fancy for Fu Xuanyi, and it would lose its fervor after a few days. But to her surprise, he persisted, and it seemed like he wanted to come every day from now on.

For this reason, Wei Yuxian could only let him, as long as he didn’t apply the oil to her armpits and buttocks, everything was fine.

Though she felt shy about her stomach and thighs, she could still accept it. As for her armpits and buttocks, her answer remained the same from the beginning – absolutely not!

“Ah Xuan,” she called out softly, taking slow steps toward him.

Fu Xuanyi watched her approach, each step accentuating her freshly washed skin, making it even more fair and… tempting.

Yes, “tempting” is the right word here.

In Fu Xuanyi’s eyes at this moment, Wei Yuxian was like a walking feast, tempting him to devour her greedily!

That dangerous feeling surged again. Unconsciously, a wave of heat washed over him, and his gaze became hotter, craving to consume!

But he  couldn’t. Her current condition wasn’t good, and her emotions couldn’t afford to be too agitated. She needed to take good care of herself.

Lately, these dangerous feelings had been occurring more frequently, causing Fu Xuanyi some distress.

He was like someone who hadn’t eaten meat in years, and since tasting it once, he couldn’t forget the flavor.

The scene from that night flashed in his mind again. She was so innocent, so naive, looking at him with those dewy, doe-like eyes.

Though he lacked experience himself, men had a natural instinct in this regard. They didn’t need experience; they could figure things out on their own.

Suppressing his wandering thoughts, he focused on what needed to be done next.

He rose to turn on the water in the bathroom, took out a towel, sat on the edge of the bed, gently set aside the black prayer beads he held, and then placed his hands in the warm water to soak them.

Wei Yuxian lay on the bed, consciously avoiding looking at the man, instead fixing her gaze on the ceiling.

When Fu Xuanyi had warmed his hands and scooped out the pregnancy oil, she lifted her pajamas to reveal her slightly bulging belly.

Fu Xuanyi gazed at the fair skin of her belly, watching as it gradually swelled, harboring the flesh and blood of the Fu family, his flesh and blood!

The person carrying his child was also the woman he loved.

His gaze softened considerably, shedding the fierceness he displayed outside.

With tenderness, he gently placed his hand on her small belly, skillfully applying the pregnancy oil.

Feeling the warmth of his large hand on her belly, Wei Yuxian’s hand at her side tensed slightly, and she bit her lip as she looked at Fu Xuanyi’s face.

The man’s expression was serious, as if handling a fragile treasure. His movements were gentle, and his touch was comforting.

Wei Yuxian once again had that misconception – Fu Xuanyi was a good man, especially at home.

What’s even more absurd is that she had a misconception – it seemed like she had been living with Fu Xuanyi for a long time, like an old married couple with perfect understanding!

Heavens! How could she have such thoughts?

How dare she have such thoughts!

How could she ever deserve Xuanyi? Even if she tried for ten lifetimes, she wouldn’t be worthy of him!

Could it be because Fu Xuanyi’s expression at this moment was too gentle, which led her to have such a misconception?

Yes, that must be it!

Just as she was lost in thought, Fu Xuanyi’s words brought her back to reality: “Are you feeling upset today? Why are you crying?”

Aunt Fu briefed him on her afternoon situation, mentioning that her eyes were swollen from crying after taking a nap.

Wei Yuxian had already anticipated that he would be aware of her condition and might inquire about it, so she had prepared a reason in advance. She said, “I vomited when I woke up from the nap and felt uncomfortable, so I cried.”

This reason was flawless. It’s normal for pregnant women to have unstable emotions, and crying suddenly when feeling unwell is also common.

Fu Xuanyi didn’t doubt her explanation. Instead, he felt even more pity for her and became even gentler in his actions.

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