After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife
After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife Chapter 47

Chapter 47: Why did the mother call again this time?

After applying the oil on her belly, Fu Xuanyi moved on to her thighs. Wei Yuxian stared at the ceiling, trying to ignore the sensation brought by his hands and hoping for it to end soon.

Fu Xuanyi also wanted to finish quickly because he realized that staying in the room any longer would lead to trouble.

So he hastened his movements, applying the oil evenly on her thighs, then took the warm water and towel into the bathroom. When he came out, he said, “You can take care of the rest yourself.”

His voice sounded slightly huskier than usual.

Wei Yuxian didn’t notice anything unusual and thought it was because Fu Xuanyi hadn’t spoken for a while. She simply responded with an “Okay.”

Fu Xuanyi left the room, and Wei Yuxian breathed a sigh of relief. She finished applying the oil, tidied up the supplies, and lay on the bed, feeling drowsy.

The Fu estate was indeed too boring, especially with the issue of the post weighing on her mind. She had no mood to do anything else and just wanted to sleep early to pass the time.

Unfortunately, her idea was beautiful, but reality was cruel. She turned off the lights, adjusted the heater to the most comfortable temperature, and even turned on the humidifier, lying quietly in bed.

She thought she would fall asleep quickly, but no matter how much she tried to convince herself to fall asleep, she remained wide awake, her mind alert.

She would think about this for a while, then about that.

And as she thought, her mind drifted to Fu Xuanyi.

She felt that something was off with Fu Xuanyi recently. How should she put it… he had become much gentler. When he spoke, his tone was inexplicably softer, but she wasn’t sure if it was just her imagination.

Moreover, his various actions, those behaviors that didn’t match his identity, were also very suspicious.

Why would he behave like this? Was it genuine curiosity or some other reason?

Or was it, as she had previously thought, because he had been possessed?

But a Fu Xuanyi who wasn’t so cold was easier to get along with, and she felt less pressure when interacting with him.

She couldn’t help but think, if Fu Xuanyi could always remain in this state, it would be great. Not as a cold, robotic figure, nor as the aloof Lord Xuanyi.

If… he were just an ordinary person.

Wei Yuxian didn’t know why she had such strange thoughts. Her mind was filled with whimsical and unrealistic thoughts.

The more she thought, the more awake she became, with no trace of drowsiness.

She picked up her phone to check the time. It was half past twelve, more than three hours since she had lain down, yet she still couldn’t fall asleep.

This made her feel anxious. Whenever she couldn’t fall asleep, she tended to feel more anxious.

This feeling was very uncomfortable, and sleepless nights were very difficult to endure.

No, she couldn’t continue thinking like this. She needed to fall asleep quickly, maintain good sleep, and avoid disturbances, as it wasn’t good for her health.

Wei Yuxian kept silently repeating the words “fall asleep quickly” in her mind for more than ten minutes, but there was still no effect.

She tried another method, counting. She started from one and counted all the way up to one hundred, then repeated the process, but still, there was no effect.

Counting sheep seemed like a good method for inducing sleep. She switched to counting sheep, counting so many that she lost track herself. Finally, this time, she fell asleep.

But by then, it was already four in the morning.

The silent sky was as dark as ink. On winter nights, even the moon rarely appeared.

When Wei Yuxian woke up, it was already ten in the morning. Due to her unstable sleep patterns during this time, Fu Xuanyi instructed the servants not to disturb her rest when checking on her.

So, no one disturbed her early in the morning, and she slept until ten. While the duration of her sleep was sufficient, the quality was lacking. She had woken up several times throughout the night, feeling restless.

She had had many nightmares throughout the night, one after another, without respite.

Among them, the most frequent nightmare was about the post on the campus forum. The situation escalated, reaching the attention of the school authorities, who expelled her!

She had worked so hard to get into university, how could she be expelled?!

This nightmare jolted her awake, and she couldn’t fall back asleep.

Checking her phone, she saw it was already ten in the morning. It was late, and she couldn’t afford to sleep anymore; otherwise, she would turn into a complete wreck.

She got up, washed up, but her mood was still not good. In fact, the dream from last night made her mood even worse.

She was someone easily influenced by dreams. Even though she knew that what happened in dreams wasn’t real, she couldn’t help but be affected by them.

For instance, if she suddenly disliked someone in her dream, upon waking up, she would subconsciously feel aversion towards that person.

This feeling would persist for two or three days before returning to her original attitude towards them.

After finishing her morning routine and having breakfast downstairs, she returned to her room. She took out the laptop that Mrs. Fu had bought for her earlier and started looking for movies to watch online.

The laptop Mrs. Fu bought for her had excellent performance, but in her hands, it was like using a sledgehammer to crack a nut. However, since she already had it, she might as well make use of it instead of letting it collect dust.

After searching for a few minutes, she found a highly acclaimed movie with good ratings. She started watching it and hadn’t finished even by lunchtime.

After having lunch downstairs, she returned to her room to continue watching.

Despite feeling drowsy, she pushed herself to finish the movie. There were only about ten minutes left, and she was determined to see it through!

The movie was indeed quite funny, with well-developed characters and plenty of humor, which explained its popularity among netizens.

Wei Yuxian found herself enjoying it, momentarily forgetting her troubles.

Just as the movie was about to end, she received a phone call.

Glancing at the caller ID, it displayed “Mom.”

Instantly, the smile faded from Wei Yuxian’s face. Holding the phone, she hesitated whether to answer the call or not.

The last time she spoke to her mother was at the beginning of the school year. Back then, her bank account had been drained, leaving her penniless and stranded on the streets.

What did her mother say then?

Her mother said she didn’t deserve to study. Even if she managed to get into university, she wouldn’t allow her to continue her education! Instead, she was instructed to find a job in the capital to support herself, and then send the money back to provide for her dear mother and brothers!

Recalling these words, Wei Yuxian felt a surge of anger welling up inside her as she stared fiercely at the caller ID!

This time, when her mother called, what could it be about?

Wei Yuxian had a hunch. It was probably about money. After all, as her daughter, she wasn’t worth her mother’s concern.

Only when it came to money did her mother remember her.

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