After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife
After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife Chapter 52

Chapter 52: Coming Up with an Excuse to Handle Fu Xuanyi

The last time she had to come up with an excuse was yesterday. She had cried so bitterly, just like today, that her eyes were swollen and she looked disheveled.

What excuse did she use to convince Fu Xuanyi last time?

Oh, she said she vomited when she woke up and cried because she felt sick. She couldn’t use that excuse again; Fu Xuanyi would become suspicious.

So, now she needed to think of a new excuse. What reason should she use?

Wei Yuxian sat on the chair, furrowing her brows slightly, feeling troubled. She wished Fu Xuanyi wouldn’t inquire about these things so she wouldn’t have to rack her brains for excuses.

Wei Yuxian sniffed, grabbed a tissue to wipe her face, and glanced at the movie on the table, remembering the movie she watched before falling asleep. Gradually, an idea formed in her mind.

Pregnant women are known for their emotional instability, and although she hated this aspect, she now had to use it to her advantage.

So, Wei Yuxian crumpled the paper and tossed it into the trash bin, then reopened her computer and searched for a very tear-jerking movie. She played it without sound and placed it on the table.

She didn’t intend to watch it; she wasn’t in the mood, and she feared it would only make her cry more and worsen her state.

This was just a diversion tactic she used to deceive Fu Xuanyi. Otherwise, she couldn’t think of a better reason.

She only hoped that this time, Fu Xuanyi would believe the carefully thought-out excuse she came up with and not grow suspicious.

After watching the movie for over an hour, it was time for dinner, and Fu Xuanyi should be returning soon.

Wei Yuxian shut down her computer, got up, and went downstairs, coincidentally running into Fu Xuanyi at the entrance.

Fu Xuanyi noticed her as he changed his shoes. Seeing her slightly red and swollen eyes, he could tell she had been crying, and he quickened his movements.

“Ah Xuan,” Wei Yuxian approached him and helped him take off his coat.

Fu Xuanyi gently placed his large hand on her cheek and asked, “Why are you crying again? Who bullied you?”

Wei Yuxian tilted her head slightly, avoiding his hand. She wasn’t accustomed to such intimate gestures with him. “It’s nothing. I watched a movie this afternoon, and the plot was very tear-jerking. I couldn’t help but cry.”

She smoothly delivered the prepared excuse, acting as if she had genuinely been moved by the movie.

Only she knew the real reason behind her tears.

Fu Xuanyi didn’t show any suspicion and simply said, “Next time, watch something else. You’re not in the right mood for these types of movies right now.”

He believed Wei Yuxian had no reason to lie to him, and within the Fu family, she shouldn’t have any worries.

But keeping her confined in the mansion indefinitely wasn’t good either. He decided to find some free time in the next few days to take her out for a walk.

He usually had servants trailing behind her, even within the estate. Once outside, he took extra precautions to protect her. In the capital, he had many enemies, and he couldn’t stand the thought of anyone challenging his authority.

Especially those prominent families who pretended to be friendly with the Fu family but schemed behind their backs.

Wei Yuxian was his woman, carrying his children. This fact couldn’t be exposed to outsiders; it would be dangerous for her.

Despite his supreme status, there were still vulnerabilities. He couldn’t afford to take risks.

He had to keep her hidden, protect her well, and ensure she safely gave birth to their children. Only then could he feel at ease.

In the future, he would give her a legitimate status, making it known to everyone that she was his wife!

But for now, it wasn’t possible. The risk was too great, and he couldn’t afford to take that chance.

The scheming of the hidden adversaries was unstoppable, and Wei Yuxian was his weakness, making the danger even greater!

Despite the capital’s surface appearance of tranquility, beneath the façade, tumultuous waves surged, invisible to outsiders.

Wei Yuxian responded with a soft “Mm,” relieved when he didn’t probe further.

As long as this excuse wasn’t doubted, she didn’t need to expend any more mental energy explaining.

Fu Xuanyi looked at her tender and gentle appearance as she helped him hang up his coat. With a hint of affection in her delicate features, she looked incredibly adorable, stirring something in his heart.

He suddenly took her soft little hand, holding it firmly as they walked towards the dining table.

This time, holding her hand felt even more comfortable than the last time, with a bit of fleshiness, soft and plump.

He had always wanted to be closer to her, but he was afraid of losing control. That’s why he had been keeping his distance from her, even when applying pregnancy oil, he forcefully restrained himself.

Almost every time he touched her soft belly, he would have inappropriate thoughts flooding his mind.

But she was still pregnant, and it wouldn’t be good for her if he demanded anything from her.

Fu Xuanyi never really considered whether Wei Yuxian wanted to be close to him or not. He only knew that he liked her and wanted to possess her, and he would never let her go in this lifetime!

Wei Yuxian was pulled along by him, staring at their intertwined hands, reminiscent of that day when Fu Xuanyi held her hand for a long, long time!

What was going on? Did Fu Xuanyi suddenly go crazy again? Why was he holding her hand now?

She was afraid that Fu Xuanyi would hold her hand for a long time again this time. Quickly regaining her senses, she tried to pull her hand back forcefully, but he held it even tighter, making it impossible for her to retrieve it!

“Oh no,” she thought.

If Fu Xuanyi didn’t let go on his own, she wouldn’t be able to retrieve her hand!

Just the thought of the last time, when he didn’t even release her hand when the old lady spoke, made Wei Yuxian’s head ache. She desperately wanted to free her hand!

Fu Xuanyi anticipated that she would try to pull her hand back, so whenever she had such thoughts, he restrained her movements, not giving her a chance to escape.

They went to wash their hands together, and Wei Yuxian finally thought she could free her hand. But as soon as she dried her hands, her hand was held again.

Wei Yuxian: “…”

She resigned herself to being led to the dining table, unable to free herself.

Fu Xuanyi held her hand firmly as they approached the table, and Wei Yuxian couldn’t escape his grasp.

Aunt Fu and the other servants couldn’t help but chuckle at the sight of them holding hands again. Wei Yuxian’s expression was too awkward, as if there were bugs crawling on her.

As they sat down to dinner, Wei Yuxian hoped that he would finally release her hand. Otherwise, she wouldn’t be able to eat properly.

However, to her surprise, Fu Xuanyi switched hands and continued to eat, signaling for her to do the same.

The advantage of using chopsticks became apparent – she could eat with just one hand!

But Wei Yuxian would rather not have this advantage!

She would much rather free her hand. What good was it to eat with one hand when she could use both? The priority was to release her hand!

Fu Xuanyi was in a good mood because he could hold her hand and be close to her, which helped to alleviate some of his desires.

He hoped that Wei Yuxian would recover soon and not remain in a melancholy state all the time. It would be better for her that way.

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