After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife
After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife Chapter 53

Chapter 53: This Despicable Girl Might Have Deceived them! She Just Wants to Pocket the Money!

Three days had passed since the last call to Wei Yuxian. No matter how Wei Yuxian’s mother tried to reach out, she couldn’t get through to Wei Yuxian.

The phone was unreachable, and messages couldn’t be delivered. It wasn’t until she asked the young folks in the village that she found out: Wei Yuxian had blocked her!

The moment she learned this, Wei Yuxian’s mother was so furious she nearly threw her phone!

But then she thought about the expense of buying a new phone and managed to restrain herself from tossing it.

Today, she went to work as usual, doing chores in the factory, but her mind was elsewhere, still preoccupied with Wei Yuxian.

That good-for-nothing Wei Yuxian actually dared to block her phone! Blocking the phone would have been bad enough, but she went as far as to block her!

That was what made her the angriest!

If she couldn’t reach her, how was she supposed to ask her for money?

Both sons were waiting for her to send money over! Even if she couldn’t feed herself or keep warm, she couldn’t let her two precious sons go hungry!

Her two sons were the hope of their old Wei family! Especially her eldest son, who got into a prestigious university! Every time she mentioned it, she felt immensely proud!

Now that her two sons were short of money, saying they couldn’t even afford enough meals at school, it broke her heart!

But now she had not a penny, and she didn’t know where to find money for her two sons. She had borrowed from every relative who could lend, but couldn’t borrow a penny more.

Talking about money made her think of Wei Yuxian again, that good-for-nothing! Calling her a good-for-nothing was not an exaggeration!

After raising her for so many years, she didn’t even think about repaying the family! She insisted on going to university even when she was told not to! Not only couldn’t she earn money, but she also had to spend money!

Wei Yuxian’s mother seethed with anger, muttering curses under her breath, wishing she could march right up to Wei Yuxian and give her a good slap to wake her up!

Suddenly, Wei Yuxian’s mother thought of a question: where did Wei Yuxian get the money to go to university?

University tuition costs a lot, and she had taken her eight thousand yuan. Where did she get the money for school?

Could it be that she had other savings?

No, that’s impossible. This despicable girl couldn’t have such resources. Some of the eight thousand yuan she had was borrowed. There was no more left.

So where did she get the money for university?

Did she borrow money from someone else again? But who in the village would be willing to lend her so much money? It’s impossible. In the capital, she didn’t know anyone, let alone being able to borrow money.

You never know until you investigate; each revelation was startling!

Wei Yuxian’s mother had a new idea: Wei Yuxian hadn’t gone to school at all but was working in the capital!

The reason this good-for-nothing claimed she was still in school was to keep her wages to herself!

Otherwise, where did she get the money for school? She didn’t have any money for school at all!

She’s still alive, and besides working, there’s no other way!

Thinking this, Wei Yuxian’s mother stopped her work, becoming even angrier! Curses flew in her mind and out of her mouth one after another!

Her coworkers nearby heard her muttering and, like avoiding a curse, quickly distanced themselves from her to avoid catching any bad luck.

In the factory, Wei Yuxian’s mother was hated by every coworker, no one wanted to talk to her, let alone deal with her!

The reason is that Wei Yuxian’s mother is just not good at being a decent person! She’s always penny-pinching, loves to take advantage, and her mouth is as sharp as a knife!

Moreover, she loves borrowing money from people but never pays it back. When asked, she would say she’ll have money to repay once her son finishes university.

She also loves to show off her two sons at home. Her eldest son getting into a private university was enough for her to boast about endlessly! They’re her precious treasures!

Anyone daring to say anything against her two sons would undoubtedly be scolded mercilessly!

Over time, everyone started to distance themselves from her.

Yet she couldn’t see her own faults, thinking she did nothing wrong, and blamed everyone in the factory instead. So, they stopped interacting with her altogether.

Wei Yuxian’s mother became furious at the thought that Wei Yuxian might have deceived her!

No, she couldn’t allow this good-for-nothing to swindle her money!

That’s over twenty thousand yuan! Enough to support her two sons for several months! If that good-for-nothing took it all for herself, what would she have left for her two sons?

She needed to confront her, to find out if she was really studying!

If she had indeed deceived her, she would make sure she didn’t get away with it!

She absolutely had to get her hands on that over twenty thousand yuan!

With this determination, Wei Yuxian’s mother formed a rough plan in her mind, intending to discuss it further with her husband when she finished work.

Finally, as the time to finish work arrived, Wei Yuxian’s mother was the first to rush out of the factory and head home, preparing dinner and waiting for Wei Yuxian’s father to return.

When she finished cooking, Wei Yuxian’s father returned, and at the dinner table, she explained her thoughts to him.

Wei Yuxian’s father, after listening, also thought it was possible. That good-for-nothing might have really deceived them and taken the money to enjoy herself in the capital!

Wei Yuxian’s father also had a deep affection for their two sons and didn’t feel much attachment to Wei Yuxian, their daughter. He was particularly close to their sons.

Their two sons were the pride of their old Wei family. Among his siblings, he was the only one with two sons! Others had many children before having a son.

Having two sons brought him great honor in the family!

Wei Yuxian’s father said, “That despicable girl might have really deceived us. So, what do you propose we do? We can’t contact her now, so how do we get that money back?”

With a triumphant air, Wei Yuxian’s mother said, “I’ve thought about this this afternoon! I plan to go to the capital myself and find her in person! Let me find that despicable girl; I’ll make sure she regrets it!”

However, Wei Yuxian’s father didn’t quite agree with her approach. He said, “The capital is so big, where will you even begin to look? Will you be able to find anyone?”

Wei Yuxian’s mother replied, “We won’t know until we try. I’ll find a way when I get there. Do you want to come with me?”

Wei Yuxian’s father shook his head, “No, I have to go to work. Taking a few days off means less money, and who will earn money for our sons’ education? You go by yourself. The sooner you leave, the sooner you’ll come back. Don’t delay your work.”

After some thought, Wei Yuxian’s father agreed to let Wei Yuxian’s mother go to the capital because if she managed to find Wei Yuxian, they would have over twenty thousand yuan. But if she didn’t go, they wouldn’t have a single penny.

Now their family was truly short of money. They could endure a little hardship themselves, but their two sons must not suffer!

To ensure their sons had living expenses, they were ready to make trip after trip!

But he couldn’t go; he had to stay home and work. Every extra bit he earned counted, and what if she couldn’t find anyone?

For safety’s sake, it was best for him to stay home. He also planned to ask his coworkers if anyone was willing to lend him money. They needed to send money to their two sons as soon as possible.

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