After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife
After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife Chapter 54

Chapter 54: “Ten Thousand for Everything,” Did They Think Money Was Easy to Make?

Wei Yuxian’s parents made their decision firmly, convinced that it was the best course of action. So, the day after finalizing their plans, Wei Yuxian’s mother embarked on the journey to the capital.

Last night, she and her husband prepared plenty of dry rations for the trip, intending to save money on meals along the way. They had heard that prices in the capital were steep, and they were unwilling to spend unnecessarily on dining out.

Their financial situation was already tight, and they couldn’t afford to squander what little they had. They had to ensure their beloved son had enough money for living expenses!

As a last resort, they still had a few plots of unused land back home that hadn’t been cultivated for years. If things got really tough, they could sell it to continue supporting both of their sons through school.

The journey from their village to the capital wasn’t a short one, so in order to save on transportation costs, Wei Yuxian’s mother opted for the cheapest option available: the green-painted train.

Even so, the train ticket still cost her several hundred yuan, which pained her deeply!

If she couldn’t find Wei Yuxian, the troublemaker, this time, then her years of toil would have been in vain!

In the Fu residence in the capital, Wei Yuxian was unaware of her mother’s intention to find her in the capital. At the moment, she had no interest in the affairs back home.

She didn’t want to hear a single word about what was going on at home!

Because just today, she received a call from an unfamiliar number. After answering with some confusion, she realized it was her older brother calling.

Whenever someone from the Wei family called her, it never meant anything good. Her mother, her younger brother, and even her current brother—all of them were the same.

Wei Yuxian’s eldest brother was three years older than her, now twenty-one years old and in his third year of college. He wasn’t a good person.

Back when she was still at home, Wei Yuxian’s eldest brother often bullied her, hitting her and making her do chores. If she didn’t obey, she would get beaten up!

Sometimes, both her brothers would gang up on her, leaving her bruised and battered, a terrifying sight!

What was most frightening was that her parents always sided with them. Every time, without fail, they never spoke up for her!

Today, when her older brother called her, it was something she hadn’t expected at all, because before this, they had never exchanged a single phone call!

But then, she remembered the call from her younger brother a couple of days ago, so it didn’t seem strange anymore.

Now they must be in dire straits, with no money to spare. And her parents couldn’t come up with any cash on the spot, so that’s why they would reach out to her.

The news of her working in the capital must have been relayed to them by their parents as well.

The whole Wei family believed that Wei Yuxian was working in the capital, earning seven to eight thousand yuan a month, spending only a few hundred on food, and the rest was supposed to be theirs!

Just the thought of it made Wei Yuxian’s heart turn cold!

Sure enough, everything her brother said next was exactly as she had anticipated—they were here to ask her for money!

Wei Yuxian’s eldest brother spoke in a rude tone, [Wei Yuxian, hurry up and transfer ten thousand to me! I need the money to buy a bag for my wife. Chop chop!]

In university, he hadn’t accomplished anything worthwhile. He was good at playing games and dating girls though. Lately, he had upset his girlfriend, and she said if he wanted to make up, he had to buy her a certain brand of handbag.

He glanced at it—it cost several thousand yuan! Enough to buy him plenty of gadgets!

But he had to appease his girlfriend, because she came from a family with a bit of money, running a small company. She had quite a network of connections and resources.

Moreover, she was the only daughter in her family. If they got married, wouldn’t that company become his?

So, he spared no effort to please his girlfriend, thinking ahead for their future empire!

But he really didn’t have that much money. Asking his family was futile since they couldn’t come up with it either. So, he had no choice but to come to Wei Yuxian for money.

After all, the money Wei Yuxian earned belonged to their Wei family, which was supposed to be handed over to their mother, who would then give some to him. So, it was better to just ask Wei Yuxian directly.

Their Wei family had supported her for so long; it was time for her to contribute to the family.

She had earned twenty thousand yuan in the capital, and he was only asking for half of that. He considered that to be him showing some conscience; otherwise, he wouldn’t spare her a penny!

His university expenses were high, partly because he spent too much himself and partly because of his girlfriend.

His girlfriend’s family was wealthy, accustomed to luxury goods. He couldn’t afford to give her anything too shabby, and gradually, his own spending habits escalated.

As his spending habits rose, his family’s income remained stagnant, unable to support his extravagant lifestyle.

But who were Wei Yuxain’s parents? They treated their two sons like treasures, willing to borrow money just to ensure their sons lived well!

The moment Wei Yuxian heard her older brother’s voice, she felt a visceral aversion and said, “I’ve already told you, I don’t have any money. Don’t keep calling me over and over again. No matter who asks, I don’t have any money.”

After hanging up on her brother, Wei Yuxian promptly blocked his number, then proceeded to block her younger brother and father as well.

She sat in her chair, with her computer playing lectures on economics in front of her.

Her mood had somewhat improved over the past three days, enough for her to focus on studying again. But today, she received such a disgusting phone call, ruining her mood completely.

How could her older brother have the nerve? He was three years older than her, yet he was asking his younger sister for money!

Asking for money was one thing, but using it to buy a handbag for his girlfriend! Spending ten thousand bucks on a bag!

She wasn’t even her girlfriend! Why should she foot the bill?

The Wei family were all equally selfish! They never considered others, only themselves!

Being related to such selfish people was nothing but shameful for Wei Yuxian!

Ten thousand yuan, they kept throwing around the figure so easily! If they had the guts, they should go earn the money themselves!

She wanted to see how long it would take them to earn ten thousand yuan!

Feeling annoyed, Wei Yuxian paused the lecture video, shut down her computer, and paced around her room, trying to calm herself down, telling herself not to be angry and not to let those people get to her.

That family was just a bunch of oddballs, the biggest oddballs imaginable. There probably wasn’t anyone in the world weirder than them!

She tried hard to calm her emotions, fearing that if she let herself get too worked up, she’d swing between extremes, which wouldn’t be good for her health.

It would be too much of a loss to harm her own body for the sake of those unimportant people; she refused to do such a foolish thing.

After pacing around her room for a few rounds, Wei Yuxian’s agitation subsided somewhat. She took several deep breaths and walked over to the floor-to-ceiling window, looking out at the snowy scene outside but refraining from opening the window.

It was snowing today, and it was very cold outside.

In reality, Wei Yuxian really wanted to go out and play in the snow, maybe build a snowman or even just make some snowballs.

Before coming to the capital, she had never seen snow before. So even though it wasn’t her first time seeing snow now, she was still excited.

But her current condition, well, Fu Xuanyi wouldn’t even allow her to go outside, let alone build a snowman. He was afraid she might catch a cold.

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