After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife
After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife Chapter 57

Chapter 57: “I’m Not a Beggar, I’m Looking for Someone Named Wei Yuxian at Your School!”

Taking a taxi would cost over a hundred yuan! Wei Yuxian’s mother naturally couldn’t bear that expense.

But if she took the bus, she only needed to transfer three times and would spend less than ten yuan in total!

The only downside was it would take more time.

What Wei Yuxian’s mother lacked the least was time; what she lacked was money. So she decisively chose to take the bus.

Taking the bus was so much better—very cheap, saving her more than ten times the money!

And so, Wei Yuxian’s mother boarded the bus to the  University of Finance and Economics, while Wei Yuxian remained completely unaware of the situation!

After waiting for about fifteen minutes, Wei Yuxian’s mother finally caught the bus she needed. She fumbled in her pocket for two yuan and tossed them into the fare box. With so many people, the driver didn’t check each passenger individually, allowing her to slip through.

The first bus ride took about an hour, and Wei Yuxian’s mother’s buttocks ached from sitting for so long. She rubbed her sore buttocks as she got off the bus, continuing to wait for the next one.

For the sake of money, what was a little discomfort to her? Her two precious sons still relied on this money to eat! Even if her buttocks were sore, she had to get this money!

She gritted her teeth and persevered. When she got hungry on the bus, she took out some dry rations and slowly nibbled on them.

Three hours later, she finally arrived at at the University. Looking at the grand entrance, she breathed a sigh of relief.

That little brat claimed to be studying here. Well, she wanted to see if it was true—if not studying, then she must be working!

Wei Yuxian’s mother tightened her clothes around her, her face and hands turning red from the cold. It was bitterly cold.

The longer she stayed outside, the colder she felt, a bone-chilling cold. But she could endure it. She had survived through tougher times before. What was a bit of cold now?

Dragging her luggage, she had a sour smell about her, having gone almost two days without a shower. Though she hadn’t sweated, there was still a faint odor.

Coupled with her current disheveled appearance, she somewhat resembled a beggar who had just hit the streets.

But she didn’t feel anything was wrong; she couldn’t sense any strange smell or anything inappropriate about herself.

She reached the security guard’s office and leaned on the window, but before she could say anything, she was chased away by the security guard: “Go away, this isn’t the place for you to beg!”

The security guard’s tone was harsh, and the way he looked at her was disdainful, as if he were looking at garbage, full of disgust! He felt she had defiled the sanctity of the university.

These days, beggars would do anything for alms, even come to beg at the university gate! That’s what the security guard thought.

Hearing the security guard’s words, Wei Yuxian’s mother lowered her head and looked at herself. Sure, her clothes were a bit dirty, and there were some signs of mending, but that didn’t mean she had anything to do with beggars!

How could this person be so rude! Who was he calling a beggar?

Wei Yuxian’s mother’s temper flared up instantly, and she began to argue with the security guard!

When it came to arguing, she had never lost! Ten women from the village couldn’t beat her in a quarrel!

Wei Yuxian’s mother dropped her luggage to the ground, hands on her hips, eyebrows raised, glaring fiercely at the security guard. “Who are you calling a beggar?! Do you have eyes? Have you ever seen a beggar like me!

You’re truly short-sighted as a security guard! You think everyone is a beggar, don’t you! Let me tell you, I’m here to find someone, not to beg!”

But looking at it from another angle, Wei Yuxian’s mother did come here for money after all. If she wasn’t a beggar, then what was she? Perhaps, the term “robber” would suit her better.

The security guard wasn’t someone to be trifled with either. After working as a security guard for so many years, who hadn’t he encountered? Would he be afraid of such a shrew?

“aren’t you a beggar? You look like one to me! What are you wearing? And that strange smell! If you’re not a beggar, then what are you!

I’ve seen plenty like you, people who want to beg but can’t swallow their pride. I hate people like you the most. If you want to beg, then beg properly. Why act so arrogant!”

“What do you mean?! I’ve told you I’m not a beggar. Why can’t you understand? With your lack of insight, how do you even work as a security guard? You should find another job while you can!”

“I said I’m here to find someone, did you hear that? If you’re not using your ears, you can donate them to someone else. You don’t want to use them, but others do!”

The two of them engaged in a heated argument, neither giving in, as if they wouldn’t tire, one retort after another!

Luckily, there weren’t many people at the school gate now, or the security guard wouldn’t be arguing with her like this.

After about fifteen minutes of arguing, Wei Yuxian’s mother’s mouth was dry from all the cursing, and the security guard reluctantly believed that she was here to find someone.

The security guard asked in a confrontational tone, “Who are you looking for?”

Wei Yuxian’s mother, hands on her hips, gasped for breath. “I’m looking for Wei Yuxian.”

The security guard asked routinely, “Which department? What major? Which class?”

Wei Yuxian’s mother had no idea about these. She could only remember that Wei Yuxian was studying well at this university. How would she know these details?

Wei Yuxian, this money-losing item, wasn’t worth her knowing so much.

She still asserted confidently, “I don’t know. Can you check if she’s here at this university?”

The security guard looked at her with a strange expression and said, “You don’t know anything, so why are you here? This isn’t a police station. If you want to investigate, do it yourself!”

“You don’t even know if she’s studying here. Who knows if such a person exists in the school? And who knows what your real purpose is for entering the school!”

The security guard became more cautious as he looked at her, unwilling to easily let her in.

He had heard that there were many scammers recently targeting students on campus. He didn’t know if the person in front of him was one of them.

Thinking of this, the security guard’s gaze towards Wei Yuxian’s mother changed, as if she was already the scammer.

It wasn’t surprising that the security guard would think like this. Wei Yuxian’s mother’s identity was indeed suspicious. She claimed to be looking for someone but couldn’t answer what department they were in. Moreover, she was dressed shabbily and had a strange smell.

It’s hard not to be cautious.

Wei Yuxian’s mother was extremely anxious. She just wanted to quickly get the money and leave, so she could transfer it to her two sons.

“You suspect me of scamming you? What would I gain from scamming you? What benefit would I get from deceiving you? I’m here to find someone, I’m looking for Wei Yuxian, she’s my daughter!”

The security guard still didn’t believe her words. “Scammers wouldn’t admit they’re scammers. I think you’re a big scammer trying to get in here and deceive people!”

“If this Wei Yuxian you’re talking about really studies here, then you should give her a call and let her talk to me. I want to see if she’s really a student of our school!

Our school isn’t a place where just anyone can enter!”

The security guard spoke firmly, refusing to let any suspicious individuals into the school!

Scammers these days are quite cunning, and with the naivety of university students, he must protect them and prevent scammers from taking advantage!

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