After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife
After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife Chapter 59

Chapter 59: Wei Yuxian Has Been Kept by Someone and Is Rich Now!

With this in mind, Ding Nana’s lips curled into a smirk, suppressing the unpleasant smell in her nose as she said, “Auntie, let’s find a place to talk. This isn’t the right place for a conversation.”

She had thought of a way to make Wei Yuxian uncomfortable!

It’s true that Wei Yuxian used to be very poor, but that was before she was kept by an older man. Now, Wei Yuxian is kept by an older man and even taken away to raise his child!

Nowadays, Wei Yuxian isn’t the same poor girl she used to be. With an older man supporting her, who knows how much money she has!

She looked at the sharp-tongued Wei Yuxian’s mother and thought, “This woman is definitely not someone to mess with. If she gets involved with Wei Yuxian, that poor girl will suffer a lot!”

Seeing Wei Yuxian suffer made her happy. So, she was determined to make Wei Yuxian suffer!

Wei Yuxian’s mother was willing to use any means to find her daughter. Now that she had encountered Wei Yuxian’s classmate, Ding Nana, she naturally followed her in hopes of finding Wei Yuxian.

“Alright, alright, young lady. Wherever you go, Auntie will follow. Auntie is still waiting for you to tell me about Wei Yuxian’s whereabouts,” said Wei Yuxian’s mother.

Leading Wei Yuxian’s mother away from the crowd, Ding Nana smelled the odor emanating from her. People around them felt nauseated and quickly made way, unwilling to get close.

Ding Nana was also struggling to endure the unpleasant smell, internally gagging multiple times.

If it wasn’t for making Wei Yuxian suffer, she wouldn’t endure such torment! It’s damn disgusting!

How many days has this woman gone without bathing? How could she smell this bad? Like a beggar on the street!

Chen Wei and Feng Yiyi had initially wanted to follow along, but Ding Nana said, “You two go ahead to the hot pot restaurant and order some food. I’ll join you later.”

She didn’t even want them to know much about this matter.

Chen Wei and Feng Yiyi didn’t dare to disobey her command, so they could only take a taxi to the hot pot restaurant.

In fact, they didn’t really want to follow along. After all, the woman who claimed to be Wei Yuxian’s mother was just too stinky!

Wearing such thick clothes in the middle of winter and still smelling like that, they really couldn’t understand how she managed it.

Ding Nana led Wei Yuxian’s mother to a secluded place, looked around and saw no one, ensuring it was safe before stopping.

Wei Yuxian’s mother, seeing that she finally stopped, hurriedly approached to grab her hand, but Ding Nana dodged away. Unperturbed, she asked, “Girl, tell me where Wei Yuxian is?”

“Our family can’t afford to put food on the table anymore. If I can’t find her this time, we’ll starve!” Wei Yuxian’s mother completely forgot one thing: Wei Yuxian was already in college, so how could she have time to work? And how could she have a salary of twenty thousand yuan?

Her mind was not very clear at the moment. It was slow and tired, and all she could think about was finding Wei Yuxian to ask for money!

Now, getting money was her main mission!

If she couldn’t get any money and went back empty-handed, her two sons would really suffer in school!

“No way! How could she stand by and watch her precious son suffer? She absolutely couldn’t do it!

She had to get her hands on the money today! If she couldn’t find Wei Yuxian, she wouldn’t go back!

At this moment, she was a bit obsessed, completely fixated on the money.

Ding Nana covered her nose and silently took a few steps back, distancing herself from her.”

Wei Yuxian’s mother probably noticed something off about herself as well and didn’t move forward. She could only pretend like nothing had happened and wait for Ding Nana’s response.

Taking a breath of slightly fresher air, Ding Nana began, “Auntie, actually, Wei Yuxian is no longer at the school.”

Wei Yuxian’s mother’s brows furrowed immediately as she asked, “She’s not at the school? Then where is she now? Can you contact her, young lady? Auntie is really anxious!”

Could she not be anxious? If even this young lady couldn’t contact that money-losing daughter of hers, where else could she find her?

Ding Nana replied, “Actually, I don’t know where Wei Yuxian went.”

She truly didn’t know. If Wei Yuxian were still at school, it would’ve been fine; she could have immediately led this woman to find her daughter. But now, Wei Yuxian had been taken away by that old man to bear his child and had to take a year off from school. How could she possibly know where that old man had taken her?

If she did know, Wei Yuxian wouldn’t be living such a good life.

Wei Yuxian’s mother looked extremely anxious and said, “How could you not know where she is? You must know, right? Tell me, do you know?”

In her panic, she reached forward and grabbed Ding Nana’s hand, shaking it a few times.

Ding Nana was overwhelmed by the sudden assault of the foul smell and being grabbed by her dirty hand, she felt like she was about to break down!

Without hesitation, she waved away Wei Yuxian’s mother’s hand and took a few steps back, saying loudly, “Don’t come any closer!”

After speaking, she covered her mouth and nose with her hand to avoid inhaling more of the unpleasant odor!

Wei Yuxian’s mother also realized the situation and remembered her own unpleasant smell. She stopped in her tracks, not daring to approach further.

She saw Ding Nana as her only lifeline and pleaded with her, saying, “Young lady, I beg you, please help me contact Wei Yuxian. Our family is really in dire straits.”

“Dear, it’s not easy for me to come all the way to the capital. If I can’t get the money, I won’t even be able to afford the ticket back home!”

There was an element of exaggeration in her words. While her family was indeed struggling financially, they weren’t so destitute that they couldn’t afford a return ticket home.

By saying this, she hoped to gain Ding Nana’s sympathy and persuade her to disclose Wei Yuxian’s whereabouts.

For the sake of finding her daughter, what harm was there in using a little manipulation?

But Ding Nana couldn’t care less whether she had money or not. Whether she lived or died was none of her concern. The only thing she cared about was whether this woman would cause trouble for Wei Yuxian!

She didn’t want to spend any more time with Wei Yuxian’s mother and expressed her thoughts: “I really don’t know where Wei Yuxian is now because she’s taken a leave of absence from school for a year…”

Before she could finish, Wei Yuxian’s mother interrupted: “Leave of absence? Why would that money-losing girl take a leave of absence?”

Accidentally, she blurted out that term.

Hearing Wei Yuxian being referred to as “that money-losing girl,” Ding Nana became even more convinced that Wei Yuxian had a strained relationship with her family. She continued, “Because Wei Yuxian, she’s pregnant!”

Wei Yuxian came to school to study for just over a month and was then taken care of by an older man. Now she’s pregnant, heavily pregnant, feeling very uncomfortable, and was taken away by the older man to nurture the pregnancy!

Auntie, aren’t you short of money? Wei Yuxian used to be poor, but ever since she got involved with the older man, she’s been living a lavish life! Her clothes and belongings are even better than mine! And who knows how much money she has!”

When Wei Yuxian’s mother heard this, especially the news that Wei Yuxian now had money, her eyes lit up. She didn’t care whether Wei Yuxian was being taken care of by someone, all she cared about was those words: “Wei Yuxian is wealthy now!”

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