After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife
After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife Chapter 61

Chapter 61: I Know What You’ve Been Up to- You’re Not at School, You’re Out There Getting Pregnant

Outside, a strong wind blew, causing passersby to huddle and shield themselves from the bitter cold by pulling up their collars.

Wei Yuxian’s mother also tucked her neck in to fend off the chill, but her clothes were bought from the south, where they were sufficient against the cold. However, in the capital, they were not as effective.

Reluctant to spend money on new clothes, she endured the discomfort. After all, winter attire was expensive, especially in a high-cost city like the capital.

Moreover, her stay in the capital was brief, just a few days, and she would soon return to the south. Buying new clothes didn’t seem worth it.

Unable to withstand the cold wind any longer, Wei Yuxian’s mother temporarily abandoned the idea of calling Wei Yuxian and sought shelter from the wind.

After a few seconds, she spotted a sheltered spot and hurried over with her luggage. Once there, she felt less affected by the cold.

She rubbed her hands together in an attempt to warm them up, but the weather was just too cold, almost as if it were about to snow. Despite rubbing her hands for a few minutes, she still couldn’t feel them, so she gave up.

Forget it, she thought. She would call that money-losing girl first. Once she had the money in hand, she would go to a hotel and have a good night’s sleep!

One million, when she had one million, she wouldn’t hesitate to stay in a hotel!

Shivering, she took out her phone, opened her contacts, found Wei Yuxian’s number, and dialed it using another number.

She sniffled, waiting for the call to connect, her heart pounding with excitement!

Just the thought of getting a million yuan made her unable to sleep!

One million! That’s one million! She had never seen so much money in her life!

At the Fu mansion, it was mealtime. Wei Yuxian was eating alone at the dining table because Fu Xuanyi hadn’t returned for lunch today.

She had gotten used to eating lunch alone. If Fu Xuanyi ate with her, she might not feel as comfortable.

Eating alone was fine. It was quiet and didn’t require her to worry about others.

When she was halfway through her meal, her phone, placed on the table, began to ring. Someone was calling in.

She glanced at it and saw an unfamiliar number. She didn’t know who was calling.

These days, unknown numbers are either misdials or sales and scams, and Wei Yuxian usually doesn’t answer them. So, she chose to hang up the call.

If it was a sales call, it wouldn’t call again after being hung up once. If it wasn’t a sales call, they would likely call again.

She had just put her phone down, took a bite of her meal, and the phone rang again.

Well, this call was probably not a sales call, but rather someone who dialed the wrong number.

Wei Yuxian swallowed her food, picked up the phone, and answered, [Hello?]

On the other end of the phone, Wei Yuxian’s mother breathed a sigh of relief when she finally answered. When Wei Yuxian hung up earlier, she had thought the girl might have recognized her number, which briefly unsettled her.

But now it seemed that Wei Yuxian had no idea who was calling.

Still, Wei Yuxian’s refusal to answer irritated her, and she couldn’t help but vent her frustration: [You dare to block my number, you money-losing brat! This is outrageous! If I hadn’t changed my number, I wouldn’t have been able to contact you, would I?]

Wei Yuxian was taken aback to hear her mother’s voice, her heart skipping a beat, almost dropping the phone.

It seemed her mother hadn’t given up yet and was still coming after her for money!

Instinctively, Wei Yuxian was about to hang up, but her mother seemed to sense her intention and quickly warned, [You money-losing brat, don’t even think about hanging up. If you do, you’re done for!]

Wei Yuxian hesitated for a moment. Her mother’s threat had some effect, but only momentarily. Right now, she still intended to end the call!

[Don’t call me again, I really don’t have any money!] Wei Yuxian exclaimed, poised to end the call.

On the other end, Wei Yuxian’s mother quickly shouted, [You money-losing brat! I’m in The capital right now! If you dare to hang up, I won’t let you off the hook!]

Even if Wei Yuxian didn’t hang up, her mother had no intention of letting her off easily this time.

She was determined to make this money-losing brat pay dearly!

Who did she think she was fooling? Saying she had no money? Refusing to even give her twenty thousand yuan!

“She’s being kept by a man, how could she possibly have no money? That man would definitely give her money to spend! It’s impossible!” Wei Yuxian’s mother thoughts raced.

[If you don’t want to give me twenty thousand yuan, then bring out a million! You brought this upon yourself, you money-losing brat!]

Wei Yuxian froze, her mind reeling from her mother’s words just now.

She said… she’s in the capital?

She said she’s in the capital?

She said she’s in the capital!

Wei Yuxian’s mind exploded with shock. She never expected her mother to come all the way to the capital for money!

It seemed her mother was truly convinced that she had money now. If she didn’t give her the money this time, her mother probably wouldn’t let it go easily!

Although she might not be found by her mother in the Fu mansion, who knows if her mother would eventually find her?

What if her mother found her? What would Fu Xuanyi think when he saw her mother?

This was Fu Xuanyi’s territory, and even she was an outsider. If another outsider came in, Fu Xuanyi would definitely be very angry!

However, she still gambled on the possibility that her mother wouldn’t find this place. After all, the capital was such a vast city. If her mother could easily locate someone, it would only mean that her mother was exceptionally lucky.

Taking a deep breath, she calmed her frantic mind and said, [Even if you’re in the capital, I don’t have any money, whether you believe it or not.]

But Wei Yuxian’s mother seemed to hold the upper hand. She confidently said, [Wei Yuxian, I know everything about you in the capital. You’re not at school now, you’re being supported by an older man, and you’re pregnant, aren’t you?]

As she uttered these words, she sounded smug and triumphant.

Wei Yuxian was even more shocked. Her grip on the phone tightened involuntarily, and she held her breath!

How did she know all this?

She hadn’t leaked any information at all!

Suddenly, Wei Yuxian grasped a crucial piece of information from her mother’s words just now—the phrase “older man”!

Who else besides Ding Nana would constantly talk about being supported by an older man?!

So, did Ding Nana tell her all this information?

But… how could she have any connection with Ding Nana? The two of them had nothing to do with each other for their entire lives. How could her mother…

Wei Yuxian’s mind was spinning. The events of today were too shocking, and her brain couldn’t keep up!

She pinched her thigh to snap herself out of it, urging herself to calm down and not lose her composure.

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