After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife
After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife Chapter 63

Chapter 63: Twenty Thousand Isn’t Enough for Her; She Wants More!

Even if she were to sell herself, she couldn’t come up with twenty thousand yuan in an instant!

What should she do?

Suddenly, Wei Yuxian remembered the card that Fu Xuanyi had given her initially. Both Fu Xuanyi and the old lady had said that the money in that card was hers to spend as she pleased, without any limits.

She had heard that there was a lot of money in that card, and there was no spending limit. If she used twenty thousand yuan from it, Fu Xuanyi wouldn’t find out, right?

After all, twenty thousand yuan was a tiny amount for Fu Xuanyi. It wouldn’t catch his attention at all.

When Wei Yuxian received that card, she never thought she would use it. It had been sitting in the drawer of her bedside table.

She had thought that she would never use that card in her lifetime. It didn’t belong to her; it wasn’t hers. But how long had it been? About three months?

She wasn’t sure, anyway. She hadn’t been in the capital for long, and her days at the Fu Mansion weren’t that long either.

But none of that mattered now. She didn’t have the luxury of thinking about such things.

She could always secretly put the money back into the card once she earned it herself in the future. That way, she wouldn’t owe Fu Xuanyi anything.

Consider this money as a temporary loan from Fu Xuanyi. She would repay him when she had the means to do so!

Having resolved these thoughts, Wei Yuxian made up her mind to transfer money to her mother from the bank card Fu Xuanyi had given her.

She sniffled softly, quietly wiping away her tears, trying her best to appear normal, and said, “I… I’ll transfer the money to you. Just wait a moment.”

Wei Yuxian’s mother was overjoyed to see her finally agree!

She said, “Alright, I’ll give you five minutes. If the money hasn’t arrived after five minutes, you know the consequences!”

Her mother couldn’t resist adding a threat at this moment.

Those words pierced Wei Yuxian’s heart even more. Numbly, she replied, “Alright, just five minutes.”

She hung up the phone without hesitation, unable to eat another bite of her meal. Standing up, she lowered her head and said, “I’m full. I’ll go back to my room first.”

She addressed the words to the various servants in the living room. Without waiting for their reaction, she walked upstairs with her head down.

She couldn’t stomach another bite of food.

Aunt Fu and the others watched her leave without saying anything, too afraid to speak up.

Aunt Fu observed her declining figure and sensed that something was wrong—very wrong!

The madam’s mood had been fine just a moment ago, and she had been enjoying her meal. But ever since she received that phone call, her mood had changed drastically, and tears had started flowing!

Who would believe that everything was fine after that phone call?!

No, she couldn’t let this matter go. She had to inform Master Xuanyi, let him know that Madam was upset, and that someone had caused her distress!

So, after Wei Yuxian went upstairs to her room, Aunt Fu picked up the phone and called Fu Xuanyi, informing him of what had just happened.

In her room, Wei Yuxian retrieved the bank card Fu Xuanyi had given her. She checked the information on her phone to confirm that it was indeed the correct card. Then she set the card down and stared blankly at the empty wall.

When Fu Xuanyi had given her this card, he had bound it to her phone for her convenience, allowing her to use it anytime, anywhere.

Now, Wei Yuxian found it convenient to transfer money to her mother.

As time ticked away, Wei Yuxian kept track of it. In the final minute, she resigned herself and transferred twenty thousand yuan to her mother. Shortly after the transaction, her phone received a notification of the expenditure.

Unbeknownst to her, this notification not only went to her phone but also to Fu Xuanyi’s.

She thought she had seamlessly spent the money, unaware that everything would be exposed to Fu Xuanyi!

She lay on the bed as if drained of all strength, staring blankly at the ceiling, her phone still in her hand. It felt like her heart had been hollowed out, leaving her a shell of a person.

She had used Fu Xuanyi’s money, just moments ago, less than a minute ago—she had used Fu Xuanyi’s money!

Twenty thousand yuan.

Twenty thousand yuan!

How long would it take her to earn that amount of money? A year? Two years?

The burden on her shoulders suddenly felt much heavier. Wei Yuxian felt guilty, as if she had stolen someone else’s money, overwhelmed by a sense of wrongdoing.

She felt she had no other choice but to do this.

It was her mother who had forced her onto this path!

It was the same back then, on the day she arrived in the capital! It was her mother who forced her to resort to such means to exchange money!

If her mother hadn’t transferred her money away, so many things wouldn’t have happened!

Wei Yuxian silently shed tears, her eyes quickly filling up and blurring her vision.

Her mother should have received the money by now, right? Was she happy? Would she stop asking her for money in the future?

As she thought about this, she suddenly realized another possibility—that her mother might still come asking for money in the future!

If it happened once, her mother wouldn’t be satisfied. If the family faced financial difficulties again, her mother might come to her for help!

Once might be manageable, but what about twice, thrice, countless times? What would she do then?!

Would she have to keep transferring money every time?

It felt like an endless pit!

As she pondered this, still contemplating even worse outcomes, her phone rang again, jolting her out of her panicked thoughts.

Her heart trembled as she picked up the phone and saw an unfamiliar number. Yet somehow, she knew it was her mother calling!

Didn’t she just transfer the money? Why was her mother calling?!

Wei Yuxian couldn’t comprehend and dared not ignore the call. She wiped away her tears, sniffled, and answered the phone, [Hello?]

Instead of the joy of receiving the money, Wei Mother’s voice came through, loud and accusatory, [What do you mean by this, you wretched girl? What’s the meaning of transferring twenty thousand yuan?!]

She hadn’t specified the amount to Wei Yuxian; she had simply asked her to transfer money. But Wei Yuxian had assumed she wanted twenty thousand yuan, which was already a significant sum for their family.

Now, her mother was calling again, questioning her. Did it mean she transferred too little? Did her mother want more than twenty thousand yuan?

Soon, Wei Yuxian understood how much money her mother wanted.

Her mother’s voice came through the receiver, [Twenty thousand yuan? Are you kidding me? With your current worth, you dare to only transfer me twenty thousand yuan?!]

Wei Yuxian was devastated! Her mother indeed wanted more money!

Even twenty thousand yuan couldn’t satisfy her. How much more did she want?!

She couldn’t control the choked-up sound in her throat as she asked, [How much… do you want?]

Couldn’t she just ask for the amount straightforwardly? Why did she have to force her like this, time and time again?!

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