After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife
After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife Chapter 67

Chapter 67: It’s Not That the Weather is Getting Cold, It’s That Her Heart is Growing Cold

“Also…” Wei Yuxian uttered two words, hesitating whether or not to tell him about Ding Nana’s situation.

After all, the harm inflicted by Ding Nana was quite significant, enough to sadden her just from that incident alone.

As she contemplated, Fu Xuanyi looked at her, squinting slightly, with a hint of a threatening tone, and asked, “Not going to say?”

He pretended to approach her again, ready to kiss her, which startled her. She quickly covered her mouth, saying, “I’ll tell, I’ll tell, I’ll tell!”

Repeating the same words as before.

Fu Xuanyi nodded in satisfaction, signaling with his eyes for her to continue quickly.

Once she finished speaking and the assistant had completed his investigation, he would check if she had any more secrets hidden from him.

If she still refused to speak… then he would continue to kiss her until she confessed everything!

The taste of her confession was quite delicious, and he didn’t mind trying multiple times for such a fortunate occurrence.

Wei Yuxian, fearing his return, was preoccupied and no longer concerned about whether he was possessed or why he had kissed her.

“Also, at our school, my roommates… they bullied me. All three of them bullied me.”

Upon hearing this, Fu Xuanyi’s eyes held even deeper meaning, yet he showed no sign of suspicion, hiding his emotions perfectly. He softly asked, “How did they bully you?”

Wei Yuxian thought for a moment and replied, “They called me a pauper, said I didn’t deserve an education, and mostly just insulted me. But not long ago, a post appeared on the school forum specifically targeting me…”

As Wei Yuxian verbally expressed her grievances, the feelings of injustice surged in her heart once again, as if those scenes were replaying before her.

The amount of suffering she endured was substantial; very few people treated her with kindness in this world.

Fu Xuanyi said, “Let me take a look.”

He wanted to see how that post had targeted her.

Wei Yuxian hesitated to show him. After all, there was his part in it, even being portrayed as an old man…

Yet, if she didn’t show him, he wouldn’t give up.

No one could deter this man from what he wanted to do.

Moreover, with his abilities, finding a small post would be effortless. It might be better to just let him see it.

After some contemplation, Wei Yuxian took out her phone, opened the post Cheng Jingyao had sent her, and handed it to Fu Xuanyi to read.

Fu Xuanyi held the phone to read the post while keeping her close, engrossed in the content.

The room fell silent once more. Wei Yuxian looked at his face so close to hers, his serious expression, and couldn’t help but ease her breath.

He was truly… so handsome!

Even though she knew it wasn’t the time to think like that, she couldn’t help but let her mind wander because she was a bit bored at the moment.

After two minutes, Fu Xuanyi finished reading the post, still maintaining a neutral expression. He returned the phone to her and asked, “Is there anything else you’re keeping from me?”

Wei Yuxian shook her head firmly this time, saying, “No, just these two things. There really isn’t anything else!”

Fu Xuanyi inquired, “Really?”

Wei Yuxian nodded repeatedly, “Really, really, really!”

Fu Xuanyi believed her, as her eyes conveyed three words: “Trust me.”

He asked, “Do you know who posted the article?”

“I can’t be certain who posted it, but I have a suspect—my roommate, Ding Nana. She’s the person at school who targets me the most and is the most skillful at bullying me.”

After sharing all this, Wei Yuxian felt a sense of relief. At least now she wasn’t the only one harboring these secrets; someone else was sharing the burden with her.

Fu Xuanyi nodded and said, “I understand.”

The conversation ended without any further discussion or indication of whether he would help her.

Wei Yuxian felt a bit anxious, unsure of his intentions and whether he would actually assist her.

She nervously asked, “Can you help me?”

Fu Xuanyi teased her, finding her plea very cute, like a soft, squishy ball, and asked, “Help you with what?”

Wei Yuxian: “!!!”

After speaking for so long, did he not hear a word she said?

Feeling a hint of anger, Wei Yuxian wanted to question him, but then something crossed her mind, and her anger dissipated. She fell silent, lowering her head.

Indeed, Fu Xuanyi just wanted her to speak out; he never promised to help her.

Moreover, he was a busy man with countless responsibilities. The fact that he took time to listen to her ramblings should be appreciated. How could she possibly expect him to assist her with her trivial matters?

She was just a tiny ant, and her issues were insignificant. How could she dare to bother the esteemed Fu Xuanyi with her troubles?

It seems like these things were better left unsaid, meant to be kept bottled up inside.

No one can help her, and no one is willing to help her…

She’s just a small, ugly person, a target for mockery.

At this moment, Fu Xuanyi must be laughing at her internally, mocking her for being unable to handle even these simple matters, for being bullied by so many and yet not retaliating.

Suddenly, the weather turned cold, colder than when it snows.

Wei Yuxian hugged herself, looking around. The temperature remained unchanged, and she finally understood.

It wasn’t the weather growing cold… it was her heart growing cold.

Wei Yuxian, what are you still hoping for? In this world, no one truly loves you!

Not a single person will hold you close to their heart or care about how you’re doing!

Even though she always knew this fact, the thought still saddened her. Her heart, already scarred and bruised, couldn’t bear many more storms.

Tears welled up, her body trembling slightly. She found it ironic that Fu Xuanyi’s embrace felt so warm, yet her heart remained icy cold.

She didn’t even deserve to feel warmth!

Seeing her suddenly become despondent, Fu Xuanyi realized she was sensitive, lacking self-confidence, and with the added stress of her pregnancy, her thoughts were likely overwhelming.

He regretted teasing her.

She must be thinking of something truly distressing to be crying like this.

Lifting her head, he saw her tear-streaked face, filled with helplessness and despair, which tugged at his heart.

Wei Yuxian couldn’t meet his gaze. Her insecurities were laid bare before him, exposing her vulnerability.

Closing her eyes, devoid of vitality, tears silently streamed down her face, voiceless and unable to utter a sound.

At this moment, even if Fu Xuanyi sought her life, she wouldn’t resist.

Because sometimes, struggling seems futile.

At times, reaching a different world can be a form of liberation.

She should have been numb long ago, it was necessary to be numb to the indifference of this world, to the apathy of its people.

Fu Xuanyi, realizing his grave mistake, awkwardly tried to comfort her, saying, “Don’t cry, I misspoke.”

The usually confident Fu Xuanyi, humbled.

He hung his head.

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