After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife
After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife Chapter 68

Chapter 68: Bowing to Her

Having lived for twenty-nine years, he had never bowed his head to anyone, not even his parents.

Yet today, he lowered his head to a woman, just to stop her tears.

Gently wiping away her tears, filled with compassion, he said, “I will help you with everything, all your troubles.”

Wei Yuxian’s tears kept flowing, unable to open her eyes.

She didn’t know how to face the current situation. In front of Fu Xuanyi, she always felt so inferior, unable to lift her head. It was as if they were not from the same world.

Indeed, they were not from the same world. Given Fu Xuanyi’s status in the capital, how could he coexist in the same world as ordinary mortals like them?

Wei Yuxian couldn’t contain her sorrow, even though Fu Xuanyi promised to help her. It seemed like she was crying until she fainted!

Fu Xuanyi lacked experience in comforting others. Unsure of how to comfort her, he could only pat her back gently, saying, “Don’t cry, I promise you…”

The comfort felt unfamiliar.

Listening to his words, calling her to stop crying and be good, Wei Yuxian gradually found her tears stopping. She opened her slightly swollen eyes to look at the man before her.

He had changed, no longer indifferent.

The previous doubts resurfaced in her mind, and she asked, “Are you really… Fu Xuanyi?”

Her voice choked with emotion, breaking once, but she managed to hold back her tears.

Fu Xuanyi wiped her tears again and said, “Absolutely.”

“Why don’t you seem anything like Fu Xuanyi?” she asked again, determined to voice all the doubts in her heart!

Fu Xuanyi also inquired, “In what way do I not seem like him?”

Wei Yuxian frowned, pondered for a moment, and then said, “Apart from the face, nothing else resembles him.”

The real Fu Xuanyi was aloof, wouldn’t speak much, and didn’t show concern for others. His words weren’t as gentle either.

Unlike the current Fu Xuanyi, who spoke several sentences, embraced her, wiped her tears, and comforted her.

This was too strange! These weren’t things the real Fu Xuanyi would do!

Reflecting on his actions today, Fu Xuanyi realized they were indeed different from his usual demeanor. This change was because she wasn’t by his side before, and now that she was, it was only natural for him to change.

He said, “It’s because of you that I’ve changed.”

“Me?” Wei Yuxian sniffed, looking at him with confusion. “What about me? Why is it because of me?”

Fu Xuanyi felt exasperated by her slow comprehension of emotions. Was she really this obtuse when it came to feelings?

It wasn’t entirely Wei Yuxian’s fault for not grasping the situation; she never even considered that Fu Xuanyi might like her!

Never once!

Fu Xuanyi said, “Why do you think I want you to be Mrs. Fu?”

Wasn’t that straightforward enough?

Wei Yuxian’s mind was still struggling to process everything. Her recent tears seemed to have clouded her thinking. She asked, “Is it because of the child in my belly? Fu Xuanyi, you don’t have to do this. Save that position for someone you truly like. I won’t take that place.”

The position of Mrs. Fu—a position so distant and unattainable. She didn’t deserve it.

Fu Xuanyi reiterated, “The position of Mrs. Fu will only belong to you, and in my heart, there’s only you. Do you understand?”

He couldn’t have been more blunt with his words.

Wei Yuxian carefully absorbed his words and finally understood!

Wasn’t Fu Xuanyi basically saying he liked her?

How could this be possible!

She looked at him with eyes full of disbelief!

Trying to find any evidence that he might be joking, but there was none. His gaze held nothing but sincerity!

So, he was being sincere!

He liked her?

“But… but…” she murmured these two words, unable to articulate her thoughts.

Fu Xuanyi asked, “But what?”

Wei Yuxian, in a daze, said, “But… I’m not worthy of you.”

Fu Xuanyi chuckled lightly and said, “Whether you’re worthy or not, I have the final say.”

If he said she was worthy, then she was. Anyone who said otherwise…

Wei Yuxian froze once again, her mind blank, struggling to process. Her usually not so quick-witted brain was even more sluggish at this moment.

Fu Xuanyi found her reaction adorable; a bewildered little bundle, with her cute little face.

He didn’t disturb her, allowing her time to digest and understand.

Time passed, whether minutes or a bit longer. Finally, Wei Yuxian’s mind clicked into place!

Fu Xuanyi said he liked her!

The man who was distant and celibate… said he liked her!

It felt like a dream, utterly unreal.

But this was undeniably real!

Wei Yuxian thought back to Fu Xuanyi’s peculiar actions in the past, like holding her hand, helping her, or applying stretch mark oil. These were things only someone close would do!

So, from that moment on, did Fu Xuanyi like her? Otherwise, why would he act in ways that were so out of character for his status?

A voice in her heart told her the answer: Yes, that was it. Fu Xuanyi had liked her since then.

Wei Yuxian dared not breathe, unsure how to face or respond to his affection because she had never imagined that someone would like her!

And this person happened to be the Prince, Xuanyi!

It was beyond belief!

What merit or worth did she possess to earn the affection of Prince Xuanyi, Lord Xuanyi,Young Master Xuanyi!

Therefore, she attempted to change the subject, saying, “Um… Thank you for being willing to help me… I will repay you in the future…”

Her words came out disjointed, as if improvised on the spot, yet they were indeed spontaneous.

She truly had no idea what to say; her mind was blank.

Fu Xuanyi understood that she couldn’t immediately accept this news and didn’t force her to reciprocate his feelings. Everything had to unfold gradually.

Tofu needed to be savored one bite at a time to truly appreciate its flavor.

Continuing from where she left off, he said, “In the future, if you need anything, tell me. With me around, no one can bully you.”

His words were simple but provided Wei Yuxian with the most powerful assurance and protection!

Fu Xuanyi’s declaration that no one could bully her meant just that—no one could. And those who had mistreated her, including her compliant mother and roommate, he made a mental note that they wouldn’t have peaceful days ahead!

Wei Yuxian responded with a muffled “Hmm” in his embrace, feeling a sense of relief wash over her.

With Fu Xuanyi’s assurance, she believed that matters concerning her mother and Ding Nana could be resolved smoothly. She had no doubt about  Fu Xuanyi’s capabilities.

With Fu Xuanyi’s support, she had no worries. As for the outcomes for those individuals, she didn’t care.

All she wanted was to live peacefully in the future.

But how should she handle Fu Xuanyi’s affection?

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