After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife
After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife Chapter 70

Chapter 70: How Dare They Bully Madam!

After leaving the room, Fu Xuanyi returned to his own quarters, took a cold shower to calm himself down completely.

Instead of heading to the company, he went to his study, quietly poring over the information his assistant had sent him.

The documents were all about Wei Yuxian being mistreated.

From family matters to school incidents, each piece of information he read only darkened his expression, fueling his anger!

As he delved deeper, he realized the extent of the hardships his Wei Yuxian had endured, silently bearing it all without a word to anyone.

Even him—she had kept it from him so well!

He felt he hadn’t been attentive enough to her, or else how could he have missed that she was being bullied?

In school, those who bullied her did so for more than just a few days, yet she remained silent, bearing it all on her own.

Why hadn’t he invested more effort into investigating? If he had, his Wei Yuxian wouldn’t have suffered such mistreatment.

She had even come close to developing depression!

If it weren’t for today, how long would she have continued to hide it from him?

Partly to blame was his failure to provide her with a stronger sense of security, leading her to feel isolated and helpless.

No! She wasn’t alone; she had him behind her!

In the future, he would pay even closer attention to her, never allowing anyone to bully her again!

After reviewing the documents, he sat quietly in his office chair, eyes closed, waiting for her.

In his mind, he couldn’t help but recall the endearing image of his obedient Wei Yuxian.

How could anyone bear to bully his obedient one, who was so great  to have such audacity?

He took off his prayer beads at some point, holding them in his hand, gently twisting them to clear his mind.

With too many distractions and too much aggression in his heart, it was time to cleanse his thoughts.

After an unknown period, there was a knock on the study door. Fu Xuanyi stopped twirling the prayer beads, opened his eyes, with a clear gaze, and said, “Come in.”

It was the housekeeper, followed by two others. She said, “Master Xuanyi, the guests have arrived.”

Fu Xuanyi responded with a simple “Yes” and looked at the two individuals outside.

The housekeeper ushered them in, arranged for tea, and excused herself, saying, “Master Xuanyi, please let me know if you need anything.”

Fu Xuanyi nodded, and the housekeeper left the room.

The two men who arrived were Fu Xuanyi’s associates. One wore formal business attire, sporting a refined pair of gold-rimmed glasses – Fu Xuanyi’s assistant, Guan Jinyou. The other man, dressed more casually in a black leather jacket, had a carefree smile on his face – Fu Xuanyi’s trusted aide, Lu Chengxiao.

Lu Chengxiao had a unique role, rarely appearing in public view, handling tasks for Fu Xuanyi that remained discreet.

“Master Xuanyi,” both men sat in the chairs, addressing him respectfully.

While Lu Chengxiao appeared carefree, his respect for Fu Xuanyi was unwavering.

Unaware of the situation or the reason for being summoned, Lu Chengxiao inquired, “Master Xuanyi, why have you called me here? Whatever your command, even if it means facing grave danger, I am ready to obey without hesitation!”

On the other hand, Guan Jinyou was aware of the situation involving Madam, understanding that Fu Xuanyi had summoned them to handle those who mistreated madam.

He asked, “Master Xuanyi, how would you like to handle this matter? What consequences do you wish for them to face?”

Fu Xuanyi’s gaze turned icy, the prayer beads in his hand involuntarily spinning once more.

If it weren’t for the overwhelming aura of aggression emanating from him, others might truly mistake him for a devout Buddhist.

Only he knew that the reason he always wore a string of prayer beads on his hand was to suppress his inner fury.

Confused, Lu Chengxiao looked at the people around him and asked, “What’s going on? How come you all know, and I’m the only one in the dark?”

Guan Jinyou smiled at him and replied, “It’s about Madam.”

Suddenly realizing, Lu Chengxiao exclaimed, “Oh, I haven’t even met Madam yet. Master Xuanyi, when will you introduce Madam to us, your brothers?”

Upon hearing the unexpected news of his master having a wife, he was utterly incredulous! However, when it came from Master Xuanyi, he had no choice but to believe it.

Eager to meet her, Lu Chengxiao was curious about what their Master’s wife looked like. He wondered what kind of person could make their Master, who had lived a life of celibacy and restraint for twenty-nine years, break his vow.

Fu Xuanyi gave him a brief glance and said, “Back to the matter at hand.”

Guan Jinyou, like Lu Chengxiao, had never seen Madam in person, only in photos. Based on the pictures, she appeared to be quite beautiful, with a lovable appearance.

Even he was curious to see the true face of Madam.

“Let’s focus on the task at hand,” Fu Xuanyi’s words interrupted Lu Chengxiao’s gossipy thoughts.

Lu Chengxiao smirked and replied, “As you command, Master.”

Fu Xuanyi glanced at Guan Jinyou, who promptly asked, “We have located Ding Nana and Madam’s mother. Should we take immediate action or wait?”

Fu Xuanyi’s expression remained icy, his tone equally cold, “Take immediate action. I won’t allow them a moment of freedom outside.”

Guan Jinyou nodded, then sent two locations to Lu Chengxiao’s phone—one for Madam’s mother and the other for Ding Nana and her companions—saying, “Please arrange for someone to bring them back.”

As Lu Chengxiao communicated with his team, he asked, “What’s going on exactly? You’re sending me to apprehend them, at least tell me why we’re doing this?”

He was utterly perplexed, lost in a fog of confusion.

Because Master Xuanyi and Guan Jinyou wouldn’t tell him, Lu Chengxiao was left in the dark!

Glancing at Fu Xuanyi and sensing his silence, Guan Jinyou, aware of Fu Xuanyi’s reserved nature, explained, “These individuals have bullied Madam.”

“What!” Lu Chengxiao was on the verge of jumping up. “They dared to bully Madam!”

He swiftly sent messages to his team, ensuring they brought the individuals back as quickly as possible!

Bullying their Master’s wife was beyond unacceptable. It was outrageous!

Challenging Master Xuanyi’s authority was akin to courting death!

After sending the messages, Lu Chengxiao inquired, “Master Xuanyi, should we allow these individuals to live?”

Fu Xuanyi calmly stated, “They shouldn’t have it easy.”

In just a few words, the fate of those individuals was sealed for the rest of their lives!

Sometimes, living can be more agonizing than death. To ensure they experienced some earthly suffering, he wouldn’t allow them to end their lives easily.

Keeping them alive to endure hardship was perhaps more agonizing than death itself.

Lu Chengxiao smirked cruelly, saying, “Got it. Leave it to me. I’ll make sure to give Master Xuanyi a satisfactory response! Those who dare to bully Madam won’t have it easy with us!”

It had been a while since he had flexed his muscles, and now these misguided individuals had walked right into their trap.

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