Becoming the Contract Wife of the Wealthy Male Supporting Character
Becoming the Contract Wife of the Wealthy Male Supporting Character Ch 05.1

Chapter 05.1

The leakage of information now is simply too rampant. She had just placed an order, and the scammer immediately came knocking.

At first, Su Qian really thought it was a cashback for good reviews, as this kind of operation is quite common nowadays. But the more they chatted, the more something felt off, the other party was beating around the bush, and finally brought up investment rebates.

Before crossing over, Su Qian, who was naive at the time, was also tricked out of money by this kind of garbage scam. She hated these people so much that she spent several days and nights studying the scammer’s routine. Unexpectedly, it came in handy today, she turned the tables on the scammer, and after a few rounds, she tricked the scammer’s money over.

Her first reaction was to blacklist the other party, but then she thought it might not be appropriate. But she was reluctant to just return the money and let the scammer go.

So she came to find “Consultant Jin”.

Having understood the ins and outs, Jin Lie found himself speechless. There are few people who can leave him speechless, whether in action or in speech, and Su Qian is one of them.

You say this woman is naive, but she can trick a scammer. Looking at the things she did before, you really can’t tell that she’s a person with high EQ and IQ.

Although they’ve been married for more than a year, Jin Lie’s tactic is to avoid as much as possible and doesn’t have much contact with Su Qian. His deepest impression of her is the greedy appearance of her family on the day of meeting the parents, and the vulgar appearance of trying to seduce him on the night of their marriage registration.

But after these two days, he feels that this woman is somewhat different from his impression.

Jin Lie looked thoughtfully at Su Qian’s charming face, slowly rubbing his fingers.

He kind of wanted to pull at it, wondering if she was wearing a human skin mask on her face.

Seeing that he didn’t answer, Su Qian wondered if this guy was up to something.

“It’s not about your expression, I won’t deceive you, can you say something?”

Jin Lie disdainfully pulled at the corner of his mouth, blatantly revealing a mocking expression that said, “You think you’re worthy of deceiving me?”

“Your kind of ‘anti-fraud’ only has one reward.”

Su Qian watched his good-looking lips open and close, and then heard three words—

“Tears behind prison bars.”

Su Qian’s face turned ashen.

Absolutely not! She still wanted to be a little rich woman, and she still wanted to do business! How could she become a legal coffee[1]法制咖(fǎzhì kā) = Legal coffee, It refers to celebrities who have been involved in legal issues or have been reported to the authorities due to violations of laws and regulations. as soon as she crossed over?

Without saying another word, Su Qian turned around and stormed out.


As the door closed, the study became quiet. Jin Lie looked at the empty space in front of him, suddenly propped his forehead and chuckled lightly.

It seems she’s not fearless after all.


It wasn’t until the evening that Su Qian came back.

She kicked off her high heels and collapsed on the sofa like a deflated doll.

Jin Lie appeared at some point, casually blowing on his steaming coffee, “How did it go, when are you going in?”

Su Qian turned her head and gave him a big eye roll, “Men only want to get promoted, get rich, and have their wives die.”

Jin Lie laughed, “Fortunately, I’ve already achieved the first two.”

“Pah, pah, pah!” Su Qian sat up and lifted her chin, “Well, I’m sorry to disappoint you, not only am I not going to jail, the police also said that my anti-fraud awareness is very strong.”

She went to the place and explained the whole thing clearly, and also handed over the scammer’s money. The police educated her that she couldn’t do this again and then let her go.

“Hmm~ I am indeed quite disappointed.”

With no good show to watch, Jin Lie left with a lack of interest.

Su Qian made a face at his broad back, cursing him to slip and get splashed with coffee.


The next morning, Su Qian got up and Jin Lie had already left. The large house was left with only her.

After breakfast, she carefully applied sunscreen, then took a spray bottle to water the flowers and plants in the yard.

In mid-May, the sun in Shencheng was very harsh. Su Qian adjusted her straw hat, watching the water droplets joyfully jumping in the sunlight.

Suddenly, the phone rang. Su Qian put down the spray bottle, picked up the phone from the rocking chair, and sat down.

“You haven’t made a peep in so many days, are you throwing a tantrum at me?!”

As soon as the call connected, a woman’s sharp voice came through. It was full of questioning and rudeness.

Su Qian moved the phone away and rubbed her shocked ear, then glanced at the screen.

Zhao Wenjun. The original owner’s agent.

She almost thought it was a teacher who had dialled the wrong number.

The original owner didn’t have a good relationship with her agent, the reason was simple, as an artist, she was so “muddled” that she hardly had any presence.

In the entertainment circle, being muddled is equivalent to having no traffic, and without traffic, there is no commercial value. Nowadays, stars are replaced so quickly, and the useless ones will soon be replaced.

And she, is just such a useless person.

Su Qian tapped her toes on the ground, rocking the rocking chair, “Why would I be angry with you?”

It was just a subconscious counter-question, but it stumped Zhao Wenjun.

She had previously given a supporting role with more scenes to other artists, letting Su Qian play a third female lead with not many scenes.

Unexpectedly, after she joined the crew, negative news came out frequently, and she had a very unpleasant relationship with the actors and staff of the crew. In a fit of anger, the director stopped her scenes. Now after much persuasion, they finally agreed not to replace her and let her go back to continue filming. Hence, this call.

Su Qian was clear about the matter of resource allocation, Zhao Wenjun felt that she was being sarcastic.

“Su Qian, you don’t need to be sarcastic with me, I’ve sorted out the matter with the crew, the director asked you to go back and continue filming tomorrow. As for why I gave the role with more scenes to others, I didn’t want to make it clear, but since you always compete with me, I think it’s better to clarify.”

A cool breeze blew, and Su Qian comfortably closed her eyes.

She had also lingered in the eighteenth line and had resources taken away from her. Without a background and no one to promote her, even if her acting skills were recognized, her works couldn’t keep up.

To have a place in this circle, luck is certainly a factor, but you also need to have capital behind you.

Just like when she later won the three grand slams, no one could ever take any resources from her again, and any good scripts would be handed to her first.

The entertainment circle is just so realistic.


1 法制咖(fǎzhì kā) = Legal coffee, It refers to celebrities who have been involved in legal issues or have been reported to the authorities due to violations of laws and regulations.


Hello, I'm Avrora (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) I like reading novels, especially romance and action. So I want to share with you some novels that I think are good to read through my translation. My lovely readers, I hope you enjoy the story as much as I do.(⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) See my other projects on my Ko-fi page (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) I hope you enjoy my translation (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) Thank you 😘

1 comment
  1. Yatengarasu has spoken 1 month ago

    look at husband and wife getting along! 😂 cute.


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