Becoming the Contract Wife of the Wealthy Male Supporting Character
Becoming the Contract Wife of the Wealthy Male Supporting Character Ch 16.1

Chapter 16.1

Jin Lie came home very late in the evening. Mrs. Wang had already left work. The living room was dimly lit, and Su Qian was sitting cross-legged on the sofa, engrossed in watching TV. Her homely appearance was completely different from her domineering presence outside.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, she turned her head and casually asked, “Have you eaten?”

“Hmm.” Jin Lie hung his suit jacket on the back of the sofa and unfastened his watch, “Have you finished shooting your background board?”

“I’ve shown my face, thank you.”

Su Qian rolled her eyes secretly, threw away the remote control, and took a box of ice cream from the refrigerator, “Here, this is for you.”

Jin Lie glanced at it but didn’t take it, and asked indifferently, “Why did you suddenly think of treating me to this?”

“Do you think everything I do has a purpose? I just ate it with someone during the day and thought it was delicious, so I simply wanted to share it with you.”


Which someone?

Jin Lie’s expression was quite indifferent, “I don’t like to eat this.”

“Alright, alright, if you don’t want to eat it, then forget it.”

She was still thinking about mending the rift from last night. It was her fault for not giving a heads up before getting a cat. This gesture of goodwill was just to express her gratitude for his tolerance. But he didn’t appreciate it at all.

Never mind, she would eat it herself.

Su Qian sat down on the sofa and scooped a spoonful into her mouth.

Hmm, it’s really delicious.

Jin Lie saw her upturned mouth and glanced at the box of ice cream.

Heh, her body is in Cao’s camp but her heart is with Han.[1]身在曹營心在漢(shēn zài Cáo yíng xīn zài Hàn) = The body is in Cao’s camp but the heart is with Han, is a Chinese idiom that originates from the Three Kingdoms period. It refers to … Continue reading

“Do you prefer ice cream or cones?”


Jin Lie crossed his arms and lifted his chin, “Can’t answer?”

Su Qian didn’t understand, “Both are good. Cones can be eaten with crispy egg rolls, and boxed ones can be eaten with two flavors together.”

“So you like both?”

“Yes, what’s wrong with that?”

Looking at the pot while eating from the bowl[2]吃着碗裏望着鍋裏(chī zhe wǎn lǐ wàng zhe guō lǐ) = Looking at the pot while eating from the bowl, is an idiom used to describe someone who is not content with what they have and is … Continue reading, fickle!

Jin Lie put his hands in his pockets and reminded her indifferently, “There are still a few months left on the contract, after which you can do whatever you want. But during its validity, I hope you stay away from irrelevant men.”

What’s gotten into this man? Suddenly saying such inexplicable words.

Su Qian rolled her eyes and poked the ice cream forcefully to express her dissatisfaction, “Where did the irrelevant men come from? The only man around me is you.”

Although his looks and physique are better than any man she has ever seen, but this mouth, tsk tsk.

What a pity, it would be great if he couldn’t speak.

“It’s best if it’s as you say.”

Jin Lie casually loosened his tie and turned to go upstairs.

Su Qian pouted at his retreating figure, “Hmph, do you really think I would be interested in just anyone? Although your temper isn’t great, you look good, and you have such a high starting point, it’s also very distressing for me!”

A small muttering sound faintly came.

At the edge of the stairs, Jin Lie paused for a moment, and after a moment of silence, he faintly curled his lips.


Su Qian felt that the time she had spent since crossing over was the most idle time in her life. Fortunately, there were a few mischievous people to help her pass the time, otherwise, she would really be idle to the point of getting moldy.

The day after tomorrow she would have an audition, so these two days she was unusually busy, frantically catching up on the script.

She was half-lying on the bay window, with Blueberry nestled asleep at her feet. The clear sunlight poured in, giving its fur a layer of gloss.

The phone’s notification sound rang briefly. Su Qian put down the script and picked up the phone, and saw a friend request. The reason for the request was filled in as “taxi”.

She raised an eyebrow, that girl was quite stubborn.

She clicked to accept, and the other side first sent over a cute emoji, then sent over a red envelope with twenty yuan.

The other party insisted on returning the money, and Su Qian didn’t have any reason to refuse. She accepted the red envelope and sent back a smiling face.

Bai Shuangshuang: 【Sorry, I’ve been rushing to finish a manuscript these past few days, and only have time to contact you now.】

Rushing a manuscript?

Su Qian: 【Are you an author?】

Bai Shuangshuang: 【Yes, I am a web novel author on Literature City.】

Su Qian: 【I quite like reading novels, what type do you write? 】

Bai Shuangshuang: 【Romance. [Shy.jpg] I’m currently rushing to proofread my manuscript, so I have to go. If you don’t mind, I can send you a few published books. 】

Su Qian: 【Sure, thank you.】

Bai Shuangshuang: 【You’re welcome, send me your address later, and I’ll mail them to you. 】

Su Qian thought she was so busy that sending the books would be a long time later. Unexpectedly, the next morning, the door was knocked open by a flash delivery, and the paper box was filled with five or six beautifully packaged novels.

This person’s character is clearly a bit shy, but she is so decisive in doing things.

Su Qian casually flipped through the introductions, there were chasing wife crematorium, pre-marriage post-love, and pure campus literature, the range of exploration is really wide.

“《After the Divorce, He Knelt and Begged Me to Forgive Him》, 《Not Liking You Sooner Was My Blindness》, 《Forbidden Love》…” Jin Lie’s tone was filled with faint sarcasm, “Have you fallen to this extent?”

Su Qian snatched the book from his hand and put it in the box, “How is reading novels a fall? Don’t you know that art originates from life but is higher than life?”

“Art? Is kneeling and begging for forgiveness after divorce considered art? If you have time, it’s better to read something more nutritious. Reading too much of this naive and melodramatic story can easily lead to fantasies about the world.”

Su Qian snorted coldly.

You’re just a supporting character molded in a naive and melodramatic novel, yet you’re still full of pretentiousness and style every day. Your world is so melodramatic that it can be drunk like plain water, where do you get the face to mock others?!

“What’s wrong with kneeling and begging for forgiveness? That’s called performance art! Art is what a few people can do that most people can’t. Just like the domineering CEO, he can admit his mistakes and even humbly beg for forgiveness, can you do it?!”

Jin Lie sneered, there has always been only others begging him, why should he humbly beg for forgiveness?

“Sorry, I really can’t do it. I don’t know how to do such a thing as chasing wife crematorium, but I can set off fireworks for divorce.”

“You can’t, so why do you mock others?!” Su Qian picked up the paper box and gave him a big white eye[3]If you still wondering what is “white eye” and “white-eyed wolf” here’s the explanation and I hope this can help you (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠): 白眼(báiyǎn) = white eyes, is used to … Continue reading, “Don’t worry, you’re not the only one who will be happy about the divorce. At that time, I will hold a no-limit circle lottery, let the majority of netizens feel my joy!”

“What is a no-limit circle lottery?”

“It means anyone can play except you! Also, I will never buy you ice cream again! You can rest assured!”

After saying that, Su Qian went upstairs without looking back, and soon a loud door closing sound rang out.


1 身在曹營心在漢(shēn zài Cáo yíng xīn zài Hàn) = The body is in Cao’s camp but the heart is with Han, is a Chinese idiom that originates from the Three Kingdoms period. It refers to the situation where Guan Yu, a general of the Shu Han state, was physically in Cao Cao’s camp, but his heart was still loyal to his original lord, Liu Bei.

This idiom is often used to describe someone who is physically present in one place, but their heart or thoughts are elsewhere.

2 吃着碗裏望着鍋裏(chī zhe wǎn lǐ wàng zhe guō lǐ) = Looking at the pot while eating from the bowl, is an idiom used to describe someone who is not content with what they have and is always looking for something better or different.

Or it can be used to criticise people who are not satisfied with their current situation and always desire more.

3 If you still wondering what is “white eye” and “white-eyed wolf” here’s the explanation and I hope this can help you (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠):

白眼(báiyǎn) = white eyes, is used to describe the act of rolling one’s eyes. This action is often used to express contempt, disdain, or neglect.

白眼狼 (bái yǎn láng) = white-eyed wolf. It’s a term used to describe an ungrateful person, especially someone who shows no gratitude to those who have helped them.


Hello, I'm Avrora (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) I like reading novels, especially romance and action. So I want to share with you some novels that I think are good to read through my translation. My lovely readers, I hope you enjoy the story as much as I do.(⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) See my other projects on my Ko-fi page (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) I hope you enjoy my translation (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) Thank you 😘

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