Popularizing Physics to Teach a Group of Master Magicians?
Popularizing Physics to Teach a Group of Master Magicians? Chapter 3

Chapter Three: Does This World Still Talk About Science?

It was a strange and mysterious tremor.

Tang Si didn’t open his eyes. He followed the sensation from the void, turning his head to ‘look’ in the direction of the pitch-black ceiling.

What entered his mind was a world he had never encountered before.

The sky was no longer the sky, the earth no longer the earth.

Everything between heaven and earth seemed to be disassembled into the most original, smallest components.

Gradually, everything in the world fell into silence, leaving only one sound…

If at this moment Ren had opened his disciple’s eyelids, he would have been surprised to see Tang Si eyes filled with clarity, with only faint electric light flickering lively in his pupils.

Tang Si continued to expand his perception. In his daze, he felt that the magic spoken of by bards was somehow different from what his master had mentioned.

Master’s ‘science’ was newer, better!

What floated through his mind was the imposing figure of his master from the evening.

This was the shadow he had been chasing!

Tang Si did not hesitate!

He knew he had to grasp it, to seize every bit of this fleeting lightning power.

He didn’t know when he had already stood up.

Like a traveler on the verge of dying of thirst in the desert, reaching out towards that last mirage in his heart, even if it was something he could never truly grasp… a mirage!


Getting closer!

He could vaguely hear the hum of the lightning.

Tang Si heart grew more excited, the air filled with a scent called ‘legend’. He felt as if he were about to step into the arcane halls of ancient wizards, with the sacred figure of the Goddess of Magic watching over him with a profound and kind gaze, encouraging him.

Tang Si excitement peaked. He reached out his hands and pressed them against the pulse of the lightning…

In the middle of the night, Ren tossed and turned, finding it hard to sleep.

Although the system had urged him to take on a disciple, and he had done so, it felt like he was trying to teach a primary school student everything he had, including a 1GB collection of seeds and 1024 website addresses. Ren was filled with a sense of guilt.

Tang Si was too innocent. Ren hadn’t even considered the possibility of him betraying his master.

Just as Ren was drifting off into a restless sleep, he suddenly heard a strange sound.

How should it be described?

It was like someone had a foul-smelling slipper stuck in their throat, unable to make a sound.

Ren didn’t want to use such a peculiar analogy, but it was the closest sound he could think of.

He opened his eyes.

Oh boy!

He was completely stunned by what he saw.

The scene before him resembled something out of legend: ‘lightning on the left, fire on the right, with the Thunder God aiding me!’

Ren never expected that this foolish kid, Tang Si, would go and touch the electric switch in the middle of the night.

Isn’t this basically courting death!?

The copper wires Ren twisted were uneven, and in this desolate valley, it wasn’t like he could just find insulating materials like plastic or rubber. To prevent himself from getting electrocuted while setting up the wiring, Ren had at least covered the wires with a layer of uneven glass as insulation.

On the other hand, the waterwheel generator didn’t stop generating electricity just because it was night. The waterwheel connected to the magnet rotor kept turning, continuously generating power.

Ren had used a guillotine-style switch he hammered together to cut off the electricity.

For safety, he had deliberately installed the switch two meters high, where it couldn’t be accidentally touched.

Yet, this kid somehow managed to touch the electric switch, with both hands grabbing the ends of the guillotine switch…

“Damn it!” In his panic, Ren instinctively threw the holy sword of physics (a crowbar) he kept under his pillow for self-defense.

The blow landed on his unruly disciple’s shoulder, creating a bump, but at least the strong impact made him let go of the electric switch.

“What the hell are you doing!?” Ren grabbed his still slightly twitching apprentice and yelled.

“Master…” Tang Si mouth was numb, and he stammered, “I was sensing the mysteries of lightning…”


At that moment, Ren’s silence was deafening.

Just tell me if that’s electricity or not.

Without a disciple, the system wouldn’t activate, and Ren felt uneasy if he didn’t teach for a day. Now that he had a disciple, teaching felt like a constant headache.

Luckily, the waterwheel generator he rigged up wasn’t like the professional ones from before he crossed over. Otherwise, with this stream’s flow rate, generating 220 volts and over ten amps wouldn’t be hard at all.

This makeshift generator’s voltage wasn’t much higher than a safety voltage.

Otherwise, something serious could have happened!

No matter how he looked at it now, he felt like he was on an unrelenting path to ruining lives!

By the moonlight streaming in through the window, Tang Si saw Ren’s face dark as a pot and quickly apologized, “I’m sorry, Master… I shouldn’t have touched your lightning device!”

Ren felt awkward, “No, it’s just an ordinary, everyday lighting tool. As long as you use it ‘scientifically,’ it won’t cause any problems.”

Tang Si was instantly filled with warmth, tears of gratitude streaming down his face:

I recklessly touched my master’s ultimate tool, yet he didn’t scold me. He even downplayed it as an ordinary household item. If it were a strict knight, I would have at least gotten a whipping. Boohoo! Master is one of those typical tough-but-kind-hearted good people!



I must learn to handle ‘scientific’ things before touching them. But does that mean I can continue trying out the ‘unscientific’ ones now?

Meanwhile, Ren had no idea his precious disciple was once again misunderstanding things. He carefully examined Tang Si body.

If something serious had happened, Tang Si would have already been electrocuted to the point of cardiac arrest or even have his heart pierced by high voltage.

If he can still talk, it’s likely not a big deal.

“Hmm, just some blackened nails and minor external injuries, nothing serious. If something had happened, I would have had to perform CPR on you. Sigh. Tang Si, don’t overthink it. Let’s talk in the morning.”

“Understood, Master!”

Waiting until morning would be too late. Master must think I’m untalented and is trying to find a way to get rid of me.

Tang Si decided to acknowledge his mistake and continue immediately without waiting for the next time.

He lay back on the wooden bed, crossed his hands, and gently pressed them down on his lower abdomen.

Quickly, by recalling the sensation of the current flowing through his body, he re-entered that mysterious state from earlier.

Unconsciously, he released his hands, holding them in the air, fingers facing each other.

There was nothing between his hands, yet he felt a tingling force extending from each pair of fingertips, intertwining.


Tang Si felt his heart skip a beat.

A ripple, named “Wind Element,” spread out in this valley filled with active elements, extending in all directions.

At that moment, Ren, who was still awake, suddenly sat up.

He sharply sensed that some force seemed to be connecting with the boy on the opposite bed.

In the void, it felt as if the sound of apprentices reciting incantations in unison from the legendary Mage Sanctuary echoed.

The dark room was now lit.

Ren widened his eyes and saw that between Tang Si ten fingers, poised above his lower abdomen, danced numerous tiny electric serpents.

At this moment, it was like a replay of someone tinkering with a Tesla coil in the afternoon.

“Damn it!”

Does this world even adhere to scientific principles anymore?

End of Chapter Three


Hola! ^^ I'm ShangWiz, sorry for not being active so much because of my schoolworks I have to balance my schoolworks and updating you all Creating content is my passion, and your support makes all the difference. If you enjoy my work and want to see more, please consider donating on my Ko-fi. Every contribution helps me continue doing what I love and brings more awesome updates your way. Thank you so much for your support! 😊

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