Please, I Beg You! This Is a Dating Simulation Game
Please, I Beg You! This Is a Dating Simulation Game Chapter 50

  I don’t know if it’s because of the vomiting increase, but the boss’s loot chest is very complete.
  Crystal Helmet, Crystal Armor, Crystal Boots.
  A full set of Crystal Defense Equipment. Its hardness is equivalent to Crystal. After wearing it, it can be immune to all attacks below 300 points.
  [Invisible Helmet],[Invisible Armor],[Invisible Boots].
  A full set of crystal stealth equipment, can achieve stealth effect after wearing.
  Jing Yan chose Defense and Shen Xin chose Invisibility.
  Other than that, there were many crystal ores and crystal furniture in the loot chest.
  The only weapon is a crystal dagger.
  Shen Xin looked at its attributes.
  Its attack power was inferior to the weapon at hand, and its range was small. It was better to use it as an ornament than to use it in actual combat.
  Jing Yan suggested,”Why don’t you take it back to peel fruits and vegetables? You should always use the knife to cut monsters.”
  ”That’s true.”
  Shen Xin opened a silver key, but she was not in a hurry to leave. Instead, she asked Jing Yan for help. She wanted to pull down the luminous pearls on the ceiling.
  ”Since you’re already here, why don’t you bring them back?”
  Shen Xin made bandit remarks, and the audience discussed it in the live broadcast room.
  Help me pick up the luminous pearl from the ceiling? How does that help? Jing Yan can only help Shen Xin up ah!
  Just when everyone bet on whether Jing Yan will hold his heart on the front or on the back, Jing Yan crouches on one knee and crosses his fingers to signal Shen Xin to step on.
  The audience was speechless.
  [It’s the least romantic palm lift!]
  [Automatic brain image of a worker helping to lift a wall on a construction site]
  [Dog, wake up! You can’t get a girl with this kind of straight man operation!]
  Shen Xin, one of the parties, looked at it and asked,”Will this lift hurt your hand or dislocate your arm?”
  Jing Yan shook his head.” No, the game data has increased my strength. In fact, I can lift you with one hand, but it looks more stable this way.”
  In order to prove that his strength value is very large, Shen Xin stepped on his palm with one foot, Jing Yanyi turned his hand, and then slowly lifted Shen Xin steadily into the air.
  Jing Yan asked for praise: “Is it fierce?”
  Shen Xin: “Awesome!”
  [Awesome hammer! It’s not that bad at this time!
  [Alright, I’ve done my best as a CP fan. This is already at the level of acrobatics.]
  [Boy, I won’t watch this year’s Spring Festival Gala without them]
  [The key is that other than us, the two parties don’t feel that there is anything inappropriate.]
  [Fainted, Laughing until Fainted]
  Shen Xin plucked all the night pearls from the ceiling, and there were as many as 24.
  After packing up their things, the two of them found the entrance to the lower level with ease.
  Insert the key, the deep door slowly opened in front of you, Shen Xin and Jing Yan went down the stairs one after the other, and came to the third underground floor.
  Similar to the structure of the second floor, there is also a lake in front of the third floor cave.
  There was a thick layer of ice on the surface of the lake that would not crack even if one stepped on it.
  Shen Xin lay down and listened carefully, confirming that there was the sound of water flowing under the ice.
  This must be the second legendary lake.
  Shen Xin did not forget the task assigned by Uncle Li.
  She and Jing Yan marked several points on the ice surface and used pickaxes to cut out a rectangular water surface.
  Shen Xin collected the ice cubes into his backpack and used them to chill drinks.
  Everything is ready, Shen Xin took out a steel fishing rod with box bait, Jing Yan took out a five-sense closed sword.
  That’s right. With the tacit cooperation last time, Shen Xin and Jing Yan have found the right way to catch the legendary fish.
  Put the water down, but for a long time, the big fish will be hooked.
  Jing Yan found the position of the fish shadow and raised his sword several times. The second Dead Legendary Fish was also dragged out of the water.
  ”Fishing for legendary fish is too easy.”
  ”Yes, yes.”
  When Shen Xin and Jing Yan were chatting, the person from the technical department said,”Hehe.”
  I’m glad you’re having fun.
  ”Where are you going next?”
  ”I’ll catch more fish here and see what special species there are.”
  ”Alright then, I’ll go to the third floor.”
  Jing Yan greeted Shen Xin and walked across the lake.
  This lake is easier to pass through than a fluorescent lake.
  However, when Jing Yan opened the door, he was forced back by the rain of arrows inside.
  ”F * ck.”
  Jing Yan hurriedly took out his shield to block it. The shield was instantly filled with arrows.
  Shen Xin heard the noise and ran from the side to close the door.
  Jing Yan sighed: “This firepower is a bit strong, but it is quite difficult to top.”
  Shen Xin said,”Is it a monster or a trap? Monster words…really rich, actually wasting arrows like this.”
  Not even an arrow could hit the players. They were all trash monsters.
  Jing Yan shook his shield and realized that the arrows on it hadn’t disappeared yet. He reached out and pulled out an arrow, obtaining [Arrow ×6].
  ”Hmm? This arrow is mine now?” Jing Yan still hadn’t reacted. Looking at the arrow in his hand, he suddenly smiled.” Yes.”
  Jing Yan and Shen Xin stuck more than a dozen scarecrows out and stuck them on the ice by pouring cold water.
  When ready, Shen Xin moved to a distance to avoid being accidentally injured.
  Jing Yan quickly pushed open the monster door on the third floor. In an instant, hundreds of arrows flew out and pierced the scarecrow.
  Seeing that the number was almost the same, Jing Yan closed the door with his back and jumped to pull out the arrows from the scarecrow. In an instant, he obtained several groups of arrows.
  ” This is the modern straw boat borrowing arrows-scarecrow borrowing arrows. I’ll go back to town and see if the other players want to buy arrows. It’s too good to do business without a capital.”
  Shen Xin: He is really a business genius. Old He is ashamed to see him.
  The arrows inside the door continued to shoot out.
  Jing Yan estimated that the borrowed arrows would last for a while. He put on the crystal suit, raised his shield and rushed in.
  There were sounds of fighting and blocking coming from the door.
  Shen Xin silently fished next to the puddle he had dug earlier.
  About an hour later, Jing Yan poked his head out of the door. Seeing that Shen Xin was still there, he waved his hand to her.
  ”You haven’t left yet? Just in time. Come quickly.”
  ”What’s wrong?”
  ”There are many mines in the cave!”
  Shen Xin kept his fishing rod and walked into the monster cave. As expected, he saw many ores growing on the ground and walls.
  Jing Yan went to the next cave. He only went in to take a look and immediately came out to tell Shen Xin: “There are mines inside!”
  Shen Xin: “!!!”
  After several layers of exploration, Jing Yan guessed that the third layer was a mine layer, and each cave was full of various ores.
  According to the rules of the first and second monster caves, a boss would appear every 30 floors.
  Shen Xin estimated that if she finished mining 30 mine ores, even if there were three more farms, she could automate them all.
  Mineral resources are extremely precious. After Shen Xin can’t hold anything in his backpack anymore, he takes these ores back to produce steel.
  In order to realize the popularization of sprinklers before the end of the storm, Shen Xin got up at night with the alarm clock made of iron ingots and built 10 blast furnaces on the farm. The smelting speed was not fast.
  On the eleventh day of summer, the three-day storm ended, and the players cried with joy when they saw the sun.
  These few days, they were trapped in the town and had no food to eat. They could only grit their teeth and go to Zhuang Yi’s restaurant, which made the already poor family even worse.
  Speaking of which, Zhuang Yi was also a Scalper. For some reason, they didn’t take advantage of the rainstorm and the price of the dishes didn’t rise at all.
  The sun really rose from the west.
  In short, he could finally go out and kill monsters. Weapons, potions, and buffing dishes had been prepared long ago. It was time to go out and kill monsters!
  The players were in the kitchen aggressively. As soon as they left the town, the sound of air breaking rang out in their ears.
  ”Whoosh! Whoosh!”
  The players were caught off guard and were struck by arrows shot out from the grass.
  If the monsters on the first floor were Level 1 monsters, then the Level 2 ice monsters on the second floor did not appear in the wild due to the season. The Goblin Shooter attacking players now was a Level 3 monster.
  The lethality of a level 3 monster was no joke.
  Some players instantly emptied their HP and returned to their respawn points. After a few seconds of confusion, angry roars came from the town.
  ” You don’t talk about martial arts ethics in a spicy chicken game!”
  ” It’s been raining for three days, how come there are so many strong monsters?!”
  ”Ahhhh, my weapon, my potion, my enhancement dish! I haven’t used it yet!”
  UOL means very wronged.
  They didn’t do this! The surprise they prepared was still to come!
  When it rains heavily, Shen Xin’s farm and town are not safe, for this reason Shen Xin specially sent a trip of ingredients to Zhuang Yi, and said to wait for the rain to stop to find Zhuang Yi to get a share.
  Unexpectedly, on the first day after the rain, many players were reborn one after another and became penniless again.
  Zhuang Yi thought that there would be no business today, so he obediently took the account book to Shen Xin’s house.
  But the farm seems to have changed a lot.
  First of all, the ground was covered with sprinklers. When Zhuang Yi came, the sprinklers were spraying water mist. The whole picture was spectacular.
  In addition, Mr. Shen’s house has become bigger and stronger.
  The old dilapidated hut had been transformed into a new two-story house, which looked elegant and beautiful, and complemented the green farm, giving people a sense of leisure and tranquility.
  Shen Xin came back from outside and greeted Zhuang Yi.
  ”Good morning, Mr. Shen. Where have you been?” Zhuang Yi asked casually.
  ”I went to mine.”
  “?”Zhuang Yi was puzzled. Where are the mines?”
  ”My family has mines. I bought a new farm and gave a mine as a gift.”
  Zhuang Yi was speechless.
  What kind of rich man was this?
  ”Come in, the door is unlocked.” Shen Xin pushed open the door, Zhuang Yi obediently followed in.
  However, his eyes were almost blinded the moment he entered.
  Good heavens, the interior of the simple wooden house was decorated with sparkling crystal furniture.
  Right in the middle of the living room hung a strange chandelier on an iron hook.
  Zhuang Yi commented,” Boss, this lamp of yours has a very strange shape.”
  ” Oh, that’s not a lamp. That’s a bag of luminous pearls.”
  ”Bag?” Zhuang Yi was dumbfounded.” What bag?”
  ”Plastic bag, what’s wrong?”
  ” N-nothing…” Zhuang Yi didn’t know what to say.
  As expected of a big shot, the luminous pearl was packed in bags.
  When Shen Xin began to flip through the books, Zhuang Yi saw a plate of fruit on the table.
  ”Eat? Take whatever you want.” Shen Xin didn’t even lift his head.
  ”Thank you, thank you.” Zhuang Yi knew that Shen Xin was not being polite. He picked up the peach and Shen Xin immediately handed over the crystal knife.
  Zhuang Yi: This is…”
  ”Fruit knife.”
  Zhuang Yi was speechless.
  Who uses crystal to make fruit knives?
  You really are a rich man with a mine at home!
  When Zhuang Yi took the knife and saw that it dealt 80-110 points of attack, he was even more in awe.
  Good heavens, what virtue does peach have? He needs to use this kind of fruit knife!
  Zhuang Yi knelt down sincerely. In the past, he cut tofu without shaking his hands on the balloon. Today, he was trembling when peeling peaches, afraid that he would accidentally cut himself, so he emptied his health bar.
  After the transaction, Zhuang Yi felt that he had collapsed. He wished he could leave immediately, afraid that Shen Xin would take out another strange crystal product.
  ”Just leave? Do you want to eat and leave?”
  Jing Yan’s voice came from the kitchen.
  ” No need. I’m going back to the dining room to eat. I won’t disturb you.” Zhuang Yi smiled and turned around. In the next second, his smile froze on his face.
  Jing Yan, who was wearing a crystal armor suit, saw his constipated face and asked,”What’s wrong?”
  Zhuang Yi was speechless.
  Good fellow, even Mr. Shen’s people are crystal.


Thank you very much for reading my translations.

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